Gun control from the O clan... Here we go again

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by franks71vw, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. franks71vw

    franks71vw Monkey+++

  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Word is that she is pushing for no "grandfathering" also...
  3. franks71vw

    franks71vw Monkey+++

    No sales and you can't leave them in a will for your family etc...
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    "possible" --if the situation wasn't so serious, I would LAUGH HEARTILY. But, try not to obsess too much about what is "possible". I am not going to go out on a limb and say it won't ever happen, especially since this is Bummer's second term, but it's under Republican presidents when I get worried, as history shows. Now, I am not getting into left vs. right and all that; each side is hired by the oligarchy to run and manage the illusory United States and there is not an ounce of difference between them aside from the tactics employed.

    It's also "possible" Dick Cheney's heart will start beating again, but will it? It's "possible" we could all experience an earthquake tomorrow, too. Will Sarah Palin ever really be intelligent? No, you see? That's not possible.

    Anyway, your mileage may vary when it comes to vigilance...I just don't see the point in paying to attention to "possible" --I want hard facts.
    Pax Mentis likes this.
  5. Gunny Highway

    Gunny Highway Hard Work and Sacrifice blessed by God's Grace

    All politicans are cheats liars and thieves...

    end of story. They need to quit telling me how to live MY life.
    CrufflerJJ, Tracy and Brokor like this.
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    From the link:
    Paul Sanchez
    I can’t stand to believe the Obama-nation is asking for this when they have already won the re-election. I understand why my family fed from CUBA, but now to have it HERE, in the USA. WOW! that just incredible. We Most Fight This, in the safest why possible.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I will bet dollars to donuts it won't happen under Obama. Any takers?
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Are you saying 0bama would veto a gun ban?
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    If Obama gets a third term, I'm betting that he goes after guns in a serious way. Banning even single shot break open shot guns!
  10. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    A third term?
    ghrit likes this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Yep, a third term, right after he signs an executive order deferring all decision making powers over to the United Nations and declares the Constitution and it's amendments null and void.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I am not commenting further because there are too many government hacks who would enjoy the post.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The great take over?

    They will void the Constitution without 0bama. Think about it, the media is under control and Religion is effectively banned from the "public eye." State's Rights have been pretty much nullified for decades. They already accomplished most of what you are watching for...
    Now, they will attack the Second.

    Heading it over to the UN would lose money for them and their contributors why would they hand power to the UN? The UN is only the means.

    Sometimes when searching for the hidden, one misses the obvious.. I do that with my car keys a lot.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Well, yeah....rules carved in stone are for Republicans.
  15. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    That would be a losers weepers.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Naw, that would be that Twinkie union;)
  17. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Judging by the mid-1800s it can be quite nasty. As soon the Supreme Court will be stacked, taxes will rise to equal other socialist nations, and so on; 0bama doesn't need a 3rd term as the job will be done in less than 2...
  18. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    In the last four years, this has be reattempted at least 3-4 times with practically no support. Hell, even Dummycrats have limited support for any type of anti-gun legislature. Only the die-hards are clinging to the idea at all.

    After the push of O's monumental social piece, I don't see another social issue being passed.
    tulianr and franks71vw like this.
  19. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    My hope is that you are 100% correct.
  20. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017


    I can see a number of ways to avoid the House (where the majority of the opposition is). There is the small arms treaty that requires only senate approval if my memory serves and gives an international "governing body" control of future "adjustments". There is what is becoming the "old standby" for accomplishing things when one cannot manage to get them through congress...the Executive Order...and, of course, (assuming Mr Obama gets to appoint at least one more Supreme) a judicial redefining of the Second Amendment.

    We no longer have true checks and balances in our government. Once a chief executive decides that an "emergency" exists, all limitations supposedly placed upon him by the constitution go out the window and he has unchecked powers that would cause the founders to once again take up arms...but the current majority have neither the balls nor the inclination to do so.
    Mountainman likes this.
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