Everything you need for your next outdoor adventure in one kit! The Kelly Kettle Ultimate Base Camp Kit is a great all-in-one camping set that is...
Got a new piece of gear that anyone could build a kit around.[MEDIA]
Just an idea for making a meal more efficiently in the field.[ 1 meal, 1 drink, 1 fuel tab, & no cleanup.[MEDIA]
There have been times when things were tight, especially during this Covid-19 lock down. Just a few of my go to meals that last more than one...
Thought I'd pass along some cooking videos from people I subscribe to on Youtube. This morning I'm watching my favorite Italian making yeast...
I use dried buttermilk for dressings, dips, seasoning Dry Homemade Buttermilk Dressing & Spicy Cracker Recipes Heavy cream dried is great to add...
I inadvertently defrosted a beef tenderloin. I had just cooked one and wanted to try something different. I got to looking around and had...
Quantities are per person, measurements are metric: Potatoes and noodles are staples for these recipes. Pichelsteiner Gemuesetopf 30 grams...
Soup is always a great meal, warm comforting and easy. From your current stores What could you make today? Onion Soup 1/4 cup dried onion...
Has anyone every tried this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011D5LEVY/?tag=survivalmonke-20
A week or two back, I added a resource on Making Charcoal. Now, I have never made my own charcoal, due to having resided in Southeast Asia for so...
I never knew they could be so good. Although some Third-World countries have "big-box" stores, Cambodia is a bit sparse in that area. (There are...
In some parts of the world, they are called Upesi Stoves. I'm not sure of the Khmer name for this particular stove, here in Cambodia. But, they...
US Department of Agriculture, Complete Guide to Home Canning Guide 2 - Selecting, Preparing, and Canning Fruit and Fruit Products [IMG]
Information on smoking and curing meat in a smokehouse. Plan files included in this file of five separate titles. A list of the 5 titles included...
Asisa-off-grid has posted a series of excellent how to do's on cheese making, please read them, and in the most detailed one they use a small...
101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes [img]
Not much to say, aside from some of them look to be pretty good eatin'. Gonna try a few here at the farm, in fact. [img]
This is a 126 page resource, with a glossary and a trouble shooting chart at the end of it. [ATTACH] [IMG]
At the end of this eBook, it even provides recipes for all natural personal hygiene. [ATTACH] Regardless of what reality TV would have you...
Where I come from in the South, we called them beanie wienies, or beans and franks. One of my favorite meals as a boy. I still enjoy them today. -...
A simple, short resource to follow. 12 pages. Creating the second book in our series, Printable Recipes for Home Cheese Making has been filled...
A simple, short resource to follow. 14 pages. I‘m super excited to share our first home cheese making e-book with you! The recipes in this book...
This PDF is totally unrelated to the previous resource, "Crock Pot Recipes i". [img]
This PDF is totally unrelated to the next resource, "Crock Pot Recipes ii". [IMG]
I happen to (loosely) follow permies.com. I apparently missed their new Kickstarter project, a rocket oven. Don't know how many may be interested...
Interesting article. Don't soak your dried beans! Now even the cool kids agree Pretty scientific in a shade-tree kitchen sort of way. Notice...
Amongst the things to prepare for if it all goes to hell on MotoMom34 helpful link,...
The download is the list of ingredients to store Recipes are at the following links Recipe - CONDIMENTS from scratch with shopping list |...
Hello. I'm new here and want to be sure that I don't start off on the wrong foot... I'm giving away a free Sputnik Wood Cook Stove ($175) to try...
Separate names with a comma.