Many have liked my "rest of the story" segments so I thought at this time when millions worldwide recognize the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, a story that is well known by believers and non believers alike that I would add a little "rest-of-the-story" details that you may not know. The day that our Lord was sacrificed is one of the most well known stories in scripture. Yet there are so many facets to it that most people have never heard. The details, and the hidden meanings, for me anyway, demonstrate the awesome power of God. His hand can be seen in all things. When we see how he controls even the minute details we get an impression of just what omnipresent and omnipotent actually means. By seeing the hand of God in every detail of Christ’s life, and death, only goes to prove that he was who and what he claimed to be. No ordinary person could have fulfilled every prophecy, had every detail of their lives evidence the influence of Almighty God if they were not the son of God. I think you will see what I mean as we go along. But before we can go to the day he died we have to first look at the day and place he was born. We know the story. There was no room at the inn. The holy family had to search out a place to stay and all that was available was a small grotto in the little town of Bethlehem used to house animals. But do you know what this little insignificant town was known for? Why Bethlehem? Bethlehem is even today a small town about 5 miles down the road from Jerusalem. The Israelites were commanded to come three times each year from all over the nation to observe the Holy Feast Days. During this time they were required to offer live animal sacrifices. The sacrificial lamb had to be absolutely spotless. They had to be examined by a priest or a judge and ruled to be spotless. Any devotee traveling from the corners of the nation could not take the chance that a sacrifice brought with them on the long trek would arrive spotless and without blemish. So a thriving business grew up to provide these pilgrims with a perfect sacrifice when they arrived. Tens of thousands of sheep were raised and were available in the markets for purchase. The center of this thriving enterprise was the small hamlet just down the road from Jerusalem, Bethlehem! Yes, for hundreds of years before the birth of that child, the city that he was born in was known as the place where the sacrificial lambs, used to take away the peoples sins, were born and came from! Jump ahead 33 1/2 years. The child is grown into a man and is about to fulfill the purpose he was born for. The man born in Bethlehem has been judged by Herod and Pilate and found to be spotless, "without sin". A sacrificial lamb had to be brought before the priests and inspected. Then the priests would render a judgment as to whether the sacrifice was pure, without blemish, thus eligible for sacrifice. One mistake that has been made throughout the years is the day that Christ died. Scripture tells us that the soldiers broke the legs of the condemned to hasten their death. The Sabbath was approaching at sunset and the Hebrew laws forbade anyone to touch a dead body on the Sabbath. When they went to break the legs of Christ they found that he had already died. Thus fulfilling the prophecy that no bones of his would be broken. Why is that important? The sacrificial lamb that is offered up at Passover for remission of sins was taken home and eaten by the family, but Mosaic Law specifies that none of it’s bones are to be broken. The error in timing comes in as a result of the early leaders of the Roman Church attempts to disassociate them from anything "Jewish". The council of Nicea changed the Sabbath from the Israelite Saturday to Sunday; also they changed the reckoning of a day from the traditional sunset to sunset to midnight to midnight. Due to their aversion to anything "Jewish" they failed to realize that in Hebraic law each of the 7 annual Holy Feast Days were considered a Sabbath day. So if a feast day fell during the week you would have two Sabbaths that week. Looking back to the year Christ died we find that the Passover Feast, considered by Israelites a Holy Sabbath day, fell on a Thursday that year. But when the priests of the Roman church read that the disciples asked for his body to be removed from the cross before the Sabbath began at sunset, they assumed it was the weekly Saturday Sabbath. Thus we have the Good Friday myth. But wait, scripture says that he lay in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights. Friday evening to Sunday morning is only 1 ½ days! There are some really humorous attempts to explain this away. Many Biblical scholars not willing to admit this long held fallacy claim that it was one night (Friday night), one day (Saturday day), and one more night (Saturday night), so that makes 3. But the rest of the story is that the Passover, an extra Sabbath that week, was on Thursday. So Christ was crucified on Wednesday day, his body removed from the cross before sunset, the start of the extra Sabbath day. He lay in the tomb from Wed. afternoon to sometime after sunset on Saturday. 