Hurricane Lane- what would you be doing?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motomom34, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Hurricane Lane is now a Cat 5. Predictions are saying it will weaken as it passes Hawaii. We have some members that live on the Islands and they are in my thoughts and sending prayers for your safety. This is a very large storm and even if they miss a direct hit, the people are facing 10-15 inches of rain. These are islands so 10 inches of rain is huge. The winds are likely to knock out power.

    DlLQP41VAAIdhAu. large.

    First, a shout out to our members. Stay safe and stay away from Costco. Reports last night were saying people were fighting over supplies. I know our monkeys are prepared but it is always the other people that one needs to watch out for.

    For the rest of the members here, what would you be doing? I have never been to Hawaii but I have mentally been running over what I would be doing. Preparing for a hurricane that could turn and spare my home or could veer West and hit head on. Either way there will be flooding. There is no option of leaving because United and Hawaiian airlines have tickets at $4000++.

    I want to hear form the Monkeys, lets see what we have learned and see if there are holes in our preparedness. Starting now, you have max 2 days before the storm starts hitting. What would you be doing to prepare.
    Hanzo, Alf60, Zimmy and 7 others like this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Lets throw this in also.....

    Five Things To Know About Hurricane Lane, Which Is Now Category 4 And May Threaten Hawaii
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I might be digging an under ground shelter but also have my boat handy as well .
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Being a lifelong Floridian, Hurricane Prep is a part of life. But we have the option of driving inland. Not so the islanders. All they can do is hunker down and ride it out. Hopefully some have prepped and have shelter.
    Hurricanes have happened there before, as here, but there are always those who never prep.
  5. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    But what would you all be doing to get ready. The storm is coming....

    Being a Mom with kids at home, first thing I would be doing is delegating. The threat is water and winds. Windows need to be secured. Are the gutters clear? What about moving things up off the floor? I would have all laundry done, dishes done. Leftovers will be first eaten so rotting foods would not be an issue. Remove or secure items outside that can be damaged or become airborne.

    One thing I do question is why people on HI are filling their tanks. They live on an island so where are they going to drive to? Roads are going to be flooded so why fill the tank? My tanks are never below a half so I would skip the panic gas buying lines plus I have gas cans.

    What about water. Some people have water bobs? Now is the time to fill a water bob. Unsure of the building codes in HI. Are the homes built with hurricanes in mind? I know in tornado areas they say climb in your tub for safety if you do not have a shelter. So do you put your water bob in the tub or leave the tub free in case you need to get in for safety?
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    HI islands are mountainous. Full tanks means getting to high ground with least effort. I was surprised at how little of HI will flood, the land is pretty steep.

    Have a squint at Google Earth and chase the contours to see the reality of slopes.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If there is any way at all possible, go. Very pretty place to be once outside of the hotel districts. Lots to see and do as a tourist in town as well as out.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I would be more worried about flash flooding from the higher reaches of the islands, am I in line with a wash out area? What about the area below me, where is all that water going? Will my living structure handle erosion? Are there ant large trees that could crash into my place? If sheltering in place, can my structure remain secure from the effects of such a storm? Are my rigs secure? Do I have enough fuel in each one? Do I have enough food stores to last a week or two? Do I have enough water? Where is my water coming from?
    Lots to think about!
  9. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    You are correct there is lots to think about. Imagine being on vacation and not being able to gt a flight out. Most hotels have plans in place but depends on how long the event and aftermath takes, one could be stranded without preps.

    Back to my hurricane planning mental exercise.....
    While getting the things done listed above, I would make sure everything is charging. I have solar lanterns, power pack, flashlights that can be set out plus all phones, laptops and power pack (Halo) will be charging. Also, would crank up the generator and run for a bit, make sure it is topped off and ready to go.

    I would make a call and send out an e-mail with instructions to activate the phone tree. I know family and friends all wonder and worry but people should have a designated person that will be the relay. This will give one person the duty to call others. No sense flooding the phone line and answering numerous calls, texts etc. I plan on one person that I will call that in turn lets everyone else know the situation.

    Officials are asking the people to help each other to prepare. Would you be doing that? What if you looked across the street and saw this?

    adj window.

    Do you wander over and suggest maybe they think about plywood on the outside? Actually do you offer to help your neighbors at all. Since we are prepared on here, do you ask your neighbors if they need help? Or keep to yourself?
    Zimmy, Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Freeze water, Lots and lots of water in anything available including empty Tupperware.
    Once the power goes out stack the frozen ice in the frig.Should keep the food good for days
    Dunerunner, VisuTrac, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  11. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I keep several five and seven gallon jugs of clean water stored, months of LTS and other nonperishible food, several LED lanterns, and a generator with a few days of fuel in case the fridge needs power. Nothing in that fridge that is critical though. Meat can be eaten the first day or two of a power outtage. House is a strong older concrete block home that has weathered many a 'cane, and in a nonflooding area. I am set. Standard procedures.
    A big danger I'd expect in Hawaii is not floods, but landslides on those mountains. Lots of fragile homes on the mountainsides.
    Dunerunner, Ura-Ki, Motomom34 and 2 others like this.
  12. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    When the neighborhood floods, it's not safe to wade in the water. (It never is. Even with only a few inches of flood water a lot of bad stuff comes up out of the ground.)

