Mosby Auxiliary Functions Within the Tribe

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by melbo, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    (One of the topics I still get a lot of reader queries about is the doctrinal Auxiliary. These range from people who are “too old” or have “too many old injuries,” to be a door-kicking, badass gunslinger, to those that just don’t see themselves in that role, regardless of why.)

    Doctrinally speaking, in Maoist-influenced UW, the auxiliary includes—or may include—all those individuals who are not full-time, active participants in the paramilitary guerrilla force or the underground, but who are sympathetic to the resistance and actively support its efforts. Traditionally, the activities of the auxiliary have been directed and controlled by the area command authority.

    The coordination that arises from this allows the assistance from the auxiliary to be leveraged in the most efficient way, offering maximum benefit from limited personnel and material assets. Otherwise, the auxiliary would see its efforts wasted as some assets were overused by local buddies, and other assets that might be sorely needed elsewhere, would go to waste, due to their inapplicability to the local effort.

    While a resistance effort is necessarily localized at the tactical level, its important to remember that tactical applications exist solely to facilitate strategic end-game goals. Anything else is futile for anything except feeling good about yourself because “at least you made a statement.” A bunch of guys with similar views, committing acts of violence are not a resistance movement. They MIGHT coalesce into an organized resistance, but history has repeatedly demonstrated that, more often that not, they end up labeled as nothing more than brigands, are run individually to ground, and end up exterminated. Since the victors write the history books….

    Within the context of a tribal-based resistance that adheres to the “Heinlein Doctrine,” there is still a role to be played by individual members of a local tribe, in the traditional duties of the auxiliary however. By fulfilling those roles that the auxiliary has historically fulfilled in a resistance, that do not require the fitness or physical capabilities of the guerrilla force or underground, members of a tribe can still contribute worthwhile efforts to the security of their tribe, thus “earning their keep.”

    An individual’s specific contribution to the efforts has—and will—depend largely on their socio-economic status, roles, and their occupation. A stripper or bartender may provide crucial intelligence-gathering and collection roles that end up facilitating actions by the guerrilla force or underground, or they may set up a hit on members of a rival organization by dropping “roofies” in their drinks, a farmer or homesteader may “only” provide assistance by providing extra harvest to feed the guerrilla force or underground, or to sell on the local black or gray market, in order to help finance tribal operations. On the other hand, the farmer may end up providing barn space for a way-station on an evasion corridor, or for use as a guerrilla hospital.

    Regardless of the specific role the auxiliary tribesman plays in the effort, it is critical to understand that the success of their efforts depends on their participation in such operations remains clandestine. The secret must not be kept only from rival organizations, but even from apparently friendly or supportive neighbors who do not enjoy the trust of being part of the closed circle—innangard—that is the tribe. Even other members of the tribe, outside the leadership, may not know exactly what the auxiliary offers the tribe. Keeping this information compartmentalized, even within the innangard, can reduce the chances that someone will inadvertently reveal it to someone that does not “need to know.”

    Auxiliary Tasks

    While there is really no task that the auxiliary might be able to perform, to support the tribe’s efforts, there are a number of roles the auxiliary has traditionally played that still offer a significant role for members of your tribe to contribute to your efforts of autonomy.

    Security and Warning

    One of the best efforts your auxiliary tribesmen can offer is the same that the elderly and young children, not ready to be warriors yet, have always provided a tribe. They can act as a physical security and warning system for the tribe. From simply standing watch during training exercises and meetings, to organizing and directing sympathizers into networks to observe, record, and report on the activities of other organizations—rival or not—in the area. Do you know who your local constabulary is? Which ones are sincerely carrying out their oaths, and which are too enthusiastic about federal handouts and “gifts?” Do you know the names, faces, and addresses of the local, federal LEO who will be organizing and directing State efforts against autonomy and self-reliance in your local area?

    Who is going to be more effective at gathering useful, functional information of that nature, that the end-users need? The big, muscle-bound dude with tattoos, that looks like he just came back from skull-stomping ISIS, or the little grandmother that is just concerned about how well “protected” her community is from those “scary bad guys?” While this technically falls into intelligence collection, it’s also relevant to security/early warning specifically.

