fom infowars: Thias is old news for anyone following the SPP debacle but it still bothers me and about half a million canadians : Why is the us army squashing liberties in canada for a corporatist agenda?. because the three executives have adopted that agenda and can...( reminds me of the old joke "why does a dog lick his testicles?" because he can)... <table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" class="subheadline_body" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"> Military To Crackdown On North American Union Protesters Secretive SPP confab to be protected by 25km military cordon, forums blocked | July 25, 2007 Steve Watson The US army is to enforce a huge security perimeter around the upcoming North American Union meeting in Canada this August as well as cracking down on expected protests, having already shut down a public forum due to take place close to the event. The Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and 21 is to be policed by American forces, who along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) have already refused to allow the Municipality of Papineauville, which is about six kilometres from Montebello, to rent a community centre to the Council of Canadians action group who were planning to hold a public forum the night before the confab to express their concerns about the meeting and the issues being discussed. “It is deplorable that we are being prevented from bringing together a panel of writers, academics and parliamentarians to share their concerns about the Security and Prosperity Partnership with Canadians,” said Brent Patterson, director of organizing with the Council of Canadians. “Meanwhile, six kilometres away, corporate leaders from the United States, Mexico and Canada will have unimpeded access to our political leaders.”<!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0849512753345323"; google_ad_width = 234; google_ad_height = 16; google_ad_format = "234x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; //2007-05-17: Article Pages google_ad_channel = "2541726477"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "000066"; //--> The Council of Canadians has also been told that in addition to the 25km perimeter in Montebello, there will be checkpoints in nearby areas, and vehicles carrying more than five people will be turned back. <table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="8" height="250" width="300"> <tbody><tr> <td><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0849512753345323"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; google_ad_type = "image"; //2007-07-17: video google_ad_channel = "3262489697"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "008000"; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><iframe name="google_ads_frame" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="250" scrolling="no" width="300"></iframe></td> </tr> </tbody></table> A whole host of other Canadian activist groups are scheduling protests despite the military cordon. According to journalist and NAU researcher Jerome R. Corsi, the protesters believe that as many as 10,000 people could assemble in Quebec to demonstrate. One particular activist group, Canadian Action Party , has taken issue with US troops coordinating operations for the confab on Canadian soil while denying access to Canadian citizens. CAP's leader said,”Bad enough that our RCMP and the Quebec provincial police force would apply offensive Canadian law to prevent a legitimate meeting of dissenting citizens. Totally untenable that a foreign army assumes jurisdiction on our land. But this we knew from the Binational Planning Agreement begun in 2002 that saw Canada crawl on its belly and permit the USA military to enter our land whenever it deems necessary. “ “Does anyone still believe that our federal leaders have not thrown away our sovereignty ? That from Chretien (Liberal) to Martin (Liberal) to Harper (Conservative), the Prime Ministers of our land have not been committing treason behind closed doors? How otherwise would it be possible that a proud, sovereign, and free nation would see a foreign army on its soil interfering with the right of Canadians to assemble and to speak?” Elite lobbying group the Council on Foreign Relations seeded the plan for a "North American Advisory Council" which eventually became the SPP. It comes as no surprise to NAU researchers that the latest SPP meeting will be a highly secretive and guarded affair given that CFR documents have revealed that the group wants to "establish private bodies that would meet regularly or annually to buttress North American relationships, along the lines of the Bilderberg conferences." Internal SPP documents released under the FOIA have also shown that a wide range of US administrative law is being re-written in stealth under this program to "integrate" and "harmonize" with administrative law in Mexico and Canada, in a similar fashion to moves that have become commonplace within the EU. The documents contain references to upwards of 13 working groups within an entire organized infrastructure that has drawn from officials within most areas of administrative government including U.S. departments of State, Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Health and Human Services, and the office of the US Trade Representative. During the upcoming SPP meeting an advisory Council created last year known as the North American Competitiveness Council will meet on issues including border regulation and competitiveness in the automotive, transportation, manufacturing and services sectors. The council is expected to meet annually with security and prosperity ministers and will engage with senior government officials on an ongoing basis. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is scheduled to host the Quebec summit which Mexican President Felipe Calderon and US President George W. Bush also planning to attend. The highest elected officials within the US, Canadian and Mexican governments are meeting together with advisory bodies staffed by senior private sector representatives yet the public are being forcibly denied any access to the event in addition to a pathetic blackout on behalf of the corporate media which still ridicules anyone who suggests the North American Union plan even exists. Related Articles EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth Officials Meet To Implement North American Union Documents Reveal Bush/CFR "Administrative Coup D'etat" of America Who Says the North American Union Is a Conspiracy Theory? <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> <table bgcolor="#cccccc" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td> "TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. 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Because this is a crock of crapola. This is the second time in a year that this has reared it's ugly head and someone is just trying to stir the pot. Why would the US Army, on a two front war use assets to they don't have, when the Canadian Army is standing around with thier thumbs up thier arses with nothing better to do. Some people have nothing better to do than sit around and dream up stuff that will do nothing but stir the pot.
