I lied to someone the other day... what would you say?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Asia-Off-Grid, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Anyway, someone was asking me about why I keep bees, why I am doing all that I am at the farm, etc.? And, why am I doing it, of all places, in Cambodia? I figure we would be safer here (in most any Third World country, really) than stateside - or elsewhere in the west, if anything major were to happen. Who knows, really? But, that's my figurin' anyway. I could be wrong.

    Could you imagine the look on their faces, if I said, "Well, I am preparing in case of SHTF or TEOTWAWKI. Can you imagine how much honey will be worth if that happens?" :D

    Well, I can't say I lied. But, I sure left some information out while replying to a query they had of me. I did this, because I know how folks - many whom frequent forums like this very one, are sometimes looked upon by others. I just get tired of explaining myself, my reasoning and my views, to those who - well, believe we are all just a group of nutters to begin with. I'm not going to convince them, because they are sheep. They aren't going to convince me, because I have seen similar scenarios and how people ended up in them in the past. I do not want to ever be in that situation.

    When asked by others, I do generally just say I am focusing more on self-sustainability for myself and the "Boss", than to get into a discussion - which, more often than not, turns into an argument about how crazy preppers are, concerning SHTF, or TEOTWAWKI. I simply let them know that I am doing this to make sure she is provided for, in the event of my death. That, of course, is very true as well. I want to make sure she can go on, if anything happens to me, without having to look for another man to take care of her. In short, I like to go by what an old friend used to say, "The seven "P's". Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I am trying to plan as best I can for our future together, and hers without me.

    If people approach you folks, how do you reply to them when similar questions are asked? Do you give them the time of day? Or, maybe just tell them to F*** off? What's your input here?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
    natshare, Sgt Nambu, duane and 6 others like this.
  2. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I live in a gentrified area, so there isn't much I can do on my land that would be visible. I try to be as stealthy as possible about my preps. Nobody is likely to ask, but if I did I'd just tell people that I grew up in a family that was thrifty and self reliant.

    On a side note why do you think Cambodia is safer than stateside?
  3. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Because no one gives a damn about Cambodia.
  4. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    As Cambodia has already experienced darker times, (NAM) I was just wondering what Cambodian Survivalists call TEOTWAWKI or SHTF?

    Folks here in Florida don't bat an eye if we converse about Emergency Preparedness.
  5. Itchba

    Itchba Monkey++

    I am struggling with this a lot. My friends think I'm just trying to figure out how to get by cheap. My family calls me a hippy wierdo. And my kids think I'm nuts. So how do you find anyone outside your usual circle to talk to!

    I don't do crowds, most things people I meet find important I find selfishly superficial. I'm trying to do the online dating thing but guys that prep are like me and don't really post that on their profiles because some preppers ARE a little off.

    I usually approach it obliquely. Mention solar or off grid and see what responses I get. Doesn't take long to see how most people think. The ones that start being careful, like you, about how they respond to those type of questions usually are like minded, or close enough
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I try to remain "the grey man", not letting anyone know of my preps. Some know I am a "gun guy", a few co-workers called me "the boy scout", because I was always prepared, always had what was needed if something happened.
    But my yard has a privacy fence. Guns, preps, etc. are loaded/unloaded away from prying eyes. No one else has enterred my home in years. I tend to be a very private person.
    I someone is concerned for me as a hurricane approaches, I tell them, "I am a native Floridian, I am ready for a storm." That is all they need to know.
    Ganado, Thunder5Ranch, Itchba and 4 others like this.
  7. Imasham

