Role of Church in Hard Times

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by RevJames, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. RevJames

    RevJames Monkey+

    I pastor a church that holds the community food bank. We have seen an increase in the number of clients we have. After reading some posts on this website I got to wondering what role the food bank would play in the event of a disaster.

    The mandate is to provide emergency help for families in need. Now we use financial need as a criteria, however, I could see that changing in the event of bad weather / power outages / government collapse.....

    Do other food banks have 'emergency' plans???
    Just wondering.....
  2. seeker

    seeker Monkey+

    I tried to start an emergency plan at my church and they looked at me like I was crazy. Not sure why they couldn't see beyond the present.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Food banks here in Phoenix regularly have a "crisis" in which they simply cannot cover all the needs of those that come to them...
    Apparently, no one seems to take note of the shortage problems, and have no emergency plans for any truly serious event in the future!
    Every Christmas and Thanksgiving, they run out of basics.....
    I'd hate to even think of something bad happening in the city!
  4. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I have never heard of a food bank having such a plan. All I have witnessed is a give until its gone. In my opinion, in an economic collapse it may not be a give until it is gone, bur rather a great opportunity for a take what you need with "force" because you have a family to feed. If word got out that your church had a years worth of "food in the bank" I would venture to say that word would get out and some bad people with guns would take it.

    Sorry for the dire thoughts, but if you do develop a food bank plan, you should also develop a security plan. I bet Joseph guarded his grain during the 7 lean years.
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  5. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    I'd contact the Red Cross and ask whether they have plans to integrate with organizations such as your own in times of disaster. I'd also speak to the local sheriff about security plans for such an event, though your request may fall upon deaf ears.

    Now, if I may, I'd like to "preach" to the pastor a bit...

    I don't know you nor do I know your outlook, faith, denomination, style, or much else. One thing I know about the Christian church in general is that they are woefully unprepared. Most Christians (that I've met) are living life in "candyland". That is to say that they are as materialistic if not more materialistic than the world. They give their tithe (maybe) put in their few hours of service (hopefully) then sit in a pew listening to a "tribulation" sermon while their thoughts drift off to the next iphone they plan to purchase. Most do not even have a working flashlight in their homes. I've even heard a pastor scoff at someones advice to buy a kerosene heater for power outages!
    The implications are that they are ignoring all of the preparedness lessons of the bible, not taking the book of Revelation seriously and are instead relying on a last minute prayer to save them. In short they'd rather spend their last dime on a trinket than on preparations. This is not good theology or practice.

    Pastor, I hope this does not describe the members of your congregation. If it does, however, I hope you'll implore them to think rationally about their faith and their future.

    In Christ's Salvation,
  6. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    FortunateSon has some excellent points about the church. A lot of people think they're going to somehow escape or get raptured before anything bad happens to them. That's one reason I've always wondered about "pre-trib theology".

    Over the past 2 to 3 years I've been making points to people at my church that preparedness has its place. Usually they ask why and try subduing the "survivalist" comments.

    Some have actually started growing gardens and putting together a few supplies. Some are even becoming more involved with firearms - not so much for survival, but for home defense. I consider those small victories.

    With the dam about to break, I'm going to start asking: "Can you tell me with a straight face that the economy isn't about to tank?"
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