Coffee Storage Longterm

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Matteo10572, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Matteo10572

    Matteo10572 Monkey+

    Has Anyone tried this or something like it? It says it is good for 10yrs. Would have to roast it myself. What kind of value do you think it will have in a post SHTF world?

    Green Coffee 25 lb Pail: San Marco Coffee
    Mike likes this.
  2. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i dont kow about everybody else...but when the SHTF and i aint got my coffee...theres gonna be some bad days ahead till i get some...ts pretty dang valuable to me
    Mike likes this.
  3. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Those bricks of vacuum packed coffee, placed in mylar and drown in argon, CO2, oxygen removers, should survive quite a while. Coffee, sugar, tea, and booze are going to be big barter items in a SHTF scenario.
    tulianr likes this.
  4. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    That's one reason I wanna stock up on coffee, bartering after things go PFFFFFFFFFFFT!
    Mike likes this.
  5. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Good choice. It will definitely be one of the hot barter items, since we don't grow coffee in America
  6. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Oh and cocoa powder is another barter item I plan to stock up on. Though I don't know how much will make it to the bartering table ;)
    tulianr likes this.
  7. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Coffee beans can be grown in the southern areas of the country(conus) but it is labor and time intensive. My addiction is more than strong enough that I gave it a try some decades ago. Yield is low comparatively so you're going to be rationing it. Some beans work ok for yield but the flavor is a bit bitter. Fine for me but others may have a more sensitive taste. If I were one of our Hawaii based monkeys,or farther south of centex, I certainly would give it a try again.
    gunbunny and Mike like this.
  8. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    True, and if the SHTF then it would be something to try. In the mean time, there are a lot of folks that would barter well for one of those bricks of coffee, and their attitudes about subtle taste differences (don't take that as a diss on your comment) would expire quickly. Plus, folks would have to get familiar with the coffee percolator again, lol. No more drip grind, unless you had a reliable source of power.
    oldawg likes this.
  9. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    not sure about cocoa powder, but bars of dark chocolate, definitely. The large, storable, bars of dark chocolate. I doubt milk chocolate would store well.
    oldawg likes this.
  10. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Used to get what looked, smelled, and tasted like exlax but called tropical chocolate with our C rats and some of the dates on the cases were over a decade past. The stuff was still good. Of course who would be able to tell the difference between good and bad for "ham and beans"C-rats?
    tulianr and Mike like this.
  11. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    One other thing to consider stocking up on is seasonings. Nutmeg, my favorite - Goya Adobo, cinnamon, sea salt, raw sugar, garlic powder, Boudans crawdad seasoning :p, anything you think would be good to have put away, put it away in numbers. What you don't think you will need, you can barter. It's gonna be a dull dull dull bunch of food out there for a while, lol.
    tulianr likes this.
  12. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Whole beans will retain flavor much longer than ground. We have a substantial amount of both sealed with oxy absorbers...though we do store the beans already roasted. We only started storing the beans about 9-10 years ago, and the latest test showed little degradation of flavor...even in my personal "special" stash of Blue Mt.

    I will mention for the OP that the price on those buckets of green is almost what I paid for the Blue Mt roasted beans (roasted and ground Blue Mt. prices out normally at $20-$35lb retail but ebay is a prepper's friend) If you believe in price shopping (which I very much do), you can do far better for equal quality.

    Spices were about #3 on the list of food items (after beans and rice) when we first started long term storage 30 years ago...and is (imo) one of the most important items. Don't forget chili powder and cumin seed...or bottles of tabasco :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2014
    tulianr, kellory and Mike like this.
  13. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    I agree, Pax, completely. The only thing I really like about the freeze dried bricks is they are vacuum packed little rectangular pound things that store readily, are already ground and that saves room. Room is going to be a premium. I like your idea, though, for what I would keep for me, lol. The other, mostly barter stuff. I like some coffee, but not as much as when I was military.

    One other thing would be the liquid spices, like pure vanilla bean extract and peppermint oil. If kept in dark sealed environments it should keep for an extended period. Might even consider getting them in gallon can containers.

    Soy Sauce!!! Rice is just rice without Soy Sauce, lol. Also, can vegetable oil be stored over a long period in food quality containers? Making rice is going to need a bit of oil, as other recipes will also need. Or will lard based products from butchering be the way to go
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2014
  14. Matteo10572

    Matteo10572 Monkey+

    I would definitely price shop. All of the info that I have seen so far indicates that green unroasted coffee beans can be stored for the longest. That is why I used that example. Whole roasted is next longest storage longevity and ground roast has the shortest life when stored. I am sure this is subject to how it is stored and what an individuals definition of drinkable coffee is. I guess another benefit to storing green unroasted beans is that you could always plant them and have your own coffee plantation after SHTF.
    kellory and Mike like this.
  15. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Good to be always thinking. Like that
  16. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Glad you ask.

    Just monday I opened a 3 lb can of Hills Bros Coffee from 1999. Y2K Stuff. This was in a vacuum packed number 10 CAN with a steel top and bottom. The vacuum was still evident with the Hisssss...... The coffee is OK and works for morning brew but the smell is not there as fresh would be.

    I doubt this will work on the newer canned coffees because most are not vacuum packed and come in composite fiber board and mylar containers.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I suspect if you grind your own Beans, that the Beans could be Vacuum Packed for Long Tern Storage...... in a CO2 or Nitrogen Flooded Pack....
    Dunerunner and Mike like this.
  18. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    thats not technically true....MRE'S come with a packet of instant least they did back when i was in the military...or people could just stock up on instant coffee packets...either way i plan to have my coffee
  19. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Recon, was talking about the bricks of vacuum packed ground coffee. Can't remember the name of the coffee, but they used to be pretty plentiful. MRE's come with instant coffee. Is that what you meant, or that you wouldn't need coffee as you have MRE's with the coffee packs?
  20. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    yeah...if they still do...MRE's come with small one cup instant coffee packs as an alternative if a person cant get there hands on a perculator...and no ill need coffee lol...i have to have at least 2 cups every mornin just to get goin...although i am thinkin of possibly storing up at least a months worth of MRE's along side my other food storage just in case.....and the grocery stores still sell small bricks of vaccuum sealed least here at Food Lion they do.
    tulianr and Mike like this.
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