    Grandma can sit on her porch, next door to the National Guard armory, count vehicles, and take notes on activity levels, so that when there is a significant uptick or change in activity, she can share that information with the tribe. If she’s sitting on her porch, shelling peas or watching “grandchildren” play in the yard, who’s going to think twice?

    If my big, ugly ass is sitting on my porch all day, everybody in the damned neighborhood just assumes I’m some sort of drug dealer (no shit, it happened once, when a landlord asked a mutual friend if I was a drug dealer, since I worked nights, and was home all day).


    Are you a farmer who can sow an extra acre of crop ground, or set aside a portion of your harvest to help feed the tribe? Are you a gun dealer or pawn shop owner who can buy a couple of guns from private party sellers and “forget” to record them so they can be sold to members of your tribe, without a paper trail? Hell, even a case of ammunition a month set aside and stored for the future might be a critical contribution in the future.

    Are you a machinist or gunsmith, that can manufacture firearms, suppressors, or other necessary accouterments, if the need arises? Or, are you the manager or employee of a grocery store that can set aside some of the discarded staples that are still edible, but have damaged packaging that precludes their sale to the public? Are you just someone that has a spare outbuilding or basement that can be used by the tribe to warehouse “extra” goods for later disbursement?

    Medical Support

    The auxiliary has traditionally provided medical supplies and support, arranging for doctors and other medical personnel to provide care for the sick and wounded? Are you a doctor or nurse? EMT or paramedic? Veterinarian? CNA?

    Hell, can you afford to purchase an extra roll or two of bandage each time you go to the grocery store, and set it aside for later use? Can you take an EMT course? Can you afford to pay for someone else in the tribe to take an EMT course? Even a CNA certification course? We sometimes forget that doctors and nurses get a little busy, and will need help caring for wounded and injured tribesmen, and “even” a CNA can have a useful role to play (and hell, I’ve met some really FAT chicks that were CNA….)


    The auxiliary identifies and screens potential recruits for active resistance units. Who do you know that is in the right place politically to become a probationary member of your tribe, but doesn’t know the right people to actively train with like-minded people? Are you a gunsmith or gun store owner or employee who is in the position to meet the dude who just bought his first AR15 or AKM? Did he buy it because he’s concerned about the socio-political environment? Does he want to get some quality training in how to run the gun? You probably know “someone” that can be “convinced” to provide some lessons in the correct, efficient use of the weapon, both technically and philosophically, don’t you?

    Maybe you’re “just” a regular guy customer at the gun shop, but have had some serious, quality firearms training, and want to help teach some others? Print some decent business cards up, and let the employees know that you’re offering training. Since it’s not about making a living off the training, who cares if you only get a half-dozen students a year. If you can develop even one of them to the point that they become a trusted tribesman, you’ve more than recompensed your costs for the business cards, never mind the fact that you’ll make at least a little bit of money from the other students, as well.

    The best thing that “auxiliary” members can do is stop being afraid of the big bad Fed “bogeyman” and start networking more actively. Be…gee…”guerrilla”….about your networking. Look at everyone you meet as a potential member of your tribe. If you’re shy about declaring your values to people you just met, think about the fact that others might be just as shy. Someone saying something stupid the first time you meet them might be a result of ignorance (lack of knowledge), brainwashing, or it may be a “cover.”

    Intelligence Collection and Counter-Intelligence

    The auxiliary is in a unique position to collect and collate information to support its own operations—who can or cannot be trusted as part of the auxiliary—as well as other operations of the tribe. The auxiliary can also act as a counterintelligence asset both by maintaining watch over transient people in the area, screening potential members, and reporting known or suspected attempts by hostile organizations to infiltrate the tribe or area. They can also act as a “Red Cell” team, trying to gather information on the tribe, in an effort to discover and negate weaknesses in the tribe’s overall efforts.

    You can, as we mentioned above, get to know your local LEO, as well as some of them local criminal elements that can be leveraged to find out who the local CI are. Remember, before you immediately discard the idea of being on conversational terms with “criminals,” that it’s unavoidable for each of s to commit at least one “crime” per day. Really, is a gun smuggler such a bad guy? If a local boy is busted for selling pot, who has he really hurt, if in fact, he actually sold the pot? Do you really understand the difference between “mala se” and “mala prohibida” offenses? There really is a difference between a crime and a victimless “crime.”

