Do the research, comment from experience, and decide for yourself. Weigh the benefits, and even if you end up not ingesting it, this can serve as a good insecticide. Diatomaceous earth - Wikipedia
I know several people using it in Arizona as an insecticide! It works! It's easy and it's non-poisonous!
Back in the day, they put that stuff in all sorts of food products (e.g., pancake batter). Don't buy the stuff for pools if you're going to use it for an insecticide. The pool stuff is treated by some process that makes it useless to kill bugs.
Neat video. I am a firm believer in homeopathic medicine and preventative maintainence of our bodies.
the stuff is very tiny glass-like particles very sharp and wicked pierces insect shells and makes them miserable much like glass fragments do us ive never heard of it killing much other than slugs but, hey, i dont know everything it does work tho to keep bugs away