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Motorola T7200 User Manual 2014-08-18

Motorola TalkAbout T7200 5-Mile 22-Channel FRS/GMRS Two-Way Radio

  1. melbo
    t7200_manual. The Motorola T7200 was a great radio that was discontinued due to it's encryption features as well as it's dual mode feature that allowed them to be used with repeaters. For those that still have them, here's the manual.

    Setting Eavesdrop Reducer (T7200 Only) Your radio has the Eavesdrop Reducer feature, a scramble code that makes
    your transmissions sound garbled to anyone listening without the same Code. It doesn't guarantee secrecy, but it adds an extra layer of privacy.
    Note: All the radios have to be set to the same Scramble Code
    for transmission to be clear.

    t7200. Understanding Repeater Channels
    If you have a GMRS Repeater and wish to use it, you must set your T7200 to repeater mode. Those Channels are identified on the display by having both x in the Interference Eliminator Code area and l at the bottom right of the display.

    A unique power-up chirp will sound (if Button Beeps are enabled) indicating that your radio now has repeater capability. Now you can talk to other T7200 radios that are set to your same Repeater Channel, Interference Eliminator Code, and Eavesdrop Reducer Code
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