Communications White Paper... MonkeyNet is here....

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by BTPost, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Pm sent... Check your InBox.....
  2. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    Well you at least need to comms in place before "the end of the world" and you would hope it connects you to people you can trust. United we(monkies) stand, divided we fall.
    Brokor, VisuTrac and BTPost like this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    VisuTrac and BTPost like this.
  4. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    I'm online at home again (woohoo!), but I've been unable to get Service Pack 3 for Win XP. Auto Update runs but doesn't get SP3 and all manual attempts fail.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Our Installer will do that installation, while it is installing the Technology parts of the MonkeyNet Systems. If you PM "Me" I can get the Setup.exe to you.
  6. WindWarrior

    WindWarrior Sea Monkey

    BT, After reading the White Paper, I had a couple of thoughts:

    The main drawback I see in your system is that, for many users, your setup will tie that UserMonkey to a single PC. This is especially true for the GPG software. The workaround is to create a "portable PC" on a flash drive, ipod or other memory device. These virtual PCs plug into the USB port of a real PC, but act as if they were a separate PC. They use software installed on the USB drive and keep all data and traffic info on the flash drive, not on the host computer. OpSec Advantages: a PC that fits in your pocket, can be used from any PC in any location with your own software configured your own way. Easier to hide or destroy than a PC.

    There are several open source, free apps designed for portable use, some specifically with security in mind. Take a look at - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives and specifically at KeePass, FileZilla, Eraser, Private Browsing and SkypePortable (Portable App Directory | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives).

    Also, if you have not already done so, take a look at Tor or similar software ( Tor prevents anybody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked. Tor is free and can be run from a USB device. My understanding is that it works on IRC (chat) and other apps that TX over the internet in addition to browsers. Adding this will help Monkeys retain their anonymity and mask their location. Too late for you and me, I guess...
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Many of us run MonkeyNet from Virtual Machines, which can be run from USB Flash Drives and Memory Sticks. The OnePad and Stego Apps are Windows only Apps, and need to run inside a Windows environment. Yes, many folks prefer to run their GPG System, and Skype, from Linux, or OSX, (Mac) like I do and then run the rest, inside a VM, on their Base OS. There are Offshore Folks looking at writing an Open Source version of OnePad, and Stego, for various OS's, like Linux, Android, and iPad. We haven't heard back, as to if they are going to undertake such a Program, but it is a Possibility.
  8. sniper69

    sniper69 Monkey+

    This does look interesting. Now to do some more reading. :)
  9. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Looking at this from a beginner's perspective, so please bear with me. Am currently concentrating on downloading the recommended apps, and have found two programs called Stego. I believe I know which one, but need to confirm. Are we looking for the Stego by John Walker at
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    No, Monkeys use the that was written specifically for MonkeyNet, by one of our talented Monkeys.... PM "Me" and I will send you the URL that downloads the complete MonkeyNet Package.
    It includes:
    A working pre Microsoft version of Skype.exe
    A solid version of GnPG for Windows
    All the supporting Microsoft files to bring any Version Of XP, up to SP3, and including .net & .frameworks
    A good version of Adobe Reader. (Required to print OnePad PADs)
    and all the required Install files to run from a single Install.exe

