irishvote down the lisbon treaty

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Tango3, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    the eu's attempt at centralized govt the"lisbon treaty"hasbeenvoteddown by the irish, Many of the public was not given a chance to vote ...[beer][beer]it came down to ireland...

    The future of the European Union was tonight clouded in uncertainty after Ireland voted No to the Lisbon Treaty.
    Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President, and a raft of foreign ministers expressed dismay that Ireland - the only member state to hold a referendum on the matter - chose to reject it decisively by 53.4 per cent to 46.6 per cent.
    Amid wild cheers from No campaigners, the results were revealed at 5pm with 862,415 votes against and 752,451 in favour, giving a majority of 109,964 against.
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    <!-- END: Module - M63 - Article Related Attachements --><!-- Call Wide Article Attachment Module --><!--TEMPLATE:call file="wideArticleAttachment.jsp" /--> Despite the result, EU leaders were tonight vowing to press ahead with ratifying the treaty.
    However, the Lisbon Treaty - the reworked successor to the formal constitutional pact dumped by voters in France and the Netherlands in 2005 - officially needs the approval of all 27 EU member states, meaning the way forward for the union is now uncertain.
    Mr Barroso said he believed that other states should press ahead with the ratification process. "The no vote in Ireland has not solved the problems which the Lisbon Treaty is designed to solve," he said.
    "The ratification process is made up of 27 national processes. Eighteen member states have already approved the treaty and the European Commission believes that the remaining ratifications should continue to take their course."
    In a joint statement, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Angela Merkel of Germany backed him, saying: "We take note of the democratic decision of the Irish citizens with all due respect, even though we regret it," adding that they "hope that the other member states will continue the process of ratifica
  2. toemag

    toemag Monkey++

    The Irish are grand so they are, smarter than we English give them credit for, they even have the right to vote on such an important issue as apposed to the rest of €urope's sheeple.

    Their efforts were probably in vain as the highly intelligent people in the u are looking a work around so that they can get what they wanted in the first place. Which will of course just confirm the thinking mans fears of the €u being the NWO that ignores it's member states peoples wishes and tramples on their rights with a vigor that can only be compared to their greed.

    I would just like to say a few word's to our recently departed friend and mentor, he will be sadly missed and life without him will never be the same, I knew him all of my life, he looked after my family and relatives, and just about anybody I ever knew or met, he fought bravely on our behalf, facing newer threats to us all under the guise of political correctness, anti terror legislation etc etc, but he had been severely weakened over the years, and so it was that he passed away leaving a legacy that will be forgotten as those who remember him will be bullied into submission and silence or interned for supporting unpopular views, and the history books will be rewritten to show what a bad influence he had, just as the holocaust is being removed from history books today to protect Muslim sensibilities.

    R.I.P. Democracy.

  3. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    What was the Lisbon treaty supposed to do? I know I am glad that they voted it down (gut feeling that it was bad news for us USers) however I dont know what it does.
  4. LondonCalling

    LondonCalling Monkey++

    It is very hard to explain or get ya head around mate TBH? i cannot understand it properly, although i DO know it would be bad for everyone!!, The country would be basically handing over the Power to govern itself to a foreign Power
    Hopefully this will give you a better insight into why the Irish voted NO.

    As toemag has stated they are smarter than we English give them credit, at least they had the right to vote! Ireland was the only Member State that held a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, in addition to a parliamentary vote.

    "be-jayzus they done the right thing fella i agree mate"
    R.I.P: DEMOCRACY who lays here next to his brother COMMON SENSE:

    1. Creates an unelected President and a Foreign Minister of Europe

    The new President and Foreign Minister for Europe will be appointed by the European Council by qualified majority vote. Although many of the terms and conditions of these roles have yet to be decided, they will be committed through the Lisbon Treaty to “drive forward” the agenda of the Council and discussions have already taken place to provide a presidential palace and executive jet for the President.

    2. Halves Ireland’s voting weight while doubling Germany’s

    The Lisbon Treaty would implement a new system of voting by the European Council which is primarily based on population size. This means that Ireland’s voting weight would be reduced from 2% at present to 0.8% if the Treaty was implemented, while Germany’s would increase from 8% to 17%.

    3. Abolishes Ireland’s Commissioner for five years at a time

    The Lisbon Treaty proposes to reduce the number of Commissioners to two thirds of the number of member states. This would mean that, on a rotating basis, Ireland would have no seat for five years out of every 15 in the body that has the monopoly on initiating legislation. This would clearly affect a small country like Ireland to a far greater extent than, for example, Germany which is having its voting weight doubled under the Treaty.

    4. Opens the door to interference in tax and other key economic interests

    Article 113 of the Lisbon Treaty specifically inserts a new obligation on the European Council to act to avoid “distortion of competition” in respect of indirect taxes. The proposals for a common consolidated tax base and the commitment of the French government to pursue it combined with a weakening of Ireland’s voice in Europe through the loss of a permanent Commissioner and halving of its voting weight represent a clear and present danger to our tax competitiveness.

    5. Hands over power in 60 areas of decision making to Brussels

    The Lisbon Treaty provides for more than 60 areas of decision making from unanimity at present to qualified majority voting. Some of those areas include decision-making on immigration, sport, culture, transport and the appointment of the European President and Foreign Minister.

    6. Gives exclusive competence to Brussels over International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

    For the first time, under the Lisbon Treaty foreign direct investment would become an exclusive competence of the EU as part of its common commercial policy. This means that the tools which have been used so successfully by the IDA to attract tens of thousands of jobs to Ireland will become the sole preserve of the European Union and the Irish Government will have to seek permissions

    7. Enshrines EU law as superior to Irish law

    On June 12th we will be voting on the 28th amendment to the Irish Constitution which clearly restates the following:
    11° No provision of this Constitution invalidates laws enacted, acts done or measures adopted by the State that are necessitated by the obligations of membership of the European Union referred to in subsection 10° of this section, or prevents laws enacted, acts done or measures adopted by the said European Union or by institutions thereof, or by bodies competent under the treaties referred to in this section, from having the force of law in the State.”

    8. The Treaty can be changed without another referendum

    Article 48 of the Treaty enables changes to be made to it after ratification without the constitutional requirement for another referendum in Ireland. This is confirmed by the independent Referendum Commission on its website which states: there “may” be a requirement for a referendum to implement such changes.
  5. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    This Lisbon Treaty is nothing but a way for the EU's PTB to take any remaining individual freedoms that is left in Europe.
  6. toemag

    toemag Monkey++

    Correct, and we the British and here in Germany never got a say in it. Sold down the swanny by some we want to rule the world NWO type's.

    Just off to graze in the pasture if it don't break any €uro laws.

  7. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    one more step in the route towards a consolidated world government to levy taxes and regulate the crap outta everything...
    European Union
    African Union
    North American Union
    Asian Union
    latin America has one in the works too but I can't properly name it...

    Once they are all complete they can be tied by treaty under ONE GUY.( The proverbial "new World Order)which is great(!) for the new layer of Government but, I fail to see how this is extra layer of regulation is advantageous to the average citizen of the world.
  8. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Now we the people have to keep the NAU from taking hold here. The world has awoke to the age old scam used to dissolve a nations sovereignty.
    They can't fool us and will never rule us.
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