If the US bombs Syria?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by C.T.Horner, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Its amature hour at the white house , He drew a line he didn't have the authority nor balls to hold to. NOW , given that 8 to 1 of us say NO. or HELL NO, he's now try'n to have it both ways. He says he WILL attack for "the kids" and its now up to congress to vote his way. When congress tells him to shove it he will blame THEM for the deaths.
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Commander in-cheap
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well, at least he asked.
    I hope congress say. Nope.
    I would take that as a sign that some in the legislative branch are listening to their constituents or just wanna screw oblama and his credibility. I'd be ok with either reason.
  4. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    For the record I am against all initiation of force, and vehemently oppose intervention in all conflicts that don’t immediate and directly affect our sovereignty.
    But with that said our elected leader did speak on our behalf when he made the threat to use force.
    If Con-gress says no, the US looses what little credibility we have left and we will be tested again, you can count on it. The only uncertainty is how far will we be pushed next time?
    The only sane and rational response would be for the US to wash their hands of the whole mess in the ME. Pull everybody and everything out. Let Allah sort it out.

    But Con-gress won’t do that because they can’t, the industrial war machine won’t let them. So my prediction is a weak watered down bill, narrowly passed along party lines authorizing limited action with the sole result of feeding the military industrial complex. Tomahawks will be used because they are ending their shelf life and need to be replaced. No worries though, by the time they fire them Assad will have had enough time to mitigate the damage. A win win, loose. In case you are wondering where you stand, you’re the LOOSE!
    tulianr likes this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, he said he spoke on behalf of the US. If the US now repudiates his noise, he stands to lose more than the nation does, it will be seen as mouthing off without thought world wide. Make no mistake, the rest of the world is NOT stupid enough to swallow his posturing noise whole hog.

    There's a case to be made that he loses more than the nation, and will operate to make future leaders cautious about yapping without thought. If congress refuses to authorize military action in accordance with the majority of the electorate's expressed wishes, so much the better. If they support zero's wants, all hell will break loose next election cycle.

    Either way, we will be tested, time and time again. The alpha critter is ALWAYS subject to challenge.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    @Motomom34 perhaps it would be easier if you just look at Israel as a miniature version of the United States. The only other difference, besides size, is they are run by Zionists who pretty much don't care how many "Goyen" die. Oh, by the way, there are hundreds of "theories" on just how much control the Zionists have. The best methods I can offer for you to pay attention to is the connections to Nazi holdings, Russian Bolshevik holdings, Communism origins and advancement, the Catholic Church, Telecommunications globally -especially in the U.S., Entertainment (Hollywood), and their loyal minions in both major political parties, especially the right wing. Essentially, I do not wish to claim that the "Jews" are to blame, because I know there are millions of wonderful people of Hebrew speaking origin, and the True Torah Jews in particular are 100% against Zionism. There may or may not be a massive conspiracy, I try to just look at the facts and follow the money/power lineage. Sen. James Trafficant spoke out against Zionism and he was quickly framed and outed publicly, despite lack of evidence. Even though Trafficant wasn't a Saint by any measure, he was always a patriot and he always spoke his mind and conscience.

    So, as far as this perceived "war" may be concerned, and whether or not Obama cares about Israel, I have to say without hesitation that "Obama" makes no decisions on his own, and it may not be the U.S. Incorporated hierarchy calling the shots here. And under NO uncertain terms should we ever believe there is infighting between the CEO of U.S. Slavery, Inc and Israel. They are one and the same.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  7. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    about right.you can only dream
    propter const.
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    It isnt so much that the Industrial war machine wont let them as the Elite Power brokers wont let this country. The U.S. military has gone to war on U.N. RESOLUTIONS so many times they might as well be called U.N. forces. WE are the military pawn being used by the central banks to further this globalist state. We are forcing compromise all over the world and have been for decades. Reagan was last Communist hater and it almost killed him. After Reagan Globalism was implemented. Bush wrote it, Clinton signed it and Bush jr enforced it. Obama is a puppet nothing more. HE DOESNT MATTER !!! The next fecal wipe will do the exact same thing. Its over people, face it. The United States is a thing of the past. Liberty is a thing of the past. Our sovereignty is thing of the past. We have not fought a war for our sovereignty since the war of 1812. Most of our Industrial power has been removed and relocated all around the world. It was the greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of the world. On such a huge scale most of the people dont see it for what it really is. It is the world Socialist state come to be. I wish this president had to balls to tell us the truth. To tell us we need to take the country back by force. But he wont because he and his family are protected and set up for life. The elite have no need of sovereign nations or single economies. They run the entire world. KF
    NWPilgrim likes this.
  9. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    My two cents is we should mind our own business and stay out of it that part of the world has been at war with each other since the begining of time. Our Country is collapsing falling into a dark hole she will never come back out of and they want to spend millions or billions in tax payers money to go and blow this Country up, then help rebuild it. The reason I say rebuild is for whatever reason our leaders think war means destroy it then you have to rebuild it better and give to the person you called the enemy when you destroyed it. He!! they can blow my house up then build me a new one along with a check because they did so. I don't know I just don't think we have the right.

