Where to buy water storage containers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ajax, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    About 2 years ago I found a guy selling used and new containers and bought some 15 gallon drums for $15. I think he went out of business so I started looking online and places like Costco and Sam's are much higher than that, like $100 for a 55 gal drum.

    Does anyone know a good way to buy new 5 and 15 gal drums without spending your life savings?
  2. HardRoad

    HardRoad Monkey+

    I bought a couple of the 15 gal barrels right after 9/11. I don’t remember how much I paid, but the barrels and accessories were excellent quality and seemed to be priced right for the time.
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  3. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    Thanks for the info guys, I will check it out.

    What are MWCs? I tried to find it but couldn't.

    Anyone else have links they can post, just want to look at as many options as I can. Thanks.
  4. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    i buy empty used molasses barrels, 20 gallons each for $12
    wash and rinse em good, and they work great
    double bunged too
    1 large one for filling and a small one you can screw a standard faucet into
    btw, they have carry handles :p
  5. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    We get 55 gallon poly drums that were used ( food grade) for teriyaki sauce of all things! But for the $17.00 each they sell for not bad. True value hardware (depending on your location) can get them! Here, we were buying 15 gallon poly drums from the Sportsman's Warehouse store, but they went from $17.99 each to $27.99 each overnight! We bought 8 of them, then we went to the 55 gallon sizes.
  6. FTG-05

    FTG-05 Monkey+++

    Military Water Can; it's discussed in the paper cited above.

  7. dewber

    dewber Monkey+

    I found some industry used, blue 30 gallon drums online for about $25 a few years ago. I don't remember what site it was. They smelled like grape soda and still do after washing them out twice but I'm sure no one will care if it is needed...

    here is a place selling exactly what i have although this is not where i got mine so I cannot vouch for them.
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Most resturants/fish houses/etc. dispose of their 5 gal corn oil/peanut/granola oil containers free. They can be washed out and filled/stacked as they are square and often still in the shipping boxes. The water may still retain a slightly oily smell but it will not hurt you--especially if you filter it. That brings up the most important point: you need filtration and sterilization for the long haul. You cannot store easily all your water needs. Being able to clean pond/stream/etc. water is important. We keep an ample supply in 2 &3 liter drink bottles and have a 500 gallon tank at the ready. The two wells, two spring fed ponds, and creek nearby should take care of our needs in most any situation.
  9. Wolfgang2000

    Wolfgang2000 Monkey++

    Your area cola plant should sell both the 15 gal, and the 55 gal drums. In 99 I bought some and IIRC they are $5.00 each.

    At the plant where I got mine the coke drums were white, the Dr Pepper ones were blue. The DP smell (I hate DP) was so strong that after I filled a DP drum with diesel, the diesel smelled like DP!!!
    STANGF150 likes this.
  10. FTG-05

    FTG-05 Monkey+++

    When you call your local bottling plant (Coke or Pepsi) don't ask if they sell them, ask to speak to the person who does sell them for the plant. Reason: The first question will or can cause the person answering to just say "No" out of laziness or whatever. Asking the second question will probably lead to the correct answer.

    However, if you still get the "NO", wait a few days then call back and ask for the warehouse manager, and then ask him the second question. Reason: The bottling plants may not be allowed to resell them (don't know if it's nationwide or just local, but my local bottling plants aren't allowed to resell the barrels).

    What they will do is to have someone that works for them sell them. The warehouse manager should give this person's name and number.

    Prices here in north Alabama about 5 years ago was: $10 for 15 gallon barrels; $15 for 30 gallon and $20 for 55 gallons. Not bad for once used FDA potable water certified barrels.

    Good luck.
  11. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    I have been able to obtain ones from three different sources. One is a local branch of a nationwide bakery, the second was a water treatment plant, and the third was a theme park that had them full of peanut oil.

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