I expect this will keep going up. I wish that I could see stats like these and my first reaction would be "Good....the scum-bags got what was coming to them." But, we are the enemy now without the distinction of good citizen/scumbag. Everyone is eyed suspiciously. Seventy-Two Cops Were Shot and Killed in the Entire U.S. in 2011; LA County Cops Alone Shot and Killed 54 Suspects the Same Year - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Not what I was talking about: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter - CNN.com This we need more of...not trigger-happy SWAT types.
Guilty until proven innocent. Unless you happen to get shot and killed during the "arrest" phase, then you were guilty all along. Throw a woman into the water. If she drowns, she was not a witch. If she swims, then she's a witch and we'll burn her at the stake. Striking similarities?
I agree man!! Cops seem like they use the law to assert thier authority to cover up thier own disgust, plus like you said we do need more People that actually love thier citizen neighbors instead of robbing each other/hurting/or killing you know it just doesn't make sense.
Yeah, it makes no sense to do that, also when thier is other ways to solve problems. Sounds like circular reasoning and murder.. That's what it is!! Good post bro
The world is becoming more and more crazy. People killing for all the wrong reasons. Not the father, that is justified. My mind is becoming heavy of late. My spirit is suffocating. Am I the only one to actually feel the constriction that is set in around us? I may be weird, though it is like that sense you get when someone is watching you. It's a feeling that is very real. Every time I think I make a little headway, I see tons of things that assure me that one day it may come down to me and the train and the train will keep rolling. I am seeing that you can do and hope and yet they are gaining strength as the days go by. I am not becoming delusional or out-of-it. I am just talking about the hand is slowly tightening around us. We need to find the way to become like sand so that when it finally clenches, we will still be able to slip free. Am I rambling or is anyone following what I mean? Lol.
No doubt in my mind that we are being trained to do "Big Brother's" bidding. We are being regulated, "protected", and watched more and more every day. LEOs are becoming more and more militant. They seem to have the "bit in their teeth" (horses will sometimes grip the bit in their teeth and go where they want instead of being guided by the rider) and are becoming a self guided force instead of a protective/serving one. The Fedgub has pumped big bucks into even very rural depts gearing them up to military strength units. Seems they are beginning to think they have no restraints from the "subjects" they encounter. Maybe they have forgotten what their role is or who pays their salary. More police is NOT the answer but more and severe punishment for the perps. Guess cops get tired of putting scum in jail only to see them back on the streets before the paperwork is done. There are two sides to every story. What we do not want is a "Magnum Force" scenario--no matter how appealing it may be.
Great movie, but...not what I was advocating with the post. I just wanted to make the distinction that every person killed by a LEO is not the same. When I hear that an officer offed some guy...I want my reaction to be like the one in the second post. Sadly, my reaction is one of skepticism. LEOs today are just not the quality they should be...OR, their training is such that it predisposes them to shoot first and ask questions later.