    It is important that auxiliary members get training in intelligence collection and assessment. Understanding the strategic intelligence picture is important, but we also need people who can get a handle on the end-user, tactical intelligence needs.

    Psychological Operations

    The auxiliary may be able to provide it’s single greatest contribution by making an organized, concerted effort to spread word amongst the community outside of the tribe, about the value of armed citizen’s defense groups. Whether it’s a whispered word of support in the right ear, or simply pointing out that the difference between a Neighborhood Watch and a “militia” is that the militia actually has the ability to do something about the criminal activity that the police ignore, the spoken word, by respected, upstanding members of the society can be far more effective as positive public relations than a bunch of hillbillies running around with guns, wearing BDU, in the local park.

    Maybe the PSYOP effort is as simple as making fliers that point out what a lying bag of leftist dicks the SPLC is, or teaching an adult education class on Constitutional Law and/or American History 101 at the local community center. Are you a CCW instructor? Or, can you teach a class on canning and food preservation? Can yo incorporate some political tidbits into your curriculum so that Suzy Homemaker, just waking up to the need for preparedness, can start looking deeper?

    Can you drop a few bucks to print up fliers or bumper stickers and hand them out at the local gun show or preparedness fair?


    The auxiliary can provide a secure, compartmentalized communications network for your tribe. Whether you are paying attention to Sparks and Dan Morgan’s lessons, and joining AMRRON, or studying and practicing computer/Internet encryption and historical tradecraft methods, or are simply setting up a phone tree for notifying members of the tribe in emergencies, you can play a vital role. Do you own a vehicle and drive? Do you take public transportation? You can still act as a courier between members of the tribe. My grandmother is a conduit of information in my family. I may not know what one of my cousins has been doing. I may not have seen him in a year, but I guarantee, if I go see Granny, I’ll know, in five minutes, what anyone in the family is doing. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t leave her house, because we all stop and see her when we’re in town, and if we’re not in town, we call her and visit with her on the phone. It doesn’t take a high degree of physical prowess, it just takes a sharp mind and a willingness to pass on important information.

    Reserve Forces

    One traditional role that the auxiliary often plays is overlooked by those who look at the auxiliary as an excuse to not be bothered with training, is that of providing an active reserve component for the guerrilla or underground forces during operations. Whether it’s part of a security element, in a blocking position during a raid, or a “sniper” shot intended to elicit a quick-reaction force (QRF) reaction, so they walk into an ambush, being part of the “auxiliary” within your tribe is NOT an excuse to ignore training, from gunhandling and SUT to PT. Even if you simply observe most of the training, or do walk-throughs while those around you are running and gunning, it will provide a better grasp of the skillsets than just reading about it in a manual. Whether that understanding is needed so you don’t shoot a friendly when someone sticks your fat ass into a fighting position to serve as part of a blocking force, or because you’re going to be helping teach the fundamentals to potential recruits to the tribe, is irrelevant…you need to be able to explain and demonstrate the skills, and the only way to gain that ability is to DO them.

    I’ve told at least one participant in every single SUT class I’ve taught in the last four years, I’d rather see them walk through the class and be able to teach it later, than permanently cripple themselves in my class, and be useless afterwards.

    Organization of the Auxiliary

    Doctrinally, auxiliary elements are typically organized to coincide with, or parallel, the existing political and administrative divisions of the government of the operational area. Doing so means that each community, county, state, province, etc, are provided with an auxiliary force that can provide support to the local resistance.

    Organization can be either centralized or decentralized, but the basic organization of each level usually takes the form of a command committee organization that controls and coordinates the activities of the auxiliary within its area of responsibility. At the tribal level, this may be as simple as members of the tribe who cannot perform as part of the auxiliary or underground, offering whatever services they can provide to the leadership of the tribe, or being specifically tasked with a set of auxiliary-related tasks by the leadership.

    The level of compartmentalization needed will depend on the threat levels presented by various hostile organizations in the tribe’s operational area, and may range from “do not discuss the service you provide the tribe with anyone except me!” to “meh, everyone knows you’re a farmer. Maybe don’t tell them exactly how much food you’re providing, but as long as they’re a member of the tribe, they probably know you’re delivering a couple of steers every month to help keep people fed.”

