Imhofe says "we'll kill cap 'ntrade in the senate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tango3, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    world net daily: june26th

    Inhofe Says 'Cap And Trade' Dead
    <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="1"><tbody><tr><td>[​IMG]</td></tr><tr><td align="center">Inhofe During Shawnee Interview</td></tr></tbody></table>Wayne Trotter 26.JUN.09
    Passing President Obama’s “cap and trade” energy program would cost the average Oklahoma family $3,200 a year, Sen. Jim Inhofe said Friday, but he’s confident the measure will be killed in the Senate no matter what happens in the House of Representatives.

    The Tulsa Republican, a longtime critic of what he considers “this hoax called global warming,” made his latest statements during a morning stop in Shawnee while House members in Washington were preparing to vote on the controversial issue.

    “Between the years of 1998 and 2005, I was the only member of the United States Senate who would take on what I call ‘the Hollywood elitists’ and the United Nations on this hoax called global warming and I went through seven years of purgatory on that issue.

    “But now I’ve been redeemed and the vast majority of the scientific community has now said Inhofe’s right and the United Nations is wrong and those individuals … have now said ‘no, the science is not there and these are natural cycles.”

    At the time of the interview Friday morning, he said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was only two votes short of winning and predicted that if she brought the question up for a vote, it would indicate she had found them. Late Friday, the bill was approved in the House on a 219-212 vote.

    “It doesn’t matter,” he declared flatly, “because we’ll kill it in the Senate anyway.”

    Asked if he was confident that would be the case, Oklahoma’s senior senator said he was “absolutely certain.” He noted that it would take 60 votes to break an anticipated Republican filibuster over cap and trade and predicted the most the Democrats can muster is about 34.

    He said all the hubbub in the House was over Pelosi’s desire to attend a conference in Copenhagen and be able to stand up and say, “Oh, we’ve passed this out of the House and we’re going to lead the way in America but it’s not going to pass the Senate.”

    Inhofe said the bill, if passed, would constitute the largest tax increase in the history of the country.

    He scoffed at Democratic claims that “cap and trade” doesn’t represent a tax increase at all but instead is a free enterprise solution.

    “MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the Wharton School of Economics came out with an analysis of what this is. They said that the range is between $330 and $350 billion a year. That translates in Oklahoma to $3,200 per family. Everyone who’s reading this story right now, that would be a tax increase of over $3,000 per family. I can give you all the documentation on that.”

    Inhofe said Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, tried to “rip me up” on the Senate floor only Thursday night and I said, “In your state of Massachusetts, there’s an innocuous organization called MIT. Are you familiar with that?” Then, he said, he read what the MIT analysis had to say.

    He also said Oklahoma would be among the most affected states. “Losing states would be primarily Oklahoma and Texas,” he observed, producing a color-coded map. One of the winning states, he said, would be California.

    Changing the subject, Inhofe called the vote on what he called the “bailout bill” last fall probably will go down as one of the most egregious votes of all time. “In know this is unpopular to say because my own junior citizen voted for it,” he commented in reference to his fellow Republican, Sen. Tom Coburn.

    But, he said, cap and trade will be worse because it would come to the same amount of money every year.

    He also criticized the Obama administration for moves to integrate gun control with international treaties on grounds that crimes committed in Mexico are done with guns manufactured in the United States.

    Inhofe called health care a serious issue but said it’s hard to talk about because there’s no written document on either the Obama or Kennedy plans. Regardless, he said, it’s clear that the proposed changes would put the government between the patient and doctor and would be based on the Canadian system. “That’s about all you can say,” he concluded.

    He repeated his intention to vote against the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court but acknowledge that she will be confirmed, quoting Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, as saying Republicans are afraid to vote against her because she’s a woman and she’s Hispanic.

    “I’m not,” Inhofe said without hesitation. “I’m going to be voting against her.”

    Inhofe said he was in Shawnee as part of a program to “take one day a week when we’re not voting” and stopping in different parts of the state. The interview with The Countywide & Sun was conducted in Bill Ford’s office at Shawnee Mills. After leaving Shawnee, he said, he planned to fly to Ada, Lawton and the Weatherford-Clinton area.

    State Representatives Kris Steele of Shawnee and Shane Jett of Tecumseh, both Republicans, were on hand for the interview. Inhofe signed photographs for both.
  2. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Ok T3, you got my attention. But, I don't want the public lulled into complacence due to news articles like this one. So I have stolen it in the interest of "full disclosure" and then forwarded it to all Family and Friends, My Senators and Congressman, and here with my personal touch added.

    Dear Family and Friends,

    This is more pertinent info with regards to the upcoming Senate Vote on Cap and Trade.

    before I go any further let me say this. To those of you who may disagree with me. That you disagree with me, bothers me not in the least. We are all Americans, and that is your right. I encourage any of you with counterpoints to what I have to say, make those points clear to your Federal Government Representatives as well. I fully support that right as well. Additionally I would look forward to discussing the issues with you like civilized human beings as well. I prefer the written word via email as it is easier to edit before sending. As opposed to a shouting, swearing match over the phone or in person. I feel very strongly about the issues I email but usually manage to keep it PG-13. My tongue and temper is another issue altogether.

