Here we go again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minuteman, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I actually have a book on straw bale construction. Very energy effecient. They actually did a penetration test with different calibers. Most high powered rifle rounds penetrated into the interior.
  2. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Thanks for the clarifications, Minuteman.

    Must admit, though, every time I see the thread name, I mentally hear "Heeeere comes anuuuuuther one!" (Monty Python)

  3. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Minuteman, I'm truly envious of your position in being able to do this!

    You should put up a little "Monkey Home" website to document the progress (without giving away location of course). It would be a valuable resource for those following your path. Documenting your successes as well as "snags" you find along the way, and shortcuts you discover would be great reading.

    I'm curious about your plans for water:

    I'd assume you'll be putting in a hand pump water well? We have one out at the farm that gives me great peace of mind knowing it's there.

    Will you be implementing some kind of rainwater collection system?

    Perhaps a "greywater" system for flushing toilets?
  4. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I'll definetely record each step of the way. As for water, the place has one well on it now and I will have one more drilled for the new house. I plan on having a solar powered well pump. I am interested in windmills also.
    I like the rain water collection system. I will have to do some research on that. I have a water purification system so water is not a big problem. There is one small pond on the property and a creek that could be damed up to form a second. I can take water from a pond and run it through the filter and it comes out clear and pure. Also plan on stocking the ponds with fish.
  5. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++


    When it comes time to stock that pond, a little prep and knowlege can provide you with a wonderful, continuously self-renewing source of food. A great forum I've spent a lot of time with is the pond boss

    Great bunch of folks dedicated to managing ponds and teaching others how to effectively do so, I've got pics of my little pond on there, I intend on improving it this year.

    Bass, bluegill, bullfrogs, turtles, plus all the birds and deer it attracts, it's like a little grocery store :)

    In fact, I think I'll start a thread :)
  6. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Something I would seriously consider if I was building from the ground up would be top see if water could be found shallow enouph for a hand pump, drill the well and then build the house on that site. Kind of like the nicest of the old frontier homes that had a pump right in the house. If it wasgood enouph water it could be used as the main water for the house but if nothing else it could be hooked up to use for non-potable water for normal times then be equiped such that it due to any reason from a storm to TEOTWAWKI, you should be stuck in the house and the windmills or solar pumps and such were down, you could still have a small ahnd pump in the house to get water without ever haveing to leave the house. It would also prevent the pump from ever freezing up.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Unfortunately the ground water where I am is way to deep for a hand pump. I believe. Around 160 -180 feet.
    One thing I am on the look out for is a bail. My Grandfather used to have one, it is a slim, long, stainless steel cylinder that can be lowered into a conventional wells pvc pipe. It is closed on one end and has a handle on the other. You tie a rope around it and build an A-frame with a pulley and lower it into the well. You can bail all the water you need.
    It would make a good back up system for any powerless situation. Also is small and light enough to take with you on a bug out. If you are mobile and not afoot.
    One survival item that I wouldn't be without is my "Berky" water filter. You can take the scumiest pond water and run through it and it comes out clean and pure. They are now making small backpacker type models.
    I think that in a TEOTWAWKI situation I would want to have the filter for surface water and the bail pipe for wells. There are tens of thousands of rural homes with water wells. Take the cap off, pull the electric pump out, which can be done by hand around here, set up your bailer and get all the fresh water you need.
    If anyone knows what I am refering to and especially where to get one please let me know.
  8. Sojourner

    Sojourner Silverback

    Minuteman, have a look at Lehmans. I think I saw a bail in their new catalog.
  9. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    If you cant find one they can be made pretty easily with some PVC pipe and a check valve. Put the check valve on the bottom to close it (has have a very weak spring or no spring to close it) so that when it is lowered into the pipe it dosent have to turn over or displace a lot of water to fill, the bottom raises up as the water flows in then as you raise it the weight of the water helps the check valve to close and you raise up the pipe (length of your choice and max diamiter dictated by size of well shaft) full of water.
  10. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Winter is coming

    I too have been looking for a bail (although I didn't know the term until a few minutes ago). My well would be too deep for a hand pump also.

