OK...I don't understand this...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bnmb, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I found this article, and...I don't quite understand it...

    EDITORIAL: Tax dollars to build mosques - Washington Times

    Especially this part...
    "Americans also may be surprised to learn that the United States has been an active participant in mosque construction projects overseas."

    Now, WHY would they do that??? Can I ask them to build few churches here, while they're at it? Or do they build Mosque's only?... hmmmmm
  2. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Some people think it's a conspiracy to institute Sharia law here in the US.

    That's just ridiculous.
    How long could that possibly last in a culture that can't put down the alcohol and porn for 5 minutes?

    It's just another example of PC behavior. They thing it's going to "build bridges". What a joke. Your tax dollars hard at work.
  3. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    2 minutes ago, our news said that Mr. BO made final decision to build Mosque at 9/11 site...I have a feeling it's going to be interesting...
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Okay, to be really in touch with our apologetic Liberal side, lets build a Japanese Shinto Shrine on the USS Arizona Memorial,and a Mexican Shrine on the Alamo........ :rolleyes:
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Federal taxes collected pay for ZERO social programs. Every penny "collected" is wholly absorbed by the national debt. Reagan's Gold Grace Commission proved this.

    The more you know.

    But the mosque thing is a terrible joke.
  6. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Too busy crying over their pink slip from work, their eviction notice from the home they couldn't afford, their tripled power&water bill, their doubled tax burden.........

    And the kid needs new shoes for the indoctrination center..... uh... 'school' for the new year.

    Don't leave much to laugh over. :rolleyes:
  8. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Seawolf...stop that...you're throwing me into depression...and I'm not even American... :rolleyes:
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Bnmb, you're more American than a lot of "Americans".
  10. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    You speak better than most 'educated' here. We'd be happy to have you come back to America to live - assuming they let non-Mexicans have green cards these days. Heck, most all foreigners I have talked with know enough to easily pass our Naturalization test, while a high percentage of Americans fail miserably......
  11. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I'm very grateful to you guys for your kind words...but...To tell you the truth, I don't think I would fit in US...I had quite few offers from Ireland, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Canada and Australia, but I don't think my Balkan mentality would fit in the US...I mean...Here I get pis.ed off completely when govt started building monuments in the city center...I figured they could use the money to buy few more CAT scanners or MRI's for the hospitals...or anything that would improve people's quality of life...I'm not American, and I get even more pis.ed off looking at what they do to you guys...Do you really think I could become a citizen there? Swore allegiance?
    People here think differently...For example..If we are attacked, we'd go to war, but not for state or country, buy for our people. Here we tend to avoid taxes...for example..they say pay taxes, we say sure, but what are we paying for? If govt creates laws that boost economy, make jobs, sure! If not...scr.w you!
    If someone would say here: Let's go to war for our country!!!...we say: sure, no problem...we're just waiting to be attacked! If they try to mobilize us, and we don't believe the cause, we pretend we're not home!
    Our priorities go like this: Family, Relatives, Friends, People, Country...and if something is left, state...maybe...if we are in a good mood!... :D
    I'm not going to leave my kids without a father, or risk my son to be killed for selfish, money-grabbing, bullsheeet reasons...
    So, can you imagine what would I be like if I and my family were experiencing what you guys do now? I would be either dead (as a terrorist), in a mental institution, or in a rehab center! I kid you not! I have a nasty tendency to take lot of things personally that I shouldn't!
    But, hey...If you ever decide to come here, we'll be doing some pig and sheep genocide and some serious schnapps extermination!... :D
    I'm seriously anti-alcoholic person...I personally destroy alcohol whenever I can!... ;)
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Bane, you have to remember that you are reading the worst we have to offer. The good stuff doesn't get much air time. "If it bleeds, it leads."
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yeah, Ghrit has a point. If you can manage to get from point 'A' to point 'B' without being pulled over by police and fined or jailed or just harassed because the cop was picked on as a kid and has anger management issues. Of course, food prices suck and continue to rise, and unemployment is quickly becoming rampant --but those things are just minor inconveniences. Aside from that, America is a terrific place.
  14. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Oh, but that is not true! I see the good things people do in US, but the problem is that PEOPLE do that to other people! Not govt! If you read what I wrote (now and always) you'll see that I never said anything bad about the people! All the Americans I communicate with are fine, good and decent people! I never even thought something bad about what US PEOPLE have to offer!
    You like burgers, I like whole pig or sheep...
    You like beer and bourbon and whiskey, I like my 20 kinds of schnapps...
    You love your children, I love my children...
    You're afraid of SHTF, so am I....
    You like blond bimbos with big boobs, so do I... [drooling]

    And I'm not reading the worst YOU have to offer! Just your govt! YOU are NOT your govt! (Unless you're BO in disguise, or infiltrated agent, that is... :D)
    I'm not stupid or naive, don't worry... [beer]
  15. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    2nd that.

    I have neighbors from the Ukraine. They are the most wonderful people EVER. I consider them more American than a lot of my other neighbors who could really give two craps about the guy who lives next to them.
  16. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    ...Just to clarify, since I'm known to scr.w up...In previous posts what I said was regarding to state and govt, NOT country and people...Whenever I say something bad, it's always about govt!...
    US is extremely beautiful country with lot of diversity...and it's HUGE...My country is only 200 kilometers across! That's why we don't have military airplanes!...By the time they take off, they're already in another country!...And now they're thinking of banning the violins...Whenever violinist pulls the stick across it, his elbow is causing international incident!... :D
  17. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    haha.. we have small towns like that. It says "Now entering and now leaving" on the same side of the sign :)
  18. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Well...at least it's a town...mine is country!... :oops:
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yeah keep telling yourself that --until the next Slobadon shows up to rally the people to murder for him. (oops did I step on anybody's toes there?)

    Hey, the Vatican is its own country. Look how tiny it is. Who knew that they would end up ruling the entire world?
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    LOL...What Slobodan has to do with Macedonia? And what people did he rally to murder for him? People rallied to take him down...and they did!... [beer]

    As for Vatican...What world? There's only 1 billion Catholics in the world... b::
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