    Another worry for me is this will weaken the US every great nation has lost wars over not keeping their troops focused on one detail at a time. Creating other wars, making new enemies and sending troops to fight multiple locations at the same time is not the trait if a good commander. Soldiers are just like everything else they wear out and sooner or later there are no replacements to replenish the stock
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I can't help wondering how much health care, food and water, and other humanitarian aid could be provided to the refugee camps for the price of one Tomahawk. That ignores completely the boost to the US reputation that might result.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    We won the war with Germany 70 years ago. We still have troops there.
    We won the war with Japan 70 years ago. We still have troops there.
    We have a stalemate in a war with North Korea 60 years ago. We still have troops there.
    Pretty sure we lost the war with Vietnam 40 years ago. And we don't have troops there.
    We beat Iraq once and then hunted down it's leader. We still have troops there.
    We have a war against terror in Afghanistan and finally killed bin laden. We still have troops there.

    So, we are going to have a war with Syria? Wonder how many years from now will we still have troops there?
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    For that matter, how much internal aid could it do inside of our own country?
    ColtCarbine, BTPost, ghrit and 2 others like this.
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Not trying to get off subject I agree 100% they show pictures of these little kids and families in other Countries in need of food, shelter and clothes. I know families with babies right here in our own back yards that do without and fight day to day to survive. What could this Country do with what one missile would cost to replace toward helping these people. The ones who are not abusing the system but trying and our government chooses to get involved in a war reason they claim free people and save lives. Then you look at the government wanting to go there get involved trying to change the outcome of that Country's future. What if it was on the other foot and they wanted to come here I don't think we would classify that as a mission of mercy we would call it an act of war.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I take the point. My intent was to compare the cost of making war against the cost of sending aid that might be provided in place of dropping bang makers. There's no question that not spending money on munitions and putting it to work here would have some rather good effects, not the least of which is reduction of taxes. Have to admit that I cannot see providing humanitarian aid to them (or if we needed/wanted it for any reason) can be interpreted as promoting war absent a false flag operation. And yeah, if there were civil war going on here, one side or the other would be crying for aid, the other would actively discourage it. So far as Syria goes, Assad is getting moral support from Putin. Who is aiding the rebels with even mouth music other than AQ and islamisists? Where can we put assets of any kind that will counter both sides itch for dominance? Ain't no such place in evidence that I can see. Hearts and minds? For the common people, maybe. For AQ, not a prayer.
    Yard Dart and BTPost like this.
  15. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I think the real point that needs to be addressed is why the United states military is the Global force for anything. I recently saw an add for the U.S. Navy where they now call them selves a GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD. This crap is why we are always involved and have not fought a single war since the war of 1812 to protect our sovereignty. WE ARE the ones who are pushing Globalism down the throats of every country in the world. What really pisses me off is that the PEOPLE don't want this. Anyone who thinks these wars and managed conflicts are not about money and power are totally blind. Nothing happens today with the Elite saying its OKAY. These conflicts are all planned out dialectics to reach certain planned compromises. The Elite control the U.S. Military not the people. There are just enough elite in our congress to keep furthering Globalism and Globalism is not Democracy. Globalism is global socialism and in the eyes of U.N. leaders they should be the only ones in charge of conflicts. They manage them for gain.

    Look my friends, It is my contention that the United States needs to re assert its independence from these Central banks and multinational corporations that are controlling us today. We need to break all trade agreements, throw out the central banks , Put congress back in charge of our military and our Money and limit all imports to only what we cant produce here. Let the rest of the world have their sick socialist state. Rant over. KF
    Brokor and NWPilgrim like this.
  16. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Brokor likes this.
  17. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    Lets say for the sake of argument the 0ne gets approval from Con-gress to bomb Syria. What can he actually drop a bomb on at this point? I mean really, what targets would be left? And of those targets how many aren’t occupied with women, children, and the elderly?

    So what are his options?

    He could send a warning to Assad stating the time and place to be bombed, and ask him to clear away innocent civilians. And if he doesn’t it’s on him. While on the surface this sounds good, it is a terrible idea. Assad will never comply, he just doesn’t give a shit and knows the 0ne doesn’t have the balls to follow through with a second bombing if he calls his bluff.

    Or he could do a thorough reconnaissance of a deserted area within Syrian territory, and bomb it. Claim it’s a secret stockpile of chemical weapons. Flood the MSM with fancy satellite pictures, and shaky video footage of the explosion from miles away. Then have experts point out in great detail, how the blur on the screen is a stockpile of deadly chemical weapons, not yet mixed. So the explosive incineration cleanly and safely destroyed the deadly substances. Then hail mission accomplished.
    This is likely IMHO.

    Then completely and thoroughly arm the Syrian opposition, including satellite data, and intelligence. Provide air support, in the form of drone strikes, and missile strikes.
    This is inevitable IMHO.

  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Or (my fave) presumably it is Assad that is the one that ordered the gas attacks, surveil the man himself until he's known to be in the palace, and send a single tomahawk down the chimney. Nothing else will have a lasting effect without making more US haters that we already have enough of. Yeah, execution without trial, but then it obviates the need for a trial. If it takes out a few of the military heads, so much the better. That is, after all, a risk of being in uniform.

    The thing with warnings is that it gives time to surround the target with innocents. Repugnant, but that's how it's done.
  19. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Let's see. Assad has not directly threatened the United States, Declared war against a nation that we have an allegiance pact with, nor has the UN security counsel proposed an action.

    Pretty much sounds like an illegal act to me.

    An internal struggle, the US is picking sides (we suck at picking sides .. they seem to use our arms against us in about 5-15 years) and propose a limited strike with what, tomahawk missiles (early version with pre programmed coords) because we have limited on the ground intel to provide real time targeting.

    Dude, this is so going to go sideways. We should just cut a line around DC and push it off into the ocean after the strike. I don't want those idiot any where near us when Blowback happens.

    Oh and I wouldn't want to be down range of Israel nor any of it's targets. Messy.

    I think I hear horses.
  20. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

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