What the heck is going on here?
One Agency buying for another. "NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement is dedicated to enforcing laws that conserve and protect our nation's living marine resources and their natural habitat. Our goal is to assure that the many people who enjoy these resources for recreation or rely on them for business follow the rules that will maintain the species for future generations." It's *all over the web* eh?
It isn't for the Weather Folks.... It is for the National Marine Fisheries Service Enforcement Section.... which is part of NOAA.... These are the guys that Terrorize our countries Fishermen, that fish in our 200 Miles Fisheries Exclusion Zone.... and ride with the USCG, who handles the Boarding, and Big Guns (5" & 50 Cal).....
The order is for only a few thousand rounds. What this really does is show how truly immense the amount that DHS is ordering is by comparison.
In addition to what BTP said, they might be acting as a regional stockpile for travelling agents of their own and other Goobermint agencies. Also, maybe keeping the suppliers busy so less ammo is available to the Great Unwashed Masses....?