This technology could be used in many ways, maybe slap one of these on the kid to prove to them they do not do enough physical activity....of course it may be helfull to pushaha....
My dogs would be looking up hunting video's or doggy porn.. Do understand what you mean.. Still a lot of dead spots that hound can get into.. The video of what ever he could be after would be interesting...
Don't... you need to get woofie some wifi so he can surf the net.... It would be interesting to pull up the "dog" feed and see who or what is out wherever he is patrolling.
Hell, he rips a tree apart while I am trying to cut it to stove length.... Nothing like watching a rott rip chunks of wood and bark off a log..
Thats all it is good for.. Let him have the top and I can get the rest cut.. The snot wont carry it into the house tho...
As a pup he grabbed up a shoe to chew on.. Took it away telling him that was not his and handed him a piece of wood off the stack tellin him he could chew on that.. He has every since.