Well here's a story TPTB would rather you not hear about anytime soon TPTB= the powers that be <iframe style="display: none;" id="stSegmentFrame" height="0" src="http://seg.sharethis.com/getSegment.php?purl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.survivalmonkey.com%2Fforum%2Fnewthread.php%3Fdo%3Dnewthread%26f%3D11&jsref=&rnd=1328205066259" frameBorder="0" width="0" name="stSegmentFrame" scrolling="no"></iframe> Read more at Alberta Oil Sands Up Close: Gunshot Sounds, Dead Birds, a Moonscape - ICTMN.com
Who's the PRC gunna send??? The PLA repo men. $11billion infrastructure investment by the Chinese so that they can suck the field dry.....guess who the repo men will be if the terms of contract aren't met by the Canadians....um....PLA in cheap business suits????
There is always another view Normally when the "source of an article states: " Both are activists from British Columbia and members of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation." I stop reading because what follows is usually hype, ******** or both. The take form Chevron - Effectively retrieving oil from sand is a tough challenge. Chevron is using its vast resources of technology and expertise to bring this energy source to market. At the Athabasca Oil Sands Project's Muskeg River Mine in Alberta, Canada, giant shovels capable of scooping nearly 100 tons of bitumen-bearing oil sands in one bite make the job easier. Workers at mine sites need to extract more than two tons of oil sands to produce one barrel—42 gallons—of usable crude. Chevron holds a 20 percent interest in the project. In order to extract the bitumen from the oil sands, the ore is mixed with warm water to create a slurry. This slurry is fed into a processing unit where the bitumen is separated from the water and sand mixture. The extracted bitumen is diluted with a special solvent and then sent via pipeline to an upgrading facility near Edmonton. There, it is transformed into a wide range of premium low-sulfur and low-viscosity synthetic crude oils. So - that's what is going on - an oil company it strip mining the tar sands to get at the oil. Even Chevron calls it mining. It looks like this - It's heated with natural gas, separated, then processed. Why the fuss? Well, Greenies call this dirty oil because of the "carbon footprint" You have to burn two units of natural gas to get one unit of oil. 3 to 4 gallons of water are used to produce one gallon of crude - of which 60% can be refined into gasoline. That and how the leftovers are dealt with Quite the mess? Confined to fenced ponds. Wwwweeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeddddoooooooomed, eh? Not really - http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/b...or-more-efficient-oil-sand-industry.html?_r=1 The oil companies are busy coming up with different, less polluting ways to extract the oil. Pretty horrible, eh? - ruined for a billion generations!!!! A moonscape for all time... Oh, wait Earlier mining efforts have been reclaimed, here, the land wasn't reshaped, a shame, but as you can see for yourself - no moonscape - something activists DON'T want you to see. Works both ways... (Source - http://www.golder.ca/en/modules.php...article&sp_id=114&page_id=1100&article_id=124) SO what? Good question. No doubt, the oil companies are making a mess - it is possible to clean it up and do remediation. Just like with strip mining of coal, the Gov't will have to avoid taking bribes, kickbacks and payoffs and ensure these companies do clean up as they move from one area to another. Otherwise, the same local Gov't - read that as local taxpayers will foot the bill for remediation .Do companies make a mess - yes. Do corrupt and inept Gov't types turn a blind eye, while lining their pockets - history says, yes again. It isn't really a problem with technology - at the root - it's a problem with people. And if Chinese-funded companies make the mess in Canada, guess how motivated the Chinese will be to clean up that mess? Ya, me too. This is a complex, interlocking set of issues, not simply dealt with by banning, prohibiting or blaming. It will take folks serious about cleaning up a mess, and the folks making the mess to pay for it. This cleanup, enforced and carried to a logical/reasonable end, could make tar sands far more expensive - and kill the development faster than all the howling activists put together.... I strongly recommend you all read up on this technology - because it is coming to Utah and Alaska next....