Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by overbore, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. overbore

    overbore Monkey++

    Watch this and decide what answers you will expect from them and what they have no right to ask.

    Laus Deo
  2. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    What is it we should be watching overbore?
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Wait for it...
  4. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    No partial or mutilated forms allowed. No staples. Put a copy of the Constitution addressing the census questions in the envelope with it, with info the Constitution requires. Mail it back return receipt. You shouldn't hear from them, but you'll be on a list.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Number of people at this residence, ages and race, that's it. That's all I have ever given and all I ever will. That's all they need to know.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    "Ten questions, 10 minutes," is the U.S. Census Bureau's mantra when it comes to encouraging everyone in America to fill out and mail back their 2010 Census form - the shortest questionnaire in the history of the U.S. census. What are the 2010 Census questions, why is it important to you and what is the 2010 Census timeline?

    With some paraphrasing for brevity, here are all 10 questions on the 2010 Census form:

    <DIR><DIR>1) How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?

    2) Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
    (oh yeah I forgot Uncle Fester up in the attic!)

    3) Is this house, apartment or mobile home owned by you or someone in the house with a mortgage? Owned free and clear? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent?
    ( it's owned by a guy in Dallas but we hide in the barn on the weekends when he comes out)

    4) What is your telephone number (number to call if an answer is unclear)?
    (You know my address but not my phone #? umm, 411. or try BR-549)

    5) Names of the individuals living in the home.
    (me and her)

    6) Sex of the individual inhabitants of the home.
    ( if I can get her drunk )

    7) Ages and dates of birth of the individual inhabitants of the home.
    ( she won't even tell me hers, good luck with that)

    8) Are any the individuals living in the home of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?
    (see below!)

    9) The race of the individual inhabitants of the home.
    ( southern )

    10) Do any of the individuals live or stay somewhere else?
    (in the barn on the weekends, see # 3)


    I was just reading over these and you really have to wonder about the intelligence of the people creating this crap.

    How many people live here (#1) did you leave anybody out? (#2) sheesh!!

    are there any Latinos there? (#8) What are the races of the people there (#9) uhm, why #8, why not just look at #9?

    #10, anybody living or staying at your house live or stay anywhere else? Kinda hard to live at two places isn't it? Part time live ins? Aunt Jackie lives here but she stays over at Billy Bob's house every Saturday night or if she gets to drinkin during the week.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    If those are the questions my answers will be;
    1. 1
    2. redundent question
    3. see US Constitution
    4. see 3. above
    5. will print my full name
    6. male
    7. my D.O.B.
    8. no
    9. white
    10. no
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    1) How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010? 1 adult taxpayer.

    2) Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1? Redundant.

    3) Is this house, apartment or mobile home owned by you or someone in the house with a mortgage? Owned free and clear? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent? None of your business.

    4) What is your telephone number (number to call if an answer is unclear)? Look it up in the White Pages or better yet, come round for a visit.

    5) Names of the individuals living in the home. I might, then again might not, give my name, if they can convince me it matters for a head count.Or, since you have my address, you can find that in the County Courthouse.

    6) Sex of the individual inhabitants of the home. Immaterial to a body count.

    7) Ages and dates of birth of the individual inhabitants of the home. Immaterial to a body count.

    8) Are any the individuals living in the home of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? Immaterial, the Constitution does not care.

    9) The race of the individual inhabitants of the home. Redundant and immaterial.

    10) Do any of the individuals live or stay somewhere else? Stupid; See Q1.
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Oh...you meant the "actual" census. I'm such a dunce sometimes!
  10. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    <Q></Q> Feb 16 2010
    Fines can be Imposed
    While it is the last thing they want to do, the U.S. Census Bureau can impose fines for failing to answer the 2010 Census questions or for intentionally providing false information.

    According to Title 13, Section 221 (Census, Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers) of the United States Code, persons who fail or refuse to respond to the mail-back census form, or refuse to respond to a follow-up census taker can be fined up to $100. Persons who knowingly provide false information to the census can be fined up to $500.

    So far the Census Bureau has offered no indication that it actually intends to charge violators or impose these fines, but if you fail to complete and return your 2010 Census questionnaire, a census-taker will be paying you a visit.

    Personal Follow-up Visits
    From April through July 2010, some 1.4 million census takers will make door-to-door visits to all households that failed to respond to the mail-back Census 2010 questionnaires. The Census worker will assist a member of the household -- who must be at least 15-years old -- in completing the Census 2010 survey form. Census workers can be identified by a badge and Census 2010 bag.

    Privacy of Census Responses
    Under federal law, all employees and officials of the Census Bureau are prohibited from sharing a person's personal information with anyone else, including welfare agencies, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Internal Revenue Service, courts, police and the military. Violation of this law carries penalties of $5,000 in fines and up to five years in prison.
    Let me see if I get this correct:
    "IF" anyone refuses to answer the 2010 census they can be fined up to a whopping $100....?
    But, if the census takers "release" any of the information they collect they can be fined and/or imprisoned...?
    That being the case, what happens to all the illegals that refuse to answer the census...since there is NO real proof they are even here, or where they live from day to day...?
    Yeah, ok it's working!
    Say what?
    My answers to the Census questionnaire:

    1) Just the 5 of us: me, myself, and I, and 2 cats
    2) my paranoid twin
    3) It's a rent-a-tent!
    4) I don't have/own one....
    5) Tiger, Sundance, and me, or myself, or I
    6) Not since my last divorce
    7) 3 years, 2 1/2 years , and 58 years ("we" don't date!)
    8) Not unless you count tabby, or german/cherokee mixes
    9) Due to health issues, none of us are able to race....
    10) Depends on if the cats have a night out or not!
  11. Ivan

    Ivan Monkey++

    ill probably just answer all of them, but #2 and #10 really call out to my inner smartass.
  12. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Last time around, I only answered the first question and sent the form in - never heard back from them.