    Imasham Monkey

    I don't think people need to be explained to. If someone asks anything to me that is "prepper" related I just tell them, truthfully, that I am trying to be more self-sufficient. I prefer to keep my preparations private for 'opsec' reasons so I don't tell people my ideas and by not telling them I don't considering it lying. I am under no obligation to tell a questioner everything and my reasoning behind it.
  8. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Every day life, perhaps?
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I tell them that I am a Liberal and they walk away looking confused.
  10. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    First rule of fight club.....don't talk about fight club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    OPSEC rules the day, everyday!!!! ;)
  11. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Common aswers I have. We enjoy camping. We shoot to stay proficient because we are still in the reserves. I am afraid of tornados so we have tornado preparedness kit. We have a home back up generator wired into our house because where we lived before we lost power quite a bit in the winter storms so its peace of mind...
  12. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Let them see as little as possible and keep the rumors true enough to scare them honest or at least keep folks away. I am the friendliest guy in the world 2 counties away, Most locals think of me as the Crazy halfbreed A Hole, that will scalp you with a rusty butter knife and then let the flies that I pulled the wings off of run around on their raw scalp. Might be true and it might be fiction but no one seems to want to test it :)
  13. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    The vast majority of my close friends are Christians or hold values and a common heritage that are based on a Judah-Christian culture and regard being prepared in this life and for the next as being a normal thing and thus never really ask about preps other than to share questions and advise about being more prepared. The advise may be help on an AR15 build or sharing a Bible study. In my life I am surrounded by privileged white deplorable right wing Christians. Funny how some of them happen to be Black or Latino, etc in modern speak, but share our common heritage and dreams. I have given up on trying to give advise on living to anyone who doesn't ask for it and avoid many people and physical areas as being just to upsetting for an old man to put up with. If I do talk about what is now called prepping, it is usually in reference to being more comfortable in my old age or how we did it as a child or what my hobbies are or being more comfortable and self reliant when we have another ice storm or power outage. My almost universal answer to many people about the left or from the left is I don't want to control or change your way of life or beliefs, why do you want to control and change mine? Usually followed by thundering silence or modern psycho babel rather than a civil discourse.
    Asia-Off-Grid likes this.
  14. covey leader

    covey leader Practice makes perfect

    Tell them it's for the environment. More bees = pollination = food. Not the full truth but a nice cover that a liberal mind will embrace.
    Ganado, Sgt Nambu, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I have already been through several disasters in my life time, and it is foolish to think it can't happen again .
    I have solar because the electric company takes no responsibility if their equipment malfunctions .
    I have water because pipe lines age and break and get contaminated , further more I am sensitive to the foul water they sell me.
    I have food because I like bargains and the value of the dollar is unstable ,and becoming more unstable all the time.
    I have radio equipment because we enjoy the fellowship and the hobby.
    I have spare building materials because I like to improve things ,it keeps my mind busy and challenged .And it is far cheaper to get those materials and fasteners ahead of time, because time, and fuel, and wear and tear on my vehicles is wasted running after things I had forgotten.
    It is my responsibility to look after my needs , just as it is every one else's responsibility to look after their own needs.

    I did/do these thing not being rich, rather being poor, and like a bank account adding to it just a little at a time . Each soar panel one at a time , each water tank one at a time, an extra can to two each time I shop, and so on .
    These have paid off too, having been through some hard times and lean years, earth quake, and fire, and lay off ,so the practice has proven it's self repeatedly.
    If you think your going to fall on some one else for help think again , most people have just enough resource for them selves ,
    People that had abused their opportunities to prepare, will perish in their poverty and slavery to some one begging for help .
    When help runs out what then? all will die .
    Help must first care for their own family and their future .this is not selfish, it is prudent , and one lacks the prudence to care for their own, their bad judgment and poor character and their families will perish with them .and that is as it should be.
    The propagation of bad character and poor judgment is why this country is at a cross roads of demolition.
    People with nothing invested want to give it all away, not appreciating what it took to get here, inspire the illiberal demolition .
    And those that worked hard for a living and maintained good behavior are paying the price for being so forgiving, which now is biting them back.
    Things are only going to get worse not better,
    duane and Asia-Off-Grid like this.
  16. Sgt Nambu

    Sgt Nambu RIP 4/19/2018

    I like to garden and all the ancillary things that go with it!

    No lies there! Also I'm glad that I have no problems with lying to protect my privacy! Back in the day, none of your business! Today, everybody need a hobby! :)
    Ganado, mysterymet and Motomom34 like this.
  17. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Well I rarely tell people to F off so that option is off the table but my response to your question would be depends on who is asking. I have had to answer the why do you have all this question before and my answers varied. For other parents I say it is like insurance in-case something happens and I cannot work, all that stored food will feed my children. If it is a question on my generator, the response is because storms knock out heat and power. As for gardens, growing and stuff, my answer would be why not live more naturally. I would probably drive the conversation into GMO's and the poisoning of the food industry. The bottom-line is it is okay to claim your are a responsible adult who chooses to take care of you and yours. Any sensible person should see the common sense in being self-reliant.
  18. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    When it comes to your preps, Lie like a coke head!, Anything to get them off your case.
    Because sure as snot in January if something happens here the unprepared come's begging!
    Ganado, Sgt Nambu, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  19. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Those that know not and know that they know not are merely ignorant, Teach them.
    Those that know and know not that they know are timid, Support them.
    Those that know and know that they know are teachers, Listen to them.
    Those that know not and know not that they know not are fools, Avoid them.

    Just remember: never argue with a fool, others may not be able to tell the difference!
    Asia-Off-Grid and Itchba like this.
  20. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I have a farm... nuff said....
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