RP supporters. Are you serious?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by melbo, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Then sign up to be a precinct leader/captain.


    The Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign is pleased to announce that we are now seeking volunteers to serve as designated "Precinct Leaders" across America. Precinct Leaders will receive canvassing lists, phone lists, training materials, and other tools to methodically get out the vote and win your precinct for Dr. Paul. As a Precinct Leader, you will be in charge of raising support for Dr. Paul in your precinct, identifying supporters, helping them get to the polls on Election Day, and campaigning at your polling place itself.

    An average precinct has 1,000 voters in 500 households, although states with closed primaries will have much fewer. Your role will be to ensure that every voter possible will arrive at the polls on Election Day to cast their vote for Dr. Paul. Ideally, you will call and visit every voter in your precinct; however, any amount of usage you get from this system will benefit the campaign, and we strongly recommend that you sign up.

    If you are ready to accept this responsibility, please do so by completing this form. Instructions for accessing the Precinct Leader System will be emailed to you immediately.

    <fieldset id="issues" style="margin-bottom: 1em;"><legend>Take the pledge:</legend> "As a supporter of freedom, peace, and prosperity, I will work to the utmost of my ability to deliver my precinct's votes for Dr. Ron Paul for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

    "I will review training materials provided by the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign and use the resources supplied to me by the campaign to reach out to every registered voter in my precinct. I will identify Ron Paul's supporters and recruit new supporters to the cause of peace and freedom. At all times I will hold myself to the highest ethical and professional behavior as a volunteer for Ron Paul.

    "For life, liberty, and peace, I pledge to volunteer in good faith and support the Ron Paul 2008 Campaign."

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