3 days and 3 nights. Scripture doesn’t tell us that he rose at sunrise on Sunday morning. The last day, and the weekly Sabbath, ended at sunset on Saturday night. The women would have wanted to adorn and scent the body for burial as soon as possible. They probably would not have waited until Sunday morning to do it. The sunrise story comes from the Babylonian Ishtar (pronounced eez-star) goddess religion. As did rabbits and colored eggs but that is another story. But then why did they not do it on Thursday night as soon as the Passover Sabbath was over? In the ancient world with primitive medical knowledge it was not uncommon for a person to be pronounced dead when in fact they were actually in a deep coma. So in Roman law it was required that for a person to be officially declared deceased they had to entombed for, you guessed it 3 days. A person can only live without water for about 3 days. So a person sealed in a tomb, if not dead when put in, would certainly be dead after the 3 days, and only then could they be officially certified to be actually deceased. The Romans were well aware of the prophecies of Christs resurection and had placed guards on the tomb to prevent his body being stolen. So it is very likely that they would not have allowed anyone to enter the tomb until the 3 days requirement was met. The women who discovered the empty tomb reported that the linen cloth used to cover his face was neatly folded and laid upon the cleft in the rock hewn tomb. The linen cloth was folded neatly and laid upon the cleft. Why did the women and the recorders of scripture feel the need to report this seemingly insignificant fact? Linen napkins were a very expensive item in ancient Israel. You only brought them out for important guests. If you were a guest in an Israelite home during this time you would be given a napkin to use during your meal. It was good manners to lay this valuable accessory carefully upon the table when you rose after the meal. But, if you really wanted to pay your host a compliment, beyond simple good manners. You would neatly fold your napkin and place it upon the place you had been sitting. This signified that "I enjoyed your hospitality and I will return again." You were in fact saying, "Save my place, I'll be back." The sacrificial lambs slain on that Passover Wednesday were to be cooked and eaten by the family before the Passover Sabbath began at sunset. But no bones of the lamb could be broken. How do you cook a whole lamb with out cutting it up to fit in the oven? The same way that many cultures around the world still do it. You build a small fire in the courtyard and you fasten the carcass on a spit and place it close to the coals to roast. When we think of a spit with roasting meat on it we think of the typical "cowboy" fire with the spit running horizontally over the coals. But that is not the way that they do it in other cultures. The South Americans today still cook whole lamb and pig carcasses the same way that the ancient Israelite did. They drive a stake in the ground, fasten a cross bar to it and stretch the carcass over it, securing the legs and splaying the carcass out. In other words they put it on a cross! See the pictures below. Yes, for hundreds of years before Christ was born the yearly sacrificial lambs of the Israelite people, sacrificed to take away their sins, were hung on a cross. The fist century historian Josephus tells us that about 250,000 lambs were sacrificed in Jerusalem on that particular Passover. So while Christ hung on the cross, all over the city of Jerusalem, thousands of sacrificial lambs were hanging on crosses as well. This also adds meaning to the reference during the last supper when he offers bread and wine "saying this is my body...this is my blood". The blood of the sacrificial lamb was spilled for remission of sin and the flesh was consumed with reverence in the Passover meal. He was saying, "I am the sacrificial lamb". What about the blood? The people would offer the blood of the sacrifice for their individual sins but a special lamb would be sacrificed for the sins of the nation, the people as a whole. The high priest would take the blood of this sacrifice and he would enter into the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was housed. The priest would only enter this holy inner sanctum once a year, and he had to be true and cleansed before entering. A rope was tied to his ankle because if he had any hidden sin or was unclean in any way he would die upon approaching the ark. If he didn't return for some time they would haul out his dead carcass with the rope. But if he were found clean he would approach the ark and would sprinkle the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the mercy seat on top of the ark. This practice had gone on each year for thousands of years before the day that Christ paid the final debt once and for all for all mankind. So what does this have to do with the crucifixion of Christ? If he was the final sacrificial lamb then his sacrifice would not be complete until his blood was sprinkled upon the mercy seat of the ark. The problem? The ark had been lost ever since the destruction of the first temple shortly after Solomon’s time. Hundreds of years before Christ’s time. Many theories abound as to what happened to the ark. But most biblical scholars agree that the simplest answer is likely the most likely. That it was hidden away by the Levite priests as the invading armies surrounded the city and it's downfall became imminent. The temple mount is riddled with caves and passageways carved out for centuries. So it is likely that the ark was secreted into one of these subterranean vaults and remains undiscovered to this day. Or not. A biblical archeologist named Ron Wyatt claims to have seen the ark in a small cavern near the temple mount. Many "traditional" holy sites or relics have been found to be frauds. I have lived in the Middle East and am well aware even today of the Arabs reluctance to disappoint a guest. They do not like to say "no". If you ask them for something they will try to find it for you no matter what. So it is readily apparent to scholars that many of these sites and relics were simply a locals attempt to pacify a foreigner. "Can you show me where Christ was crucified?" "But of course my friend right here, and here is the garden tomb. Mount Sinai? Sure I can take you there, no problem." The