3 yrs in prison for defending his home--NY of course!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by -06, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    New York Millionaire Faces Jail Time For Defending His Home


    Millionaire mogul George Barwil faces years in prison for using a firearm to scare away a home intruder in January. In dramatic surveillance footage played in Manhattan Supreme Court on Thursday, Bardwil is seen pointing a loaded gun -- registered to his bodyguard -- at an intruder in his New York home. When police arrived to investigate the break-in, Bardwil told them exactly what happened and voluntarily show them surveillance tape. So police arrested him for possessing an illegal gun. He is currently free on $250,000 bail and faces three years in prison for using a firearm to ward off a home intruder. Learn all the facts about this case HERE.
    More info here:
    What Happens When a Millionaire Mogul Uses a Gun to Defend Himself in New York? | TheBlaze.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  2. limpingbear

    limpingbear future cancer survivor....

    Well, he has enough money to fight it....maybe this is going to be the NY version of Heller or Macdonald....we can only hope....
    Mountainman likes this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Yeah, but what if it had been one of us protecting our own?
    He may be able to afford justice.
    What if it had been a guy that just turned wrenches at the local fix-it shop?
    jollyrodger13 likes this.
  4. limpingbear

    limpingbear future cancer survivor....

    Personally if the would be robber ran, with no shots fired, I don't think I would have called the police. If it had been one of us "regular types" I'm sure we would be rotting in a NY prison for a long time.
    jollyrodger13 and tulianr like this.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    What's he doing with his bodyguard's gun? I mean, isn't that kinda what a bodyguard is for?
    Can this guy "legally" own a firearm? Does he already own firearms? What about a handgun? My guess is, he doesn't.

    Police enter the scene. Bam. He had a gun, Oooooo can't touch those if you're not a cop or licensed and well trained serf. What, no license? Well, we are gonna arrest you now to teach you a lesson, rich boy!

    If any judge allows this to go to trial, what a joke this really is.
    Yard Dart and jollyrodger13 like this.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If he is convicted, what is your bet, that he moves ALL HIS ASSETTS out of New York State, never to return....
    jollyrodger13 and kellory like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Wouldn't they become assets of the state? You know, there is that forfeiture law. That seems to be a really good way of providing funding to agencies these days.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Forfeiture only applies if the Funds or Assets forfeited, are produced by the Crime that was the person was convicted of. I suspect most of his Assets were from other sources, than his use of an UnRegistered Firearm....
    VisuTrac likes this.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    " Bardwil is seen pointing a loaded gun -- registered to his bodyguard -" not unregistered, just not his. And unless, he is restricted, why would that even be a crime?
    Brokor likes this.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    In NYC, it is NOT legal to possess a FireArm, that is NOT Register to you PERSONALY... and I bet he is a Republican... The Top Cop wants to make an example of him, and if I were him, I would take his arrest to a Federal District Court, and site Heller &McDonald, and have the Arrest overturned on 2nd Amendment Grounds. Heller clearly states it is a Personal RIGHT, to possess a FireArm in your Home, for Self Defense, and McDonald clearly states that Hellar applies EVERYWHERE in US Territory which last time I looked NYC was part of.
    Brokor, jollyrodger13 and kellory like this.
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Perhaps it should not be....;)maybe start a petition for the expulsion of NY from the USA?
  12. AmericanRedoubt1776

    AmericanRedoubt1776 American Redoubt: Idaho-Montana-Wyoming Site Supporter+

    New York is part of the Socialist States of New Europe, formerly part of the New England states. They are just like the Peoples Republic of Commiefornistan (formerly the once Great State of California) whose Jewish senator sponsor Steinberg and Chinese senator sponsor Yee along with Mexican Socialist Democrat Senate sponsors just voted in the most restrictive gun-grabbing laws ever in American history. They become law (ignoring the Law of the Land called the Bill of Rights/Constitution) unless Governor Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown vetoes on October 13 the new Socialist "assault weapons" ban/registration. Under this unconstitutional usurpation, called by Socialist Democrats as a 'good sensible first step gun control law', a Ruger 10/22 is now considered an assault weapon!