I think I see your angle here: A story written just because it'd be outrageous.if it were true.....
With an operation large enough to make a 25km "no go" zone, that would take enough troops wearing very distinctive "ACU pattern" uniforms that a single picture should be very easy to produce, yet not a single picture. Still think this is a crock.
the conference takes place the 20-21st of August....we are still out a bit. Canadian leftist (?) are starting to poston the net gathering support for protests
The Army can't take a crap and wipe it's butt in 21 days, I can't se the movement of up to 10,000 tropps that would be necessary to make a 25Km cordon in this amount of time. I still think his is a load of conspiracy poo.
I can just see the reaction to a battalion of US troopers in riot control (combat) gear crossing the border.
blogs(?) Friday, July 13, 2007 <!-- Begin .post --> US troops on Canadian Soil - no drill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Connie Fogal, Leader of the Canadian Action Party, says, "So much for conspiracy theories! Now we have the ugly truth fully exposed. The US military really does now run Canada. "The US military is on Canadian soil forbidding the Municipality of Papineauville from renting a hall to the Council of Canadians who planned a public meeting to be held the day before the Three Amigos meet in Montebello, Quebec, Canada August 20, 21 2007 to plan their next moves in the dismantling of their respective countries of Canada, USA and Mexico. CAP's leader said,"Bad enough that our RCMP and the Quebec provincial police force would apply offensive Canadian law to prevent a legitimate meeting of dissenting citizens. Totally untenable that a foreign army assumes jurisdiction on our land. But this we knew from the Binational Planning Agreement begun in 2002 that saw Canada crawl on its belly and permit the USA military to enter our land whenever it deems necessary. " "Does anyone still believe that our federal leaders have not thrown away our sovereignty ? That from Chretien (Liberal) to Martin (Liberal) to Harper (Conservative), the Prime Ministers of this our land have not been committing treason behind closed doors? How otherwise would it be possible that a proud, sovereign, and free nation would see a foreign army on its soil interfering with the right of Canadians to assemble and to speak?" "And , Canada's silent loyal opposition has meanwhile been neither loyal nor an opposition ! US military on Canadian soil ordering Canadians did not happen overnight!"Connie Fogal, leader of the Canadian Action Party, urges all Canadians to say NO to the criminalization of dissent on our land. She pointed out,"So they put up a fence! So they impose a 25 kilometer no go zone! So they halt vehicles with five or more people in them! So we be on the edge propelling the power of our inner energy to stare at them through their barriers! We can just stand and stare!There is something very ludicrous about three leaders of alleged free countries hiding from their citizens." Connie Fogal , leader of the Canadian Action Party, encourages all liberty loving Americans, and Mexicans, as well as Canadians to protest this third annual meeting of national leaders who are bent on destroying our constitutional and civil rights. She urges,"Let us join hands in peaceful right of protest, standing firm and tall, determined and strong in acknowledgement that our nations belong to us the people,and that no shadow government, no military, no treacherous politicians or officials are going to take them away from us. "Contact Connie Fogal at 604 708 3372 or cell 778 891 4919 posted by Ed Doerksen @ 6:34 I can see dod assisting the secret service in security for potus, don't think they'll actually be manning an outer perimeter.Just Thought it would be an interesting situation to watch.... AWFUL LOT OF SINGLE SOURCING GOING ON :I find liberty post .org/and infowars as most of the sources.
Friday, July 29, 2007 <!-- Begin .post -->US troops on Canadian Soil - no drill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sniper-66, Leader of the Military Officers That Want To Run Their Own Country Party, says, "So much for conspiracy theories! Now we have the ugly truth fully exposed. The US military really does now run Canada. "We military folk are tired of a country of people that can't properly say the word "Hey, The letter H is not silent!!" The US military will crush anyone that has lost the ability to enunciate the letter H. If we need to, we will find the Sesame Street episode that was brought by the letter "H" and play it continuously until they learn that letter. MOTWTRTOCP leader's said,"Bad enough that our cold weather usually comes from this country, but to endure the bad language is more than untolerable. If needed further troop will be brought in until either this problem is corrected or we completey drain the country of their beer. As reported in the Journal of "We only Report Real Facts" journal There it is guys, the trueth is really out! There are the irrefutable facts that can't be denied!!!
all hail "H": point well taken... Long live the single source! Does this qualify as an "Officially stupid thread" ...