mother of Emperor Constantine went on a pilgrimage to the Holy land to find the sites of the New Testament events and to find any relics. She was shown the spot where Christ was crucified, the garden tomb, and even found a piece of the cross. But many scholars doubt that these are the actual sites or an actual piece of the cross. Ron Wyatt claims to have found the real site of the crucifixion. All of the details fit exactly what we know of the Romans means of execution. For instance the true cross used by them was a T shape. The modern cross is an invention of renaissance painters. They needed somewhere to place the sign that Pilate ordered hung above Christ, proclaiming him "King of the Jews". They added the longer piece of the upright extending above his head for that purpose. The site that Ron Wyatt found was on the side of a hill and carved into the rock were square holes about two feet deep that would have been used to set the cross into with wedges driven in next to it to sturdy it. There were several holes with the center one higher up than the rest. This is what we would expect as the executions were meant to be observed. So on a hillside would offer good visibility to the masses and the center would be reserved for special prisoners. A few feet above where the center cross would be anchored a small shelf was carved into the rock hillside. This shelf would have been a perfect place to place a sign announcing to the crowds what this criminal was accused of. But the interesting thing that Wyatt found was that there was large crack in the rock that snaked out from the hole for several feet. Probing the crack it was apparent that it was very deep. Scripture describes a great earthquake that occurred just as Christ died that "split the rocks asunder". This is a great example of how to read scripture. Most people just gloss over that part and read on. But I have to stop and ask "Why?" Did God want to scare people? Nothing in scripture just happens for no reason. There is always a purpose if we search it out. That is one reason I believe Ron Wyatt’s account. If this is the actual place where Christ was crucified, why is there a crack in the rock? Why did God cause this enormous earthquake? Probing this crack Wyatt got the sense that it was open below the crack. He started searching around the base of the hill and he claims to have found a very small opening. He had to dig it out so that he could squeeze his body inside. He was slithering around in a very narrow chasm and trying to find the bottom side of the crack in the rock above. He came to a very small, fist-sized hole. He could tell that there was a large opening beyond that. He widened the hole as much as possible but he could not get it near big enough to get more than his arm inside. Peering into this chamber with a flashlight he claims to have seen a large cave. And inside were many items covered in cloths. He could see the bricked up entrance on the other side of the cavern where these items were brought in and later sealed up. He noticed a glint in the gloom and saw under the tattered remains of a cloth the Ark of the Covenant! The gold was glinting in the light of his flashlight and he could see just above the mercy seat the bottom of the crack that he had been searching for. He was directly below the crucifixion site. And in the crack he could see the dark stain of blood that had dripped down through it and fell upon the mercy seat. So what does all this mean? If true. And I believe that it is (Ron Wyatt died shortly after this discovery having sought in vain permission to excavate this site, and zealously guarding it's location) then it answers many of the "whys" of scripture. The blood of Christ would have pooled at the bottom of the cross (many crucifixion victims died from blood loss, this was the purpose of the scourging beforehand), a divinely inspired earthquake opening a crack in the rock would have allowed the blood to drip down and fall upon the mercy seat of the ark waiting for centuries a dozen feet below the very spot where the sacrificial lamb of God would spill his blood for all mankind!! The blood sprinkling on the mercy seat fulfills the requirements of Mosaic Law for the remissions of sin. Just more pieces fitting together in the big picture. More evidence of the hand of God in all things. More of the rest of the story.
Some Baptist congregations, the Philadelphia Church of God, and some non-denominational churches oppose the observance of Good Friday, regarding it as a so-called "papist" tradition, and instead observe the Crucifixion of Jesus on Wednesday to coincide with the Jewish sacrifice of the Passover Lamb (which some/many Christians believe is an Old Testament pointer to Jesus Christ). A Wednesday Crucifixion of Jesus allows for him to be in the tomb ("heart of the earth") for three days and three nights as he told the Pharisees he would be (Matthew 12:40), rather than two nights and a day (by inclusive counting, as was the norm at that time) if he had died on a Friday. Further support for a Wednesday crucifixion based on Matthew 12:40 includes the Jewish belief that death was not considered official until the beginning of the fourth day, which is disallowed with the traditional Friday afternoon to Sunday morning period of time. As "the Jews require a sign" (1 Corinthians 1:22), the resurrection of Christ is thus invalidated with the shorter interval, since it can thus be claimed that Christ could have only 'swooned,' rather than actually died. Additional rationale includes Daniel's statement concerning the "sacrifice and the oblation to cease" (Daniel 9:27) "in the midst of the week," the middle day of the week being Wednesday. This occurred when the vail in the temple was torn in two (Matthew 27:51).
