Iraqs' oil the pay off all along??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tango3, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    There are a lot of unintended consequences that we are only just now starting to see. How many more are there that we have not invisioned.
    Here in S. Texas the people are in a furor over the price of corn. It has made the price of tortillas skyrocket. A staple food item in this part of the country, where there is a high rate of impoverished people.
    And the reason for the spike. The governments requirement to increase the production of ethanol.

    Britain entertained the idea of switching to ethanol but soon realized that it would take every inch of available land in the country to grow enough corn to replace about 13% of their national fuel usage.
    So if you use corn for fuel then the price of corn related products rises. How about feed for animals? An increase in beef prices will follow, etc.,etc.,etc.

    I will add this just for thought. I don't want to debate or elaborate on any religous topic here.
    I have studied Bible prophecy and theology for many years. I am a Christian and believe that future events are accurately predicted there.
    I have come over the years to believe that the European, Anglo-Saxon peoples are the direct descendants of the ancient nation of Isreal. This is NOT white supremacy doctrine. I came to the conclusion not from any twisting or interpreting of scripture but from scientific evidences. Linguistics, archeology etc. And America is the gathering place of that nation and the Isreal mentioned in prophecy.

    The reason I mention it is this. If you can for a minute accept that, and accept that scripture predicts the events surrounding Isreal, then you might find this thought provoking.

    Ezekial 38 and 39 predict the invasion and near destruction of the nation of Isreal by what is called Gog and Magog. I won't go into the details, but nearly all Bible scholars recognize this to be Russia and it's sattelite countries. According to the prophecy, Russia, along with several Arab allies, launch a sneek attack on Isreal and very nearly succeed in conquering them. They are only saved by the direct intervention of God.

    So, if we are the nation of Isreal, physically or spiritually, then we are the country that will be invaded. And what could prompt Russia with an Arab alliance to attack America?
    What if they are not going to set idly by while we militarily secure the last of the worlds oil resources? Will the rest of the world let us, the consumers of over 25% of the worlds energy, take what is left for ourselves? Is it so unlikely that the rest of the worlds industrial nations might rally together against us? The Bible says that all the world will be against Isreal in the last days. I can easily see that happening.
    A bushel of wheat worth a weeks pay? Famine, Disease, and widespread starvation. Wars and rumours of wars. Nation rising up against nation.
    The one factor that I see that could precipitate all of that, in the very near future, is the depletion of oil.

    Sorry to get so grim, but Ot's post got me on that track. I truly believe that peak oil is the most pressing and imminent threat to us that we face. It is the main survival issue that I am concerned with.It has the potential to be the catalyst for any and all future calamities and crises that we could possibly face. Including nuclear war.
  2. BigO01

    BigO01 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well I have never thought of ethanol as our great "savior" crop , for one reason . I have heard and read but am not sure of the of the validity of this but , due to the minerals a corn crop uses from the earth farmers either must rotate the land they use for corn production every year or face having the yield decrease each season .

    One of the many things that just seems to make no sense in all of this has to do with the electric cars , while I haven't studied the damn things I haven't until recently heard of a car that regenerates it's battery power as it goes down the road .

    I find the fact that this wasn't Incorporated into the first designs completely stupid as they have four wheels turning to do so .

    If this is a situation of impending doom then many things need to be changed for one people everywhere must learn they can't go blasting down the highways at 90+ MPH just for amusement anymore . Oddly this alone will be one of the hardest sells as people do love their toys regardless of the danger they face "playing" with them .

    Then there is the matter of the physical layout of our Nation , in the last several decades America has continued to sprawl out when in fact it should have been pulling back to prepare for this situation .

    I don't know about everyone elses area but in MO they are building strip Malls at a breakneck speed when they haven't filled the last with business .

    Conserving energy by walking or bike riding to work is a bad joke in this area especially in bad weather .

    Back in the 70's there were news paper articles on new designs for bicycles that had canopies over them and special lanes that ran parallel to the main highways . These could travel at speeds nearing 60 MPH and if I remember correctly could seat two people one behind the other with a small trunk area . While construction costs would have been significant the fuel savings would also have been significant over the past 30 years . Yet they never came to be .

    Funny how all this time the government has been ranting about America as a Nation becoming Fatter . Something like these new Bikes and special lanes for them would have helped with two problems at once .
  3. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Regertably I think you are spot on with that statement :( I figure we might have 5 years but thats just a guess on my part, before it really goes down hill fast.

  4. ripsnort

    ripsnort Monkey+++

    "This is from the article you cited
    " Gas turbine automobiles have low reliability, efficiency and reaction to acceleration and deceleration, and exhaust too much nitrogen dioxide."

    Using corn or any other agricultural product to produce ethanol has the same problem. All the crops I can think of need nitrogen fertilizer. Production of nitrogen is very natural gas intensive. Natural gas will peak a decade or two after oil. But more importantly, alot of nitrogen fertilizer volitalizes and combines with oxygen to form nitrous oxide which is also a greenhouse gas and unfortunately is about 200 times more harmful than CO2.
  5. duanet

    duanet Monkey+++

    Had an oil crisis back in the 1970's and while most of it was the arab's got PO at us, but they said also that the oil would be gone in 10 years. They were totally right. The $5 to 10 a barrel oil is gone and now the oil we are buying is comeing from deeper in the ocean than we could drill then or from countries we didn't even know about and probably didn't exit in 1970. There will always be oil available, but supply and demand might mean we use 1 % of what we use now and pay $ 600 a barrel for it. When things get bad enough we may try something else. A friend who was from Poland told me about almost everyone was using small motor scooters in the late 1940's and building roads that were 3 or so feet wide for them and that they got 60 to 70 miles a gallon. Long distances were by train. After WWW2 they couldn"t afford anything else. We could use small electric bikes or trikes for short distancews and light rail for longer distances. . The present best bikes get about 95 % of the human power applied to the wheels. The vechile weighs under 20 lbs and the cargo weighs 100 + pounds. Then there is the Humvee and I must admit they are nice, but the vechicle weighs 4000 lbs and the cargo weighs 100 + pounds. I can't even guess at what the power efficiency is. The Chinese are building a high speed rail system and we could too for what we spend on our airports. I don't know how many miles of light high speed rail you could build for the cost of Denver's new airport but it would be a good number of miles. In my mind the worst of all possible worlds would be putting off any change until things collapse and then we won't be able to replace the present transportation system with a low power replacement.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I don't want to give the impression that the big oil companies are blameless in this. Just not for the current oil prices and shortages.
    But they were instrumental in helping to destroy our rail system and in fostering urban sprawl and in quashing alternative and or mpg enhancing inventions.

    And this squandering of energy will probably be remembered as the greatest blunder in human history. Fatal and far reaching blunder.

    A really great DVD on this subject is "The End of Suburbia". It is a somewhat lighthearted look at the reasons we got ourselves into this mess. And the oil companies complicity in it. The only thing I have against the DVD is that it ends on, what I believe to be a false hope. it goes with the premise that all we have to do is re-build our rail system, move back to the cities, and alter our lifestyles. I believe that is very over optimistic. I believe the time is way passed for that.

    You can buy the DVD here

    or here
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I was watching Fox News this morning and one of the big stories has been the price of gasoline has risen to nearly $3 a gallon and experts are predicting it may go as high as $4 this summer. Hmmmmm.....

    Just call me Karnak.
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