    Having a nice inflatable life raft would be great, but not everyone keeps one in their kitchen cupboard.

    A very effective expedient life raft can be made by simply painting the fabric on a set of box springs. As soon as the paint dries, the box springs can be set in the water upside down, and will easily float two adults plus a bit of cargo.

    For a flooded neighborhood, a broom can serve as a paddle or a pole. Attach a closet rod to the handle with two hose clamps if you need a longer pole. Attach a sail if you want to ride the breeze to 'Frisco. Or China.

    Painted Mattress Survival Boat

    "Box Springs", actually. Squish not. If you want a fast raft, build a triangle bow from scrap wood. cover it with cloth, and paint it

    I fancy pink, myself.
  13. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    This is what we did, when I was a boy:
    1. We would board up any / all exterior windows, depending on the estimated strength of the approaching storm.
    2. We would store water in any possible containers we had available, including the tub in the second bathroom. (See quoted reply, below.)
    3. I remember going with my dad to visit the local ice factory, where we purchase a quantity of dry ice to put in refrigerators and freezers. (We never had a generator.)
    4. We kept Coleman lanterns and a Coleman stove, along with Amoco White gasoline on hand to run them. An ample supply of candles were also on hand.
    5. Food was never an issue. We always kept tons of food on hand, due to my parents not having - or at least not watching much television, during their years of marriage. (I'm the youngest of 9 siblings.) My mom was also a great cook and canned tons of food. Our pantry was as large as a small bedroom. We also had an additional refrigerator and two chest type freezers full of food.
    6. My parents would fill any gasoline cans we had, as well as all family vehicles. (Dad was a contractor, so we had lots of fuel storage tanks around.) My personal truck had tons of fuel capacity, as I hauled boat trailers with it up and down the coast, from time to time.
    When I was growing up in the South, we would fill the tub full of water, when preparing for a possible Hurricane hitting my home town.

    We didn't have WaterBOB's back then, Motomom. Interesting find. Thank you very much. I am going to send one to my brother, who still lives in our childhood home, today.

    PS. I added a tag up top, "storm prep". I'm starting to memorize a number of them. Not exactly sure why, though. :D :whistle:
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Funny the painted matress base was brought up. There are some things to consider when doing this, you must apply several coats of paint to make it water tight, rule of thumb ( what we use in the Aero industry) is called the "Kiss Test" where you press your mouth over the painted surface and try to draw a breath through the fabric! On an air craft, it usually requires 4 to 6 coats of material to get it to pass the kiss test, and it also requires a multi directional coating; first coat is done north to south, second is done east to west, third is done across diagonally, and the 4th is done the opposite diagonal direction! If additional coats are required, back to north to south, then east to west again! Heavy epoxy type paints will work better, but often times take longer to "Kick Off" before it's usable!
  15. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I heard some reports today that they could receive around 2 feet of rainfall . Landslides were going to be the biggest worries. And the last time Hawaii saw a storm of this magnitude was 30 years ago . Good luck to all over there on the islands .
  16. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I was in HI the summer after bad flooding. Even a year later, parts of many roads were still torn up, with obvious damage still visible. The beaches had been badly scoured in several areas, I suspect that will happen again.

    Oddly, if the Punch-bowl had received any storm damage, none was visible was we walked the length of the facility.

    I don't live on an island, but do live in AK. Just like HI, the vast majority of all food, clothing, gasoline and so on arrives via the ROROs or by barge. I think the folks fill their tanks in case the petro off-loading facilities get put out of action.

    My sincere hope is that damage is little and board members are able to help their neighbors....
  17. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I just texted the boy. He’s chilling. Of course once you’ve wrestled everything else is easy. :D
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
    Motomom34, Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
  18. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Stay out of the valleys and gullies.
    Relocate to friends who live up slope from you.
    A full fuel tank may mean your car is the only warm and dry space, and a plus would be 12VDC availability.
    The streets will become rivers when the storm drains are over loaded.
    Stockpile potable water.
    Shutter windows.
    Fresh batteries in your radios, flashlights, emergency communications gear.
    Review evacuation plans with family.

    If stranded in a hotel,
    Get to the upper floors away from the brunt of the storm surge.
    Contact hotel management on their emergency plan.
    Empty the beverage and snack vending machines.
    Collect personal and identification items and carry them with you.
    Order from room service, the delivery cart may contain a warming box with several cans of Sterno.
    Place a couple changes of clothes and shoes in a pillow case.

    Prayers for our Island Monkeys....
    oldawg, SB21, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I liked all of your post @Dunerunner. I have been reading for days about this hurricane and it amazes me how many people haven't the first clue what to do. I saw a post of some woman who was a tourist in HI asking what to do. Thankfully, serious knowledgeable people were advising the woman but I wonder if this event will open her eyes. Maybe create a new prepper so she will not be so clueless next disaster.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    @Motomom34 There are some people that no matter the life lessons they are confronted with, they never get a clue. They are so ingrained into being dependent upon others for everything that they cannot think or act independently.
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