Did you know... In the ancient world with primitive medical knowlege it was not uncommon for a person to be pronounced dead when in fact they were actually in a deep coma. So in Roman law it was required that for a person to be officailly declared deceased they had to be entombed for, you guessed it 3 days. A person can only live without water for about 3 days. So a person sealed in a tomb, if not dead when put in, would certainly be dead after the 3 days, and only then could they be officially certified to be actually deceased. Christ fulfilled this requirement. Also it is interesting to read that when informed that his good friend Lazurus was dying and asked to come heal him he waited. Then as Lazurus lay in his tomb he still waited. It was only upon the 4th day after Lazurus was entombed that Christ finally came and "called him forth". This is why Lazurus's relatives and friends were incredulus when told by Christ that Lazurus was not dead, only asleep. They knew that the period had elapsed and that there was no possible way that someone could merely be asleep. The linen cloth was folded neatly and laid upon the cleft. Why did the women and the recorders of scripture feel the need to report this seemingly insignificant fact? Linen napkins were a very expensive item in ancient Israel. You only brought them out for important guests. If you were a guest in an Israelite home during this time you would be given a napkin to use during your meal. It was good manners to lay this valuable accessory carefully upon the table when you rose after the meal. But, if you really wanted to pay your host a compliment, beyond simple good manners. You would neatly fold your napkin and place it upon the place you had been sitting. This signified that "I enjoyed your hospitality and I will return again." You were in fact saying "save my place, I'll be back." Now you know the rest of the story. I hope all enjoy your time with family and friends. I hope that believers will remember the source of our strength and hope. NOTE: I compiled this from some other posts from long ago.
Thank you for this post, Minuteman. I had seen the You tube video a few years ago and have come to believe them true. Ron claims that all the information relating to his discovery of the Ark had been turned over to the Israeli Antiquities Department. Further, he claims to have scraped a sample of the blood from the mercy seat and had it analyzed in a lab. Try watching the 17th video on the list first. it has more up to date information. This one.
I truly believe Ron Wyatt was led by God. He also discovered the true Mount Sinai. I worked in the Middle East for over 2 decades and lived in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia. There is absolutely no way that St. Catherine's Monastery is the site of the true Mount Sinai. It does not fit the description in scripture and would have been impossible as it could not support the multitude of animals, much less the estimated 3 million Israelites. I belive it is another common case of a local guide saying "oh yes, I know this place. Come my friend I'll take you, no problem. Pay me more money." Tho I didn't get to go myself, some guys from my church in Saudi (yes we had churches there) had gone to the Red Sea region and went to Jebel AL Lawz (the mountain of the law). They were very impressed amd believed that Ron Wyatt was correct and that was the true Mount Sinai. They also went to the Red Sea shore and saw the pillar with ancient Hebrew writing that marks the spot where they crossed. God was with them as when they reviewed thier video footage they spotted a military vehicle that passed behind them as they were leaving but did not see them. Both areas are in highly restricted zones and patrolled. They would have been imprisoned and deported if caught.
I think this is the one I had watched several years ago, The blood tested to have 1 chromosome Funny how science is proving biblical stories to be in fact true
I enjoyed reading the OP. With all due respect I often wondered if this man Jesus survived being crucified and the legend was born or it’s exactly as written. It’s the million dollar question (or much more) I suppose. Happy Easter
Years ago, I watched a series on the History Channel called The Naked Archaeologist with Simcha Jacobovici and he made a convincing argument for Hashem El Tarif being the true Mount Sinai, it checked all the boxes, including having a freshwater spring at the summit. HAPPY EASTER!
I do not do Easter...or Good Friday...nor Fish Friday....nor Xmas...nor birthdays.... I try not to keep one day above another....for I have come to realize that all days are His...not mine.. And birthdays are a time of self glorification....and not for me...thanks. That is how I try to drive my bus...and for my reasons...or if you prefer..His reasons. But you members make up your own minds and for your reasons. Orangetom Not an Ishmaelite.