Survival Lilly - Archery Gal

Discussion in 'Turf and Surf Hunting and Fishing' started by chelloveck, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    From Survival Lilley's YouTube Channel. SL also has some other cool videos worth having a look at.

    Capt. Tyree, GOG, Ganado and 5 others like this.
  2. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    nice German gal, and pretty fair shot.
    chelloveck, Ganado and Altoidfishfins like this.
  3. Gaowlpoop

    Gaowlpoop Monkey++

    I would not want to make her mad.
  4. Tobit

    Tobit Ham Extra Class

    I would.. :love: [hrt]
    GOG likes this.
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