quick reference file

reference charts for various tasks

Tilley Collapsible Shade

OK top ring is 196mm dia. Bottom ring is 343mm dia. Mid ring is 112mm dia. The bottom ring is free floating and not conected to the top ring. Centre ring is fixed to the top ring with three equidistant rods. Inner ring is 50mmm below the top ring. The three connecting rods are about 65mm long. Neal

15 Aug 2024

Parchment Shade Length Down Side

"I have one original shade that is on a 139 and it's exact measurements are 13" bottom diameter, 8" top diameter, and 8 1/4" high. Just a heads up, don't get one with too much taper or the top might get hot."

15 Aug 2024

Tank conversion to white gas or kerosene.

CraterEddie method. Fittings are easier to find than Pancho's Y fittings.

03 Mar 2024
hot diggity, Nov 22, 2020
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