I just upgraded a piece of software for the forum and found that it had this feature enabled by default. ghrit, shield your eyes.... So many times, people post something and wonder why they don't have many comments. Often times it's because the comment would simply be "I like it" or "Great, thanks!" Enter the 'Like" system. Give thanks to someones post or info by clicking Like. Once you do, your name as well as any other people that 'liked' that post will show under the post you 'liked'. After a person has 'liked' a post in a thread, a 'Like counter will show up in the top left corner of the thread. You can then click on this and see what posts in the thread were liked. If you hover over a username, you'll get a little pop up that shows the comment of the post that was liked... I just said like and liked more times than I have YTD. Oh well. Ok, ghrit, you can come back now. This is not a Facebook 'Like', it's only here on Survivalmonkey. We'll ease you into this social stuff Do you like this? .
I'm BAAACCCKKKK!! Just found a "like" in my messages box. Never noticed it. Looks like a few clicks to see who likes what.
I didn't realize it sent a message. I think I Like that, brings you back to the discussion... The system is basically a "Thank you for this useful post' feature that I've seen on other boards. I did just notice that you can see your likes given and likes received in your Profile.
I don't "like" the notification up there....because now I have to go view the fool "like" in order to get rid of the notice. If I don't, I don't know if it's a PM or a fool "like". Too high school for me.......I'd drop it. Just my 2 cents.
Point taken. I'm trying to find a way to disable these notifications for old guys. Maybe I can find a setting in Options > Member Settings > TN Andy > Fun > Off
I like the 'like' system, and my fun can be turned on, thanks! Hey, why isn't there a 'dislike' link, too? For every Yin, there certainly must be a Yang. Tally up the Yins and Yangs, and pretty soon it would look much like a karma system on many of those quaint little forums we used to frequent so long ago. On second thought, just keep the likes. Many of my own posts, such as this would "Yang" out all too often. It's cool that you can 'unlike'. I will do this just to keep balance in the universe once in a while.
I'd settle for turning off the notifications, I'll go with Andy on that. Is there a way to clear them out? Could become quite a clutter in a year or three.
It seems that if you just click on the Likes in your inbox, they no longer show as unread messages. Me thinks they do not go away but if you never peruse that section of your profile.... you won't see them. I have a request in to allow members to turn off those notifications.
Too 'teeny-bopperish' for this old-school coot. Like on another site where members award each other "llamas" - what the "H" am I gonna do with a herd of virtual llamas!? "Like" them....? Maybe roasted....... Let the "Social Sites" 'like' this stuff.......... we really don't need it.
I like it. I don't post just to say "I agree with you" so with the like button I can say I agree and not clutter up the thread.