    Now is not the time to be lulled into procrastination or inaction for any reason. This Bill is truly Insidious, and dangerous to the freedoms of everyday life, and an economic burden we just cannot afford on a personal level at this time.

    I have said all along that Global Warming was nothing more that Sun Cycles that the Earth has experienced over and over throughout the ages. Many more well known and respected Scientists, now agree with that than the number that Jumped on the "Global Warming" concept to start with. And, a few of those who were on board now have recanted their views.

    Please! I beg of you. Contact your Federal Representatives. As many of them as you are comfortable with. But, in the very least, Both of your Senators, and your one Congressperson.

    Please read the following.........

    Shawnee, Okla.
    Wayne Trotter 26.JUN.09

    Passing President Obama’s “cap and trade” energy program would cost the average Oklahoma family $3,200 a year, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OKLA) said Friday, but he’s confident the measure will be killed in the Senate no matter what happens in the House of Representatives.

    The Tulsa Republican, a longtime critic of what he considers “this hoax called global warming,” made his latest statements during a morning stop in Shawnee while House members in Washington were preparing to vote on the controversial issue.

    “Between the years of 1998 and 2005, I was the only member of the United States Senate who would take on what I call ‘the Hollywood elitists’ and the United Nations on this hoax called global warming and I went through seven years of purgatory on that issue.

    “But now I’ve been redeemed and the vast majority of the scientific community has now said Inhofe’s right and the United Nations is wrong and those individuals … have now said ‘no, the science is not there and these are natural cycles.”

    At the time of the interview Friday morning, he said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was only two votes short of winning and predicted that if she brought the question up for a vote, it would indicate she had found them. Late Friday, the bill was approved in the House on a 219-212 vote.

    “It doesn’t matter,” he declared flatly, “because we’ll kill it in the Senate anyway.”

    Asked if he was confident that would be the case, Oklahoma’s senior senator said he was “absolutely certain.” He noted that it would take 60 votes to break an anticipated Republican filibuster over cap and trade and predicted the most the Democrats can muster is about 34.

    He said all the hubbub in the House was over Pelosi’s desire to attend a conference in Copenhagen and be able to stand up and say, “Oh, we’ve passed this out of the House and we’re going to lead the way in America but it’s not going to pass the Senate.”

    Inhofe said the bill, if passed, would constitute the largest tax increase in the history of the country.

    He scoffed at Democratic claims that “cap and trade” doesn’t represent a tax increase at all but instead is a free enterprise solution.

    “MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the Wharton School of Economics came out with an analysis of what this is. They said that the range is between $330 and $350 billion a year. That translates in Oklahoma to $3,200 per family. Everyone who’s reading this story right now, that would be a tax increase of over $3,000 per family. I can give you all the documentation on that.”

    Inhofe said Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, tried to “rip me up” on the Senate floor only Thursday night and I said, “In your state of Massachusetts, there’s an innocuous organization called MIT. Are you familiar with that?” Then, he said, he read what the MIT analysis had to say.

    He also said Oklahoma would be among the most affected states. “Losing states would be primarily Oklahoma and Texas,” he observed, producing a color-coded map. One of the winning states, he said, would be California.

    Changing the subject, Inhofe called the vote on what he called the “bailout bill” last fall probably will go down as one of the most egregious votes of all time. “In know this is unpopular to say because my own junior citizen voted for it,” he commented in reference to his fellow Republican, Sen. Tom Coburn.

    But, he said, cap and trade will be worse because it would come to the same amount of money every year.

    He also criticized the Obama administration for moves to integrate gun control with international treaties on grounds that crimes committed in Mexico are done with guns manufactured in the United States.

    Inhofe called health care a serious issue but said it’s hard to talk about because there’s no written document on either the Obama or Kennedy plans. Regardless, he said, it’s clear that the proposed changes would put the government between the patient and doctor and would be based on the Canadian system. “That’s about all you can say,” he concluded.

    He repeated his intention to vote against the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court but acknowledge that she will be confirmed, quoting Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, as saying Republicans are afraid to vote against her because she’s a woman and she’s Hispanic.

    “I’m not,” Inhofe said without hesitation. “I’m going to be voting against her.”

    Inhofe said he was in Shawnee as part of a program to “take one day a week when we’re not voting” and stopping in different parts of the state. The interview with The Countywide & Sun was conducted in Bill Ford’s office at Shawnee Mills. After leaving Shawnee, he said, he planned to fly to Ada, Lawton and the Weatherford-Clinton area.

    State Representatives Kris Steele of Shawnee and Shane Jett of Tecumseh, both Republicans, were on hand for the interview. Inhofe signed photographs for both.

    Thus ends the sermon! Thank you for your attention and patience.

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