Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RightHand, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Aspen Times Article

    Gary Hubbell: The Redneck tree hugger
    Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation
    Gary Hubbell
    Aspen Times Weekly,
    Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America's future. He is the best thing ever.

    Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.

    That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America.

    Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

    Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips — they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.

    Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and “disabilities.” Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.

    We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.

    But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.

    In the time of Barack Obama, Black Panther members stand outside polling places in black commando uniforms, slapping truncheons into their palms. ACORN — a taxpayer-supported organization — is given a role in taking the census, even after its members were caught on tape offering advice to set up child prostitution rings. A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union — whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense — is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy.

    I don't know about you, but the other day I was at the courthouse doing some business, and I stepped into the court clerk's office and changed my voter affiliation from “Independent” to “Republican.” I am under no illusion that the Republican party is perfect, but at least they're starting to awaken to the fact that we cannot sustain massive levels of debt; we cannot afford to hand out billions of dollars in corporate subsidies; we have to somehow trim our massive entitlement programs; we can no longer be the world's policeman and dole out billions in aid to countries whose citizens seek to harm us.

    Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 years — the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.

    Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. He can be reached through his website,
  2. magnus392

    magnus392 Field Marshall Mags Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That is pretty idealistic. I am working my ass of spreading the word that we need to take back our country, but people are used to this. They expect the be catered to and handed everything. Healthcare is just another brick in the wall.
  3. MeadsJN

    MeadsJN Senior Citizen

    Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 years — the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.

    I agree with all that. People are reading and passing around books on the founders, the Constitution, and related stuff like I've never seen. The hard left won't change, but the independents are waking up like a 12-rooster morning.
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I just hope we have enough free-thinkers that are PO'd enough to actually go out an VOTE this time around. Far too many stayed home last time, and let the obamadroids pull off their coup. We The People COULD have prevented this.
    We CAN repair the rift in this nation, and reverse this destructive madness - IF we take responsibility and get to the polls in November!
    And IF the GOP would get their heads out of their posteriors, get back to what their Conservative constituents want, and run some viable candidates, not the same tired old rejects.
  5. BigO01

    BigO01 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    To put this in say "Thanksgiving Dinner Terms"

    Obama may be cutting the turkey but he sure as hell didn't cook , or set the table much, make all the pies for dessert, or arrange for the football games that will be entertainment etc. etc. etc.

    He's had decades of Corrupt Predecessors including the Republicans all cutting deals at the cost of our freedoms and the meanings and intent of the Constitution folks.

    As far back as 30 years ago our Representatives were too corrupt to even back then pass a simple bill making English our official language, much less manage a Constitutional Amendment doing so.

    So here we sit with places in which we are "For all practical purposes" outsiders within the boundaries of OUR Country. Neighborhoods galore where English isn't even close to being understood and is as a matter of fact hated and rejected.

    This Nation is and has been on the verge of a national bloodbath for years and every day there is the possibility of the spark in just the right place and big enough to set off the explosion that rips the nation apart.

    Obama so far has proven to be nothing but a small spark that was easily smothered there is far more coming, it's like spending your entire life driving with the pedal on the floor doing over a hundred on a jam packed roadway and everyone has bad ball joints and tie rods. You don't know when or where but eventually there is going to be a pile up of unmanageable proportions with the dead and dying everywhere all screaming for help at the same time with hundreds of cars and trucks right behind the crash site going to fast to stop and will just keep making the carnage worse.

    Face it folks we're all screwed and forget the foreplay, gentleness, romance and kissing, as the song says "Whats love got to do with it?"
  6. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

    It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:

    The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right, and it is broke.
    Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right, and it is broke. You spent all the funds set aside for this program.
    Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right, and it is broke.
    War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor", and they only want more.
    Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right, and they are broke. You spent all the funds set aside for this program.
    Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right, and it is broke.
    The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year, and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right, and it is an abysmal failure.

    You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars


    Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' and their staff (they never read anything) will clue them in on how American's feel.

  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    And now we see this mortgage reduction scheme. I hear it is drawing all sorts of fire, as it should.

    I own my place, free and clear, along with lots of others. Many, many more people have diligently met the payments required by their mortgages, honestly and on time, even tho' they owe more than their places are worth. Now comes the dot gov generating a way for folks that bit off more than they could chew by reducing the principal on their amount owed, and also adjusting the interest rate. Where is my slice of the pie? How does all this benefit anyone other than the dweebs that signed onto something they were too (I hate to say they are stupid, because they could have been conned) "trusting" in the old time forecasts that said property values would always increase, and jobs would be permanent?

    There is no smilie for disgust.
  8. Elza

    Elza Monkey++

    I wonder if this is true. Personally I believe that we were witness to the most corrupt election in the history of our country.

    And, I suspect we are going to see a repeat performance in November. I won’t be surprised in the slightest if the Dems win in a landslide thanks to the efforts of ACORN et al.
  9. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Too true, actually. The GOP rolled over early on. And obama had ten times the funding, thanks largely to still-unknown interests dumping massive amounts of money into his warchest. The MSM was bought cheap, so the obamanation's image and voice was on EVERY media outlet - massive over-exposure to the Stinking Masses, who likely could not even name their Messiah's primary opponent.......

    This "Immaculate Deception" was totally contrived, by puppet masters behind the scenes. We can possibly get the obamanation out of office, and maybe a goodly number of UberLibs - but if we allow the puppet masters to continue breathing our air, they will simply continue their depradations on our society. maddd
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