HI GUYZ/GALZ: Took a bit of a sabbatical; at first I cut web time way down but lately I've been off the wagon and spending mega time reading boards( whacking trolls for the good of humanity [punch]; figure if I'm back "yacking" I might as well come back "home..."aint no better board out there... That and 1,000point dow plunge got me reading some prep stuff again Missed y'all Figured minuteman, might have a few things to say 'bout the gulf rig(s). Won't ask the obvious:"Whaddid I mizz?" I'l just start catchup reading. Feels nice here.. See there's a few pm's ( that's always a nice homecoming) bought a Royal enfield "military" to run around town on (80mpg) pics to follow.( once I move some stuff around and remember how.) Thanks for not changing the locks. Happy mothers' day tomorrow toall you mothers...
I think Mags got temporarily banned. CRC is drinking way too much coffee. The bushcrafters are posting and adding depth to the forum. I posted cryptic messages at the Mosiac website for fun. And Melbo is getting funnier by the day. That's about it.
Who is this guy anyway. Did he read the COC. Has he checked in with the rest of the newbies? .... LOL Welcome home Tango3 .... you have been missed.
Y'all be happy to know I have gotten disgusted with "infowars" they' re pretty much off my reading list. So this site won't mirror the "Texas tubbo's" rants