The purpose of this field manual (FM) is to provide doctrine and training procedures for unit field
sanitation teams (FST). In addition, a training program in the application of personal protective measures
(PPM) is included for personnel appointed as members of the FST for each company, troop, or battery.
This publication contains a proposed 20-hour master training schedule which may be adjusted as necessary;
a text that may serve as reference material for the FST instructor; and supporting illustrations for the
instructors assigned the training task. This publication provides guidance to the commanders, unit leaders,
and soldiers for implementing unit field sanitation and preventive medicine (PVNTMED) measures in the
field. This publication is written to further aid the commander and his unit leaders in the continuing effort
of reducing the disease and nonbattle injury (DNBI) rates during deployments.
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The purpose of this field manual (FM) is to provide doctrine for unit field sanitation teams