I saw one of these at the gun show in Biloxi last week for $1500.00, wish I had bought it now. http://www.youtube.com/embed/lR9sL8hqkBk
I have a Saiga but this thing has a much more ergonomic profile, especially if you are firing a drum or a big mag. I'll trade you my Saiga for one any day.
I had a chance to play with one of these yesterday and over-all have decided that I got to have one. It started out with a few hang-ups, mostly light primer strikes. I took the weapon apart and tinkered with the hammer and dis-connect for a little bit with a set of stones, added a bit of graphite lube and cycled through two boxes of high-brass without a flaw shooting a mixture of Buckshot and Slugs. Then we switched to Federal low-brass and Winchester AA field loads and fired more than 200 rounds without a hiccup. AR platform weapons need to be shot in. As an aside, I must have fired at least 200 rounds through my Saiga before I go it to run correctly, so apparently the AK platform has issues too, mostly with factory stamped parts that need to learn their correct place in the scheme of things.
He posted another vid (4a) that shows the results of the new gun. I have some questions about his analysis of the fired hulls. For one thing, I think he's confused the extractor with the ejector leaving marks. So far as the bulged bases and torn off ends go, I believe that is due to the bolt unlocking before gas pressure has dropped, and the bulge forms as the bolt moves back and before the base shrinks back away from the chamber walls. I didn't notice if the "bulge" was only on the high brass or if it also happened on the target hulls. I'm not fond of tinkering, so that gun is not on my want list.
It seems to be like the Kel-Tec offerings, interesting ideas not quite thought out and not executed well...... Maybe just a little more tweaking.
The dealer I use gave me a price of $2300 and sells to me at 10% over cost. Will have to sell a couple toys if I want to get one of these!
Great price, unless it had some major issues that could not be fixed, considering what the dealer and Gun Broker prices are.
I'm just really supprised by the lack of haters. Usually whenever there is something new, with some bugs to be worked out, has rails all over it, and was designed with similiar ergonomics to the AR... Well, somebody has to have an argument against it.
OK, it is way overpriced at $2300 for a new fangled semi that needs to be worked on to operate correctly.