    Time before that I tossed it into the trash - never heard back from them then either.

    This time, I will answer question 1 - that's all they need to know.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Dunno if it's all they need to know, but I firmly believe that's all they are entitled to ask. [flag]
  14. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    They feed the homeless twice a week here in McKenzie Park....They've had Census workers down there every time for over a month now...
    They want all the information to make sure the City & County gets the proper funding based on people....They've even had a "call" out to the homeless via the local TV channels asking them to please seek out and talk to the Census workers...

    Funny thing is...a lot of these people are running from warrants in other cities/states....and they damn sure don't want their name going on a form that they reside here...
  15. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Was gone most of the day, returned home this evening and guess what was on the door handle? Yep, 2010 census. I gotta start locking the gate when I leave.

    A blue paper from the Director is enclosed. It tells how important the census is, how the info is used, yada yada yada.
    Then in bold letters "Please complete and mail back the enclosed census form today."

    The first question?
    "How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?" So if I mail it in tomorrow how will I know how many people are living here in 3 weeks? Could always have one or more kids, in-laws, etc. show up on the doorstep.

    The questions are all just as posted but the form has check boxes under them. for #2 there is;

    Children,such as newborn babies or foster children.

    Relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws

    Nonrelatives, such as roomates or live-in baby sitters

    People staying here temporarily

    No additional people

    This has got to be the most idiotic, redundant form I have ever seen.
  16. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I got a shock this afternoon....
    Census takers hired from the nearest town from my land: 12 1/2 miles to the south, and with No roads, No street signs, No markers at all, and they showed up on my land! ( I thought I was isolated!) They followed his tire tracks right in!
    They threatend to "arrest" my caretaker if he refused to fill out the form ???
    Huh? ( I may NOT be gtiing the whole story there!)
    Someone explain that one to me, PLEASE!
    For not filing out a form, about living out in the middle of nowhere, and he still has california plates on his RV!
    I don't know what to think....
    Here on the north end of Phoenix, we have NOT seen anyone come through.
  17. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    As you said, there may be alot more to the story than you know. Your caretaker is not me or you. You are getting this second hand. I would have asked for ID. I suspect these people were not Census takers at all, but maybe someone casing the place, and surprised to run into anyone, and that their bluster and threats was just so much smoke and mirrors for them. Just a thought...
  18. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Yep, don't sound like normal Census Drones. I'd be checking this out carefully!
    Census drones don't have arrest powers - I'd be packing on the property, and letting the local cops know there are questionable people 'interested' in the property.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Here's the applicable text from the Constitution --
    "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. "

    Bold by me. Note that "they" are the members of Congress, meaning to me that they can add questions if "they" wish, if there is "law" allowing it. Whether or not the questions go beyond the Founder's intent is not clear to me. However, one has to do what one has to do, and I think they have overstepped the bounds of reasonable with some of this demographic (read as racial and ethnic) pigeonholing in the name of collecting statistics that are completely unrelated to representation in Congress. Additionally, whatever "laws" may have been passed to enhance the count is obscure from where I sit, and I'm unwilling to say that such laws would pass a Constitutional test. Either you are a citizen and entitled to vote, or you ain't. Moreover, it matters not to me if any given subset of citizens (legal citizens only) are under represented, that is their own fault for not standing up to be counted at counting time. They are entitled to be ignored if they want to be, so long as my taxes don't go to support those that wish to be ignored. I'm glad to ignore them, socially and financially, at my choice.
  20. pcc

    pcc Monkey+

    I had some fun with the census workers that came to my place last fall. I need to set the stage for this to make sense.

    My family and 2 other families live 200 yards off of the main road. The main road is lined with ranch style houses on heavily wooded 2 acre lots, so you can't see our houses from the main road.

    We share a gravel driveway that is in between two houses. Our driveway looks like a little road to get to the back of one of the houses. We're also in one of the black holes for cell service, you have to go up to the main road to get any signal at all.

    I came home from work one afternoon and someone is walking up and down the road with what looks like one of those price check things from wal mart punching buttons on it. I pull down to my house walk back up and ask her if she's lost.

    She says she's from the census and is trying to figure out who lives back here since we're not on any maps. I tell her we're not supposed to be on the map. She says no, you're here, I just can't get a good enough signal to get you to show up on the map. I tell her, you don't understand, we're not supposed to show up on your map. She says no I just can't get a good signal.

    I tell her very slowly. We are not supposed to be on your map, we were placed here specifically because we wouldn't show up on any maps and winked at her. She said but if I could just get a, ohhh, ahh I understand. She punched a few buttons and left.

    A couple of weeks later I came home from work and another guy was doing the same thing, walking up and down the road punching buttons on his price check thingy.

    I pull down to my house and walk back up and ask him if he's lost. He says no he's a supervisor for the upcoming census and trying to figure out why the worker assigned to our area couldn't get us to show up on the map. I go through the same conversation I did with the previous worker. He says I still don't see why you wouldn't show up on the map.

    I tell him obviously his security clearance isn't high enough and I'm not authorized to share anything else with him, turn around and start walking back down the drive. He calls after me and says well uhh what do I tell my supervisor. I tell him that I'm not authorized to answer that question and walk down to the house.

    Haven't heard from or seen anyone since. I gotta figure I'm either being watched like a hawk or completely left alone.
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