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Communications 9 PDF eBooks (.zip file) 2018-08-19

A Zipped File Of 9 Resources, Regarding Communications

  1. Asia-Off-Grid
    Communications after a SHTF event will be of the utmost importance. It is a must, to make sure both you and those whom you care about, are educated as to how to communicate after such an event occurs.

    Learning the theory in order to secure an Amateur Radio Operator's (Ham) License, will help your communications preparations considerably. Please visit the ARRL Website, for further information.

    A list of the 9 titles included in the .zip file:
    1. Auxillary_Communications_Field_Operations_Guide-(AUXFOG).pdf (2013)
    2. Disaster_Communications.pdf (?)
    3. Electromagnetic_Pulse_And_The_Radio_Amateur.pdf (1986)
    4. FRS_Radio_Guide.pdf (2004)
    5. NOAA_Weather_Radio_Channel_List.pdf (?)
    6. Shortwave_101-How_To_Listen_To_World_Radio.pdf (?)
    7. Some_Thoughts_On_Disaster_Communications.pdf (by Jerry D. Young) (?)
    8. Standard_Amateur_Radio_Prepper_Communications_Plan.pdf (2012)
    9. Survival_Communications_Primer.pdf (2007)


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  1. Zimmy
    Version: 2018-08-19
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