    Ultimately the greatest benefits for both the tribe and the individual member of the tribe who is acting as the auxiliary come with an organized command approach towards the efforts. It prevents the wasteful and unnecessary duplication of efforts, while reducing the chances that key needed efforts will be overlooked and neglected (really, who wants to be the guy that stockpiles toilet paper and bathroom cleaner, instead of ammunition?). It reduces the chances that members of the auxiliary will interfere with other auxiliary efforts. I’ve seen this happen when three guys—all part of the same network—are unwittingly bidding against each other for a key piece of equipment, thus driving the price up, unnecessarily. Wouldn’t it make a shit ton more sense for everyone who needed to buy ammunition, to buy it from one guy in the group who does bulk purchases of ammunition at a lower price, and then divvies the ammunition up into smaller lots for members of the tribe, who then get the ammunition at the lower price?

    Successful Auxiliary Planning and Organization

    We can tell we’re on the right path to organizing an effective auxiliary when you can honestly say that you’ve managed to:

    • Organized those members of the tribe who are not, or will not, be part of the active security efforts of the tribe, into an effort that can provide autonomous, internal support to the tribe.
    • Can provide security and clandestine operations in the auxiliary taskings for your tribe.
    • Begun to develop organized plans for the establishment of E&E/bug-out plans and networks, safehouses, and supply caches for the tribe.
    • Developed a command-and-control structure within the auxiliary of the tribe including a call-chain that allows for rapid contact with any member of the tribe, especially the auxiliary members who may have access to immediate logistics needs and/or transportation and E&E.
    • Begun the development of a compartmented communications system, ranging from the use of call chains, open-source encryption and Internet-based communications, and HAM radio options.
    • Have developed an organized, tribal “shadow government” that provides the necessary functions to build autonomy within the innangard of the tribe. This doesn’t mean you need to overthrow the local government. It means you should—within the tribe—have an established authority, that means you don’t need to go outside the tribe for most needs, from security to supplies, to helping someone in emergencies.

    The reality is, while I spend a lot of time, justifiably, focusing on the needs of personal excellence in the fundamental warrior tasks and traits within the preparedness community, it’s a given that not everyone is a “powerlifting gunslinger,” nor need they be. Many—perhaps most—will fill the roles of the auxiliary. We can see this reflected in the 10:1 tail-to-teeth ratio of the military. That doesn’t mean—just like the support and service element personnel of the military—that you can completely foregoe training and PT, but it does still provide a useful, critical role for the “elderly, infirm, and frail,” to play within their tribes.

    You don’t need to wander into the woods and start singing your death song, as you starve to death, just yet.

    Continue reading...
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2015
    Tully Mars, NotSoSneaky and Yard Dart like this.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    This article reminded me of this effective Auxiliary is definitely key to success for any group!!

    Skilled gunsmith helps Kurds turn ISIS' guns on terrorists | Fox News
    Tully Mars and Georgia_Boy like this.
  3. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Agreed and there were some tasks that are necessary but that I hadn't thought about.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  4. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    WAHAHAHA,Ya gotta love this guy's writing style!

    Agree with @Yard Dart about the gunsmith article-I thought of that one as well. I have been giving this area a lot of thought recently and this article just reinforces my thoughts regarding the Nurse and myself. At 4err,28;) and 52 neither of us are old, but we ain't as full of piss n vinegar as we once were either. Both of us have worked hard for a living and its starting to show. The Mrs. has problems with her back and feet after years of working on concrete hospital floors, and I, after years of football,rodeo and generally beating the hell out of my body in my youth feel every previous bone breakage and the 14 knee operations daily.

    So I honestly don't see myself as a badass gunfighter in the front line of anything. That would be a young man's/woman's game. We could full fill a number of support roles quite nicely I think. With her med skills and my fabrication skills I could honestly see us in medic/gunsmith/fabricator/instructor type roles.

    Great article!
    Yard Dart likes this.
  5. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    The years have taken a toll on this almost 50 year old body. I played rough when I was younger, college rugby (NMSU go aggies) to mt biking, and being in the trades (still am) so I too do not see myself as a gunslinger. But I am sure there are things I can do, I do have skills. I have only recently started learning how to shoot. I did not own a pistol until recently. The roll of the auxiliary appeals to me. I have never been the best, be it rugby or shooting birds but I always get things done. Thank you for the 3% forum I have been learning much and my mindset has changed a little because of it.
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