Mandalay Bay - shooter fired up a C&W concert. Reports of fully automatic weapon being used - reports from scene seem to back this up. Multiple other shooting at other properties have been reported. UMC hosp on divert, Sunrise hosp on divert. I-10 shut down, airport on divert for now Cops confirm 2 known dead, 'at least 24' wounded. Very chaotic, to say the least.
Short lesson on why to stay outta crowds. Sounded full auto with mag changes. 26 hit, 2 dead, 12 critical as of 0417.
This is horrible. I just stayed at Mandalay Bay this spring. It is a huge hotel, I can see why it would take time to locate the shooter. Those poor souls. Las Vegas shooting kills 50 and leaves 200 injured as Mandalay Bay hotel gun maniac Stephen Paddock carries out worst gun massacre in US history
Here is what the shooter allegedly had- • He was on Floor 32 of Mandalay Bay hotel when he shot down into a crowd that was outside. Police said he had several weapons in his hotel room including eight assault rifles and 200 fully loaded magazines. His suite allowed for two different angles for shooting to the outside. Paddock also had cameras down the hall to watch for anyone approaching. Who is Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas concert shooting suspect?
It does sound a bit like something from "Enemies, Foreign and Domestic". Trump sure isn't Zero, but lets wait and see what the deep state does.
Bits and dribbles - "Paddock checked in as a hotel guest on Thursday, Sept. 28 before the attack, which left at least 50 people dead and more than 400 injured, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said." (From Fox News) One must ask how it is that the daily maid service missed the armory.
My understanding is that the police were able to locate the shooter very quickly because he didn't think to disable his room's smoke alarm, which went off and signaled the front desk. That little mistake probably saved some lives. I haven't yet heard whether he was shot by police or suicided, nor whether he was wearing body armor. From the purely whack-job POV, I'm really surprised he didn't have gun traps on his door and/or the door solidly barricaded. I'm sure he knew they'ed be kicking his door in, eventually.
Easy enough to hang a "do not disturb" sign on the handle. My wife and I usually put that out first thing and then only pull it every few days. I'm interested how he managed to lug the rifles and ammo up without being noticed. The riles must have been able to be broken down to fit in suitcases. Lots of stupidity on twitter and social media by those wanting to take political advantage. I suspect another member of the inclusive left has lost it again, but will wait for the facts. My thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families and loved ones.
"Girlfriend found - out of country Passport - OZ From the Philippines. Oh, and wanted by the FBI - how the hell she got an international flight and out of the US is going to need some explaining. Please remember - this shooting was nearly as deadly as a truck attack. Nearly. . The Nice (That's a city in France as you may remember) attack had worse numbers, that attack was with a medium sized cargo truck. The attack was sudden, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others. I suspect of the 50+ dead, many will have died as a result of the stampeding crowd & not from gunfire. The 400+ injured will likely show most injured from the stampede as well. I was stationed at Nellis for over half of my Air Force career - the high desert is full of nutcases. Be of interest to everyone to see what develops over time. This was too well planned, too well supported and carried out to be something random or a guy that "just snapped". Someomne more is at play here - something big - like the Tim McVey thing. I can guarantee that the Metro staff will go at this like a demon - anything bad for tourism has to be explained - Las Vegas is a town that lives - or dies - on the tourist dollar or the lack thereof. As an aside, the cops found the guys room quickly because the smoke detector in the room went off when he started shooting....
The not so surprising thing that happened right away.....all of the mainstream media running to get all of the anti-gunners on to talk about their favorite topic, gun control. Never let a crisis go to waste........
News is changing with every minute. ISIS is saying this guy was one of theirs which ISIS threatened Vegas in May.Las Vegas police: No credible threat despite Strip in ISIS video Now there was no balcony but windows are being shown missing. It is all speculation but I do know that lives were lost, I pray for the injured and the ones that lost there lives. And why didn't Aldean say to get out? He left the stage and people stood there wondering. I do not blame him but it would have got them moving sooner. I
No questions about how he obtained a full auto weapon? NFA Stamp? Self modified? They are saying no connection to terror, but this was a terrorist act. This nut cases background needs to be thoroughly searched.... Prayers for those killed, their families and those who came under fire....
Exactly, I am SURE ATF has the Serial Numbers on each Weapon and 10,000 Agents are coming the OEMs Records, Distributers Records, and FFL Records following the Paper Trail to the original Purchaser.... Heaven Help that Fellow if he sold his weapon at a Gun show to this Yahoo Whacko... and an NFA Weapon... I am willing to bet it was Self-Modified, if it was a full auto in the first place... Very, Very Unlikely it was a Registered NFA Weapon and His, or unknown Stolen Weapon.... 90% of the population has NO IDEA what a Full Auto sounds like, just like 90% of the population has NO IDEA what an Energetic Detonation Looks and Sounds like.....
Operation Fast & Furious? I'm sure that anyone able to premeditate and perform an evil act of this magnitude, has an agenda that being withheld from the General Public, at least at this time.
This is a truly terrible, cowardly, and evil thing... my heart and prayers go out to all... that said... Sent emails to my politicians... no on any more gun control... and reminded them I always vote... such laws serve to punish the innocent for the wrongs of the guilty... disarm future terrorist targets... and IMHO is completely against the concepts within the Bill of Rights and the Constitution... and gives the terrorist a win...