    Once those are installed then Monkeys can petition, one of the MonkeyNet Founders Representatives for inclusion into the MonkeyNet User Family. Once approved, then the vetting process leads the candidate thru acquiring, the Operational KeySets and PADs that make MonkeyNet work. Anyone can generate their own KeySets and PADs for their own uses, without being part of MonkeyNet, once they have the ,Apps loaded and working. Our Founders Reps are very discriminating when it comes to deciding who is accepted, but that doesn't mean any Monkey, or group of Monkeys, can't setup their own network, for their own purposes, and SECURE Comms.
  11. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    Since I can't get the Monkey apps to install, would there be any way to link a network of our own built on other architecture to MonkeyNet? Is it totally dependent on using those programs? MonkeyNet might could be the backbone of such a system for people who can use it, but IMO it will take more flexibility at the end-user level to bring in more folks.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Nope, You need NO Computer, to build OnePad PADs.... Just a pencil and paper..... You can design your own, by just using the examples of PADs, in the White Paper.... I like to build an ASCII PAD, and a Symbolic PAD with unmarked Row and Column Addresses. then put the Back to Back, and plasticize them. this is what I gave AlaskaChick, when she deployed with Dr's w/o Boarders both here in the USA & Canada, and when she went to Africa, last year. Should something come up that required SECURE Comms, we could use these PADs via ANY Messaging System Available, between us. (Skype, eMail, Phone, Ham Radio, or even messaging thru a Third Party) All it takes, is a Generated PAD, that is common between the two ends of the link, and a Link, that doesn't even have to be Real Time. The Plasticized Card she had fit right into here Samsong Netbook Carrier, and the was loaded with the MoneyNet.apps, if she needed them. But a simple Grease Pencil, to fill in the Row, Column Addresses, from the Message Key, and a piece of Paper, and your ready to encrypt/decrypt messages. When your done, you just Wash off the Grease Pencil Addresses, and even if they get access to the PAD, later the Message sent os still SECURE. This is wy we use the OnePad system as the last fallback SECURE Messaging System for MonkeyNet. Nothing fancy, it is simple to learn, and use, and it is essentially UnCrackable, by any means, especially if your using the Symbolic PAD system, and you do NOT lose the PAD, to the OPForce. The PAD Security is paramount.... The rest is just window dressing....
    Tully Mars and TheEconomist like this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I would be interested in what your issue is with the install.... You are welcome to start a Conversation with "Me" or another MonkeyNet User, and we would, surely, help in getting you going. I will also help anyone get things going, via a Skype Audio/Video or even Chat session. <btpostak> ......
  14. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    I gave up because it required updating XP core which wasn't working for some reason I can't figure out. I don't have the XP disk(s) and I don't want to go plunk down $150 for a new version of Windows. I considered installing Linux of some form to USB, but backed off. ... I can't afford a nice new little laptop that would run off of battery so the PC won't be available post-SHTF anyway. It's all just too computer and internet focused when I'm trying to focus on off-grid options. I like my radios - tell me how we can use those, and I'm in. Or a 160 char SMS text msg via cell while that lasts. Or ...?
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ok, No Problem... In the simplest form, you can read the Message Block over Voice Channel, or send it with RTTY, AMTOR, or any other Comm Link. The Link TYPE is irrelevant, with this system. You could use Smoke Signals, or a Flashing Mirror... All that is required is that the Generated PAD on both ends be the same.... The Encrypted Message is then, Just a string of Two Character Numbers, preceded by Message Header, that is encrypted from a common Message Header PAD, that is also the SAME, on both ends of the link. The only thing that NEEDS to be HELD CLOSE, Is the Generated PAD, itself, and the Message Header PAD, if you chose to use that Depth of Encryption.
    By using a Message Header, each Message sent can have a different PAD Addressing scheme, which is encoded in the Message Header, and encrypted by the Message Header PAD, and sent either before, or after, the Message Block. Once the Header is decoded, and the Row/Column addressing is transferred to the PAD, you can then proceed to decrypt the Message Block. By using this Depth of Encryption, each message, unique, and it makes any type of Brute Force Cracking totally impossible, even with modern NSA Level Computers. Again, especially if you are using Symbolic PADs, as the Symbolic Phrases can be ANYTHING.
  16. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    I like this, back in 3 weeks, will have a hard look at how to get rolling with it when I'm home again.

    BTPost....looks good, above my knowledge level, but I can learn
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I can not read the white paper. it's in gibberish. i will have to find a app to read it.:(
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It is a .PDF file... I can send it as a .txt file if required...
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Found a way around it. My phone can download and read it. a bit awkward, but do-able. i will read it at lunch tomorrow.
  20. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Okay, I won't say I understand it, because I just skimmed it. I also have NO knowledge of communications, other than being cute on the CB in my dad's 18 wheeler when I was five. I work in a technical bookstore, so I can get the references I need, but it's going to take me some time.
    Does anyone have some suggestions for basic books to understand this? I'm not dumb, just uneducated.
    That aside, it certainly looks like this is being carefully thought through, and careful thought can prevent problems later.
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