Medical Textbooks

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by melbo, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Good stuff here.

    Thanks phishi [winkthumb]

    Medical textbooks
    Ethicon Knot Tying Manual

    Ethicon Wound Closure Manual
    Pararescue Handbook
    Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support
    Patrol Medic Workbook
    Where There Is No Doctor
    Where Women Have No Doctor
    A Book for Midwives
    • Table of Contents
    • Introduction-Chapter 3: Words to midwives, Treating health problems, A woman's body in pregnancy
    • Chapters 4-6: Helping women stay healthy, Preventing infection, Common changes in pregnancy
    • Chapters 7-8: Learning a pregnant woman's health history, Prenatal checkups
    • Chapters 9-11: Getting ready for labor and birth, Giving good care during labor and birth, Opening: stage 1 of labor
    • Chapters 12-13: Pushing: stage 2 of labor, The birth of the placenta: stage 3 of labor
    • Chapters 14-16: The first few hours after the birth, The first weeks after the birth, Breastfeeding
    • Chapters 17-18: Family Planning, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
    • Chapter 19: Advanced skills for pregnancy and birth
    • Chapters 20-21: The pelvic exam: How to examine a woman's vagina and womb, How to insert an IUD
    • Chapter 22: Helping a woman after a pregnancy ends early
    • Chapter 23: Manual vacuum aspiration
    • Chapter 24-25; Appendices: Getting medical help, Homemade tools and teaching materials, Medicines (green pages), To learn more, Technical and medical words, Index (yellow pages), Due date calculator
    Where There Is No Dentist

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  2. Ardent Listener

    Ardent Listener Monkey+++

    Yes, I'm passing it on.
  3. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    what he said
  1. Bandit99
  2. Benjamin A. Wood
  3. Benjamin A. Wood
  4. Tempstar
  5. ED GEiN
  6. ED GEiN
  7. Bandit99
  8. 3M-TA3
  9. Ganado
  10. Ganado
  11. marlas1too
  12. ditch witch
  13. Airtime
  14. chambers270
  15. Gator 45/70
  16. medicine man
  17. CATO
  18. Quigley_Sharps
  19. CATO
  20. CATO
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