Everyone has a story or a reason, what is yours? For me it was a number of things, growing up on a farm, hunting and fishing, gardening, Boy...
After prepping for a short term interruption in food and necessities, it is ominously apparent that you cannot prep enough. Those with land, good...
Times have changed, at least from my perspective. I cannot depend upon the economy, food supply chain, utility services, banking, or availability...
Although I do not believe the corona virus is much of a threat to the heath of Americans, it does bring to light our need, as preppers and...
With all the stuff in the news about pioneering lifestyles, raising your own food, and various ways how it can kill you.......makes me wonder if...
here's an article that's probably one of the better that I've seen in a year or two - 100% on target - and it just happens to preach my mantra...
Greetings: First, if there is a more appropriate forum, please feel free to move this thread there. During the time I have been an active...
Interesting article. These people live far, far from anyone. They are not 100% self-sufficient but it is an interesting article. I imagine they...
Greetings Fellow Primates: On June 3rd, in a super secret forum on this site, the name and very discreet location I must never divulge, I posted...
Grid Failure is one of the more likely scenarios for TEOTWAWKI-Day and dying of thirst three days later will probably be an unavoidable...
Brokor submitted a new resource: The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency - Self Sufficiency Author: John Seymour - 258 Pages - No copyright How...
Author: John Seymour - 258 Pages - No copyright How to: plow a field, sow wheat, plant corn, make hay, malt barley, rotate crops, grow...
Making Your Own Deodorant (the easy way) [ATTACH] INGREDIENTS: Baking Soda Powder (sodium bicarbonate) Potato Starch Powder (or any starch you...
Dental Care 101 (Self Reliance Method) [ATTACH] How To Make Your Own Tooth Powder: Use all dry ingredients. Natural and edible, so if you...
Does anyone have experience with off grid clothes washing? I am looking for Ideas about this
http://inhabitat.com/human-powered-giradora-washer-needs-no-electricity-and-costs-only-40/ Looks better than the one that has a hand crank.
I have always thought that it was a "cool" thing to be able to know how to make laundry detergent and soap. I get a feeling of self-reliance...
You can make almost any household product you want to if you want to save money and have a little time. I "google"d how to make laundry detergent...
My wife and I have decided to start raising rabbits for food. Rabbits because we live in a small town and they are not considered livestock...
Well, the weather here has cooled down nicely and we have had the top highs around 50 this week and lows in the 20s or so. So when I saw the...
Guns, food storage and so on is great but the stored food will run out and if you starve to death the guns do you no good, so in my opinion...
I was in chat the other day talking to one of the folks here about what I refer to as self reliance. Its the plan I use for both being prepaired...
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