Well this should catch those nefarious jaywalkers. Got Paintball? Atlanta increases surveillance of city | ajc.com
They need to work on camera's in the white house and other federal building to see where the American tax payers money is going. I know they could find some crimes there.
Fry the cameras with one of these. Just have enough on so they don't know who you are before the lights go out. Blue Laser Pointer 1 Watt | S3 Arctic | Spyder III | Wicked Lasers
Even 30 years ago if you would have told people they would be watched from these types of cameras they would have said you were nuts and did in fact. Theye said not here, that kind of thing would never happen here in this country. Now they except it with no problem, SAD.
The trick was to get the majority of people comfortable with the idea - that means working on the youth. They are so accustomed to being 'watched', another few (thousand) cameras aren't a worry...... Our cars are being 'chipped'(On-Star), and soon the people will accept that too. But as the man said a long time ago..... "Who watches the watchers...!"
I think alot of the crime stats that are put out to the public is done so and have limited information about the crime and the out come of the investigation's are left out. To put people in fear for their safety and the safety of their families so that way people won't fight against them. Which what people don't understand about the camera's they don't protect you. Just because some guy is setting in a room watching some doper cut my head off is not going to help me in still dead or beat half to death. The guy will know where to send EMS or the undertaker but hell a joe citizen will find me just as fast and call 911. Then they will use that to add more camera's don't need camera's we need more armed citizen's. I have been in several bad situation's where joe citizen with a ccw permit has saved me and helped with an arrest and I thank each and everyone of them for it.
Not sure about downtown now ( Phoenix) But I have to take a shortcut heading up north or risk "over-exposure" from all the cameras along the route in and out of Prescott!They were installing more 6 months ago, and it seems it's CONTAGIOUS!
Here in Tallytown, it's big business..... "redlight cameras" popping up on all busy intersections. Sometimes, it's good for an idiot to get that $160 ticket, but mostly, it's just a money-making scam for the city. People do get these tickets for BS..... things a cop would let you slide on. But that camera.... it pops you, you PAY. To my limited knowledge, they aren't simply 'watching' us all yet. But that could change soon......
On-Star plus the new snapshot discount that Progressive has now are just great. Locate, listen and see what you are doing. I don't care what kind of discount you get for having a camera in the car, it's not going to happen.