    I went to Lehman's and didn't see the item that Sojourner was talking about. If someone can find a bail please post the link. Thanks for the info.
  11. Sojourner

    Sojourner Silverback

    Gallowglass, the bail is listed in Lehmans as a "well bucket", and is item #550202, and price is $42.95. It really is a nice looking piece of equipment. I hope this helps.
  12. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

  13. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Shouldnt be hard at all to make one from PVC and a check vaulve for under half the price and in about 30 minutes or less if you wanted to.
  14. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Cool Blackjack Thanks!! Just ordered one, and the wheel too.

    MM. I think we need to try and make one out of pvc and test it. I would think that it should work, but may need to be wieghted in order to sink into the water. My Grandfathers was fairly heavy, much more so than pvc would be. If the pvc would work it would be a great field expedient method of getting water from a rural well in a SHTF situation.
    I'm thinking of a situation where you are traveling, perhaps in a bug out scenario. Abandoned farm houses would have a well. I would think that you could even use something as simple as a tin can, with a rock in the bottom to make it sink and a rope tied to it. Most wells in my area have a 6" pvc casing, so anything that would fit inside of that and could be lowered down to the water would work. Just thinking out loud.
  15. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    If I was going to make one the way I would most likely do it would be to get a 3" brass check vaulve (about $15) and remove the spring. The vaulve is fairly heavy and would help it go down faster. attach a threaded PVC fitting to the 'out going' side of the vaulve (water can go up into it but trying to flow back along with gravity would close it) then connect the fitting to a 3" piece of PVC pipe about 3' to 4' long. Drill a hole on each side of the pipe about 1-2" from the top and connect some 550 cord to it with the cord wrapped in duct tape where it goes through the PVC and up to the point where it goes to 1 strand to help prevent wear.

    Total cost would be under $20, with the check vaulve being the vast majority of that cost.

    The problem with trying to weigh down a container and make it sink to fill over the top is in displacement. Since it would most likely be in a narrow well it cant fall to the side to fill so the whole thing would have to submerge. That would mean that if the container had a 1 gallon over all volume (outside not what it would actualy hold) it would have to weigh about 10 pounds in order to get it to sink. If you have a check vaulve on the bottom though then the over all weight just has to be more than the water displaced by the flap of the vaulve and the vaulve has to weigh more than the water it displaces so it will close by gravity when the weight of the rest of the container is no longer pushing down and will hold the water in.
  16. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Oh, I havent built one this way but its based on one that I saw that a water well drill had built for bailing out wells and just refined a bit to fit my own ideas for needs. His bailer was biger and used to removeall the water from a well in as few trips down as possible and useing a winch or whatever on his truck. His was a lot longer and a bit larger as I recall.
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Got a chance to explore some of the new property this last time I was home. There is a pond at the top of the prop and the whole 60 acres runs downhill. The dam on the pond is washed out just a few feet to the left of where my daughter is standing. Once I repair it and put an overflow on it to keep it from washing out again it should fill up almost to the cedar tree in the middle of the pic. About 6' deep. Just enough for a nice little catfish hole.

    The creek runs down the center of the property. It is a seasonal run off creek. Not year round unfortunately. The top soil is pretty thin. The entire property has rock outcrops everywhere. You can see how the years of flow has carved channels in the sandstone.

    I still have 30 acres to explore on the other side of the creek bottom. There is a wooded ridgeline that runs over there that I haven't been to yet.

    We named the place "Ravenridge". The trees were just starting to bud out when I left. It should be a lot greener when I get home.

    The one pic is of the site where we intend to build the house. Have to clear out the cedar trees first.Hope to start some ground work this summer. I'll see how far down the rock is and probably remove the topsoil and pour a concrete slab for the foundation. I had hoped to have a basement but don't think it will be possible.
    pond.JPG creek wash. rocks.JPG hill. creek.JPG house site.JPG
  18. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Nice looking place MM.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Real possibilities. How far to town?
  20. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    20 miles to the nearest one of any size. Couple of little burgs 7 or so miles either side. But the property is way off the beaten track. Lots of dead ends on dirt roads. have to zig-zag around to get to it. Only 3 houses in a 1 mile radius. Nearest is probably 1/2 mile down the road.
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