I had put the Scout Mount on my Hex M91/30 before, but it rocked up&down, and side to side. So, after procrastinating awhile, I reinstalled it with Loctite on the screws, and cranked it down better. Took it to the range this morning, and put a box of Hungarian 174 grain Heavy Ball through it. The "Poorman's bore sighting" - looking through the bore then through the scope - worked to get me on papaer. Just got it 'ball parked' at 50 yards at this time - still need to get my new glasses, so I am shooting 'center of fuzzy mass'! Got it grouping about two inches, about an inch low at 50. Should be good enough for some ersatz deer or pig use later. Once I got my new peepers, I can get her sighted in with my 180 grain SP handloads. After twenty rounds, the scope is still solid, not rocking! laff I also got my Russian TOZ .22LR rifle sighted in with a scope from a rifle I had traded off. It's a cheapo, but has a nice clear view, and performs well for rimfires. I used both CCI Minimags - my 'benchmark ammo - and some Federal 'Auto Match' tha had done poorly in a couple other rifles. The TOZ likes it, and shoots as tight as the Minimag for a lot cheaper! This will likely become my new 'squirrel rig'. The TOZ has a crappy finish, and I think Ivan was well into his cups of vodca when he tried to do the checkering...... So, later the wood will get a good going over! The prior owner had also removed the iron sights, leaving the muzzle looking ugly - I will reinstall them. Luckily, he still retained all the original parts, three extra magazines and the original Manual. This fine Sunday morning, I am a happy Monkey! Dos vidanya!
LOL - Mosin, a rifle that kills at both ends Couple of years back, local outfit had M44 for $80 each, so picked up one for me and for the boys. If the shell misses, you can start a fire! Lots of fun, cheap ammo and the round is suitable for most anything here in Alaska.
yeah i love my Mosin Nagant. only thing is it shoots about three inches to the left even at 50 yards, guess i need to take a hammer to the dovetail. you put a box of 20 rounds downrange with that thing and your shoulder knows it the next morning thanks to the metal butt plate. all in good fun though.
I have my Mosin scoped - it is solid and one of my best deer rifles. I have killed deer with it the last three years in a row. Got some dies, brass, and bullets from Midway and I have been making my own ammo for it - the milsurp is somewhat unreliable.
Advanced Technology. You can find them at Midway. They come with a new bolt handle that you can attach - you must first cut the old one off. Also comes with the taps needed to attached the mount. It's a fairly good fit, good instructions, etc. If you're not a gunsmith (and I'm not), it's kind of scary cutting the bolt off, but the instructions are good and simple to follow. If I can do it, anyone probably can. I love shooting this gun (which I've named "Ludmilla", after Lyudmila Pavlichenko); it's accurate and very deadly.