    By the way, the elitist Kaliforniastan legislature (just like Congress with ObamaDoesntCare socialist insurance) exempted themselves from these gun-grabbing laws. You may not pass on your AR15 or AK or Ruger Mini14 or 10/22 to your children because it will be illegal to transfer any 'assault weapons' to any relatives and you are not allowed to sell them in the state... you may only transfer to the Nanny Statist Commifirnistan Department of Injustice upon your death. These so-called assault weapons must be registered with the DOJ-police and pay a yearly registration tax.

    Now to make matters worse, Commieforniastan just approved Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens (with no proof of identification other than a thumb print) and forbid the hiring discrimination against illegal aliens (criminal aliens) who are allowed to sue in civil court for discrimination. If we approve 'amnesty' for these criminal aliens, like Ronald Reagan found in the 80's when he approved amnesty for the illegals, they will almost all vote liberal Democrat.

    Thank God for that American Redoubt of Idaho-Wyoming-Montana.


    NRA Life Member; also member of Gun Owners of America of America, NRA-PVF | PVF Home, Second Amendment Foundation Second Amendment Foundation Online, Home | Calguns FoundationCalguns Foundation, California Rifle and Pistol Association | , Gun Owners of California, NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation, Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs, Survival Podcast Member Support Brigade, Wolf Pack member at TheSurvivalistBlog.net – Must Read Survival Blog and Prepper Website, Permaculture Homesteader, Minister. American Redoubt - YouTube, American Redoubt (AmericaRedoubt) on Twitter, Jefferson Franklin (Redoubt) - Google+, American Redoubt | Facebook
    uploadfromtaptalk1379272805551. uploadfromtaptalk1379272832468. uploadfromtaptalk1379273132340. uploadfromtaptalk1379273404391.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2013
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    "You may not pass on your AR15 or AK or Ruger Mini14 or 10/22 to your children because it will be illegal to transfer any 'assault weapons' to any relatives and you are not allowed to sell them in the state... you may only transfer to the Nanny Statist Commifirnistan Department of Injustice upon your death. " So travel out of state with said relative, go to a gun store, and sell your gun for one dollar to your relative, then go home. sale concluded out of state, and gun has a new owner.
  14. AmericanRedoubt1776

    AmericanRedoubt1776 American Redoubt: Idaho-Montana-Wyoming Site Supporter+

    Unfortunately, the gun may not be legally brought into Commiefornia by that new owner. If you shoot it at a range and a cop questions you about its registration or are stopped by a cop for a traffic stop, you must show registration. Only way what you suggest would work is if the gun stays out of California with the child who doesn't live in Commiefornia.


    NRA Life Member; also member of Gun Owners of America of America,
    NRA-PVF | PVF Home
    , Second Amendment Foundation Second Amendment Foundation Online, Home | Calguns FoundationCalguns Foundation, California Rifle and Pistol Association | , Gun Owners of California, NSSF - National Shooting Sports Foundation, Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs, Survival Podcast Member Support Brigade, Wolf Pack member at TheSurvivalistBlog.net – Must Read Survival Blog and Prepper Website, Permaculture Homesteader, Minister. American Redoubt - YouTube, American Redoubt (AmericaRedoubt) on Twitter, Jefferson Franklin (Redoubt) - Google+, American Redoubt | Facebook
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
    jollyrodger13 and Brokor like this.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    And if I were to move to Californication, and it were already one of my possessions, could they then somehow bar my move or take my private possessions? They are perfectly legal in the state where I am coming from, so would they be empowered to steal from me? Perhaps block my move, or interfere with my Right to travel as I choose?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    And if I were to move to Californication (say, for a job [LMAO]) would they then be empowered to take my private possessions? Perhaps I have an AR-15 that I bought for home defense many years ago? Are they empowered to steal it from me?
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes. At the tip of a barrel, with SWAT teams if necessary, BATFE, ICE, IRS, DEA, FBI...
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I spent 5 years there, I guess it's just one more reason not to go back.
    jollyrodger13 likes this.
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    THIS. Except, that will take a long time, and money...which he's apparently got. So, good for him, not so good for others in the meantime.

    These people in NY need to STOP thinking like slaves.
    gunbunny likes this.
  20. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Daughter/SIL moved to kalifornicate last year and left some toys in Arizona. They used to drive out of town and blast away. Now they are restricted to ranges for practice.
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