Get behind Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oldman11, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Please everyone get behind Trump,our country needs this more than ever before. I don’t care what it takes step up for our country,please. I’m 74 and have seen what liberals can do to a great country. So,please get the vote out,our country depends on it. It’s not too late.
    Trump,making America great again.
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Ura-Ki and Asia-Off-Grid like this.
  3. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    I would imagine the numbers of voters, conservative, middle-of-the-road, and liberals, aren't much for voting while in other countries. You can bet your bottom dollar I have - and will, though. Many seem to talk a good talk, but that is all it is, really. Once they get outside the US, I really don't think most care any longer. Sad, really.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I DO NOT like Mr. Trump, i'm not going to list every thing I cannot stand! BUT, he is POTUS, and he is keeping his promises which is far more then any of his predecessors ever did! THAT carries far more influence with me and MY VOTE then who the man sleeps with, how he does business deals, meets with Putin in private to discuss things WE do not need to know, and I will vote for him because he does what he says he will! Now, WOULD SOME ONE PLEASE TAKE AWAY HIS TWITTER ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Absolutely. He's also not a politician, which I like, but rather a businessman.

    I also happen to enjoy the fact that he is not only pissing off the liberals in the US, but many others around the world. I get a particular pleasant feeling every time I see them whinging and whining. Makes my day.
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Yea, he sure does piss them off! That does make me smile!
    Thats why this whole investigation, keep him from really doing some good, keep him distracted and occupied!
  8. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Agreed, it's a political action from beginning to end. Two years no evidence for "collusion" = must keep digging. The positives are:
    1. A larger percentage of the US population realizes that the MSM is partisan propaganda with some fact based news occasionally thrown in.
    2. Rural America is fully aware that they have to keep Urban America and it's control agenda in check
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Like Ura-ki and others here, I am not crazy about Donald Trump. Frankly, I wanted Rand Paul but I want a lot of things in life that I have no chance of getting. Having said this, I am behind President Trump 110%. He continues to try to achieve results and the promises he made during campaigning which, in my lifetime, I cannot think of ANY other politician ever doing and this is what is important to me, the real meat and potatoes, not the fact he cheated on his wife or his lawyer is a slimy crook (aren't they all which is why most politicians are lawyers). So, if I must take his hot temper and big mouth with his results oriented administration then so be it and - yes - I will be the first in line to vote for him if he runs again...and I hope to God he does.

    Also, I have come to realize that Rand Paul, which I truly admire, could not have stood up to the Leftists and achieved the results that President Trump has done. I was wrong. Trump is exactly the type of President we need at this time because he is not there to make friends or ensure a 30+ year political career (like a McCain), plus he knows business and trade. He's a billionaire they cannot buy and is using his power to correct a lot of wrongs. Just this morning, they are announcing a new Trade deal is on the verge with Mexico and Canada, bye-bye NAFTA. Yes, he has my complete support, 110%.

    EDIT: @oldman11 I can't get behind him anymore than I already have but I assure you if they try some BS to impeach him then I will be in front of him or, at the least, standing beside him. Because I finally feel I have a President that is trying to represent me and tackling the difficult problems of this nation.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    mysterymet, Idahoser, SB21 and 5 others like this.
  10. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    If he has ANY tie to Russia I will NEVER support him or anyone who does SImple as that.
    SoaySheep likes this.
  11. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    You may be confusing him with Killary, who does.
  12. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    No I am not confused
    SoaySheep, Dunerunner and Motomom34 like this.
  13. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I rather have Trump talking to Russia than having a war with them,don’t you think? Why are you dead set on not having Trump talking to Russia? Had you rather have a knock down nuclear war with Russia,with China taking Russia’s side? I hope not. If you are thinking along these lines you must be crazy or not knowing what you are talking about. I’m not trying to be smart with you so please don’t take it that way. Have a nice day.
    Idahoser and Asia-Off-Grid like this.
  14. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Any citizen who places the interests of another country ahead of the US is a traitor. For example, actually colluding with the then Soviet Union to win an election like Ted Kennedy, giving China access to US intellectual property like Clinton (who also starved the military at the same time), selling a significant portion of US uranium rights to a potentially hostile nuclear power like Russia (this time the other Clinton with the blessing of Zero).

