TOR We Launched a Live Brand Styleguide

Discussion in 'TOR | TAILS' started by survivalmonkey, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    We Launched a Live Brand Styleguide
    Antonela March 06, 2018

    As much as The Tor Project focuses on the quality of our code, our crypto, and our infrastructure, making trustworthy software that is usable and useful depends on more than just technical details. As our tools become popular with an ever-larger group of people around the world, we also have to focus on the User Experience (UX) that these tools present.

    Early in 2017 the Tor UX Team received support from The Open Technology Fund's Usability Lab to create a basic visual styleguide, with the help of Ura Design and Simply Secure. This styleguide has allowed us to begin the work of creating a consistent visual look and feel across the entire project's ecosystem by standardizing fonts, colors, and logos. This consistency is important because it reinforces community identity and helps us to build user trust by identification. By making sure all our tools "look like Tor", we also build users' confidence; when a tool looks professional on the outside, it's easier to believe that the insides are high-quality as well.

    Visual consistency never happens overnight. We have been implementing the guidelines across platforms, and there are still many big changes to come (a redesign of our website is underway). But the Tor community and ecosystem is vast, and more than just a few people utilize Tor's style for their work.

    So to help guide us all in our contributions, we are proud to announce the launch of our first live brand style guide.


    The live Tor Styleguide is based on Bootstrap, an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS, and it's ready to integrate into your project today. As with all our work, we believe that making high-quality resources open and available to everyone makes all of our efforts more successful.

    To use the Tor styleguide, you can download our CSS style and import it into your project. Alternatively, you can also clone this repository and use our SASS files. The guide takes Tor Browser users in high-security mode into consideration; only a few elements are affected if you disable JavaScript.

    The styleguide is a living resource, and we are updating it often. If you have ideas and want to get your hands dirty, or you just have any suggestions, please join one of our UX meetings, check out our repo, or DM us at

    We at The Tor Project are passionate about empowering all sorts of users to protect their privacy and their identity online. We are excited at this latest development and its potential to help our community in its efforts help people around the globe.

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