    The whole Trump/Russia collusion story is phony and nothing more than a political stunt to undermine him by the swamp. The MSM railed against him all last week over other people being found guilty of crimes Trump did not commit. They are working on the old "if you tell a lie often enough it will become the truth" propaganda model. Once I started dissecting the reports using critical thinking it was easy to see it for what it is. I'm apparently not alone in this as even with 90% negative press coverage Trump is still in the mid 40's in his approval ratings. People are starting to wake up and pay attention.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Ever wonder what that 2 hour meeting between Trump and Putin was about? I would guess that meeting was something along the lines of an off the record talk about Russia and the Crimea, I would imagine Trump made things very clear where the U.S. stands on things and that Putin should be very careful moving forward! Notice how the rhetoric and sword rattling has all but stopped? Putin knows Russia cannot compete on any level, and he knows that the U.S. and Europe will not stand for any further activities in the Ukraine! The lies about Trump giving aid and comfort to the enemy is really taking things too far, Trump has increased sanctions against the Russian Federation since, how is that aiding and comforting the enemy?
    Remember, Russia has always been the BoogyMan that the U.S. must always be ready to fight, this is nothing more then the continuation of that idea, Preparing to fight that BoogyMan! Only we all know that fight will never come, Russia is a Paper tiger, has been since it broke apart, and Russia cannot fund any mil build up, and cannot maintain what it has in any state more then marginally active!
  16. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I believe China is the wild card. What if China sides with Russia then what. What worry’s me more than a war is all of these country’s talking about doing away with the dollar and going over to a gold backed currency. I don’t think oil will hurt us that bad as we are drilling most of our own. The other wild card is the liberal socialist s..t here in the u.s.a. causing trouble. Trump will never be impeached nor quit. Then we have all of these illegal immigrants to worry us not so much the Mexicans but all these sorry illegals from the Middle East. Anyway folks we are in for a rough ride one way or another. It takes a special kind of man to want to be president. Trump is that kind of person making America great again.
    oldawg, Ura-Ki, 3M-TA3 and 1 other person like this.
  17. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Folks may not like the Don - but the alternative would have been an unmitigated disaster.
  18. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    IMO,,,Trump is a self righteous blowhard. I do not believe he's telling the truth on everything that is coming out of his closet . Either the Russian collusion idea came from Manaforts previous dealings with Russia , and the Dems just picked that up and tried to turn it into something ,,,,OR,,,Stormy Daniels is of Russian decent . Hell Trump is like most other men , he admires a pretty woman,, although I do not condone his infidelity ,, but that's between him , Melania , and God. As said previously,,Trump is not looking for a political career ,,, and that's why I feel he is there for his love of this country. He's made campaign promises , and a lot of them ,,and he's trying to keep them ,,,he's doing everything he can to keep those promises , even with all of the roadblocks being thrown in front of him .. How many politicians can you name that has made that many promises ,,,,and actually showed you he was at least trying to keep them at least 1/2 of them ??? Do I give a fat crap if Mexico pays for that wall ???? Hell no ,,,,, I just want to see the wall !!! That shows a concern for our protection. No one else was pushing for that wall like he was ,,,,even our republicans ,,,,, they were scared they were going to lose those Latino votes ... Remember McCain running for POTUS,,,,,remember him running the campaign trail yelling repeal and replace Odumbocare ??? As soon as Trump brings it up after his inauguration ,,,,McCain is ahead of the Demorats,,,,, refusing to vote for what he campaigned for ... That I believe is 1 big reason Trump has no respect for McCain . But this is no different than any democrat,,,,which I believe McCain was democraps spy ,,,none of them have come forward and tried to work with Trump on not one single issue. And remember , Trump is no politician ,,,he's had nothing ,,, not one single vote , or say on any issue that this country is facing to this date ,,,,, but ,,, he's trying to fix these issues. And the real politicians are vehemently fighting him at every turn,,,,,, what does this tell you ??? Will I vote for Trump come election time ????? CHIT YEA !!!! The 2016 election was the 1st election in my lifetime that I was really worried,,,,, I mean totally scared ,,,, about the direction this country would take if Trump would not have won. Now , I have to worry about this for the next 2 elections , at least . These are just a few small reasons why I will support Trump ,,,,, as long as he continues this path. Carry on ,,,,,My President.
  19. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    All politicians are but figureheads placed there by those in power with a single minded action to make it appear that they were elected by the people. They are beholden not to the general population but to those that supported them and cleared the path for them. Granted it may appear that Mr. T got there by his own bootstraps, but I'll bet there are those that know where the bodies are buried that can make him come to heel with a short note.

    Yeah, he's the president, he's our president, but who's his master.

    Just look at the past several elections .. seriously, these are the people most qualified to be our president?

    Nope not blindly following anyone, I'll question motives behind every decision and decide the merits of the proposal.
    Especially when he can lie, say he didn't say it, and then before too long lots of folks start saying .. well he didn't really mean what he said. WTF. My momma woulda washed my mouth out with soap for lying like he does. Name calling would have got me grounded. I'd say he should have gotten some corporal punishment for lying, swearing and basically acting bad .. but he might like it.

    Our society has become so polarized that our political parties vote on 'Not the other guy' and not on the issues. And when our elected officials act like they were raised without any rules and that rules don't apply to themselves but only the masses. And we allow it .. yeah, webefkd.

    Oh I'll get behind him .. way behind .. far enough that when he walks us into a choke point maybe I'll be outside the field of fire and maybe actually survive.

    Anyway, the 2 party system will keep presenting us with the candidates we deserve as a society and not the ones we want until we go the way of the Romans.

    I think that we should get divorced and try being single for awhile and let the states handle shit for awhile. Because the people of the state can better control their elected officials here at home than in the greenzone of DC.

    so meh, I'll follow like the good little citizen gray man that I am trying to be.
    Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  20. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I believe Trump is the bull dog we need not the puppy dog we have been getting. If Trump goes for a second term then you will see change. At least people pay attention when he growls. The main thing I’m looking for is putting hillary behind bars,can you imagine what the other dimocrat crooks would be thinking then. I can hardly wait.
    Idahoser, Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
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