March Exciting Offers waiting for you [IMG] Freeze Dried Food Canned Meat Berkey Water Flters Sea Eagle Boats Bikes March Month Offers "March...
I've done bacon on my BBQ, in a pan on the stovetop, on a griddle over the coals of a campfire and baked in the oven. I really have no preference...
Costco had these storage for $7.49 in July I think they are $8.49 now we picked up a few and they have held up well. [IMG] [IMG]
TnAndy just posted a post on canning grape juice with some old canning lids. While the experiment is still in progress, I would love to hear...
I have a line on squash and potatoes but do not have much freezer space. My basement is not sealed and since I am in a rental, not worth my $$ to...
Our two grape vines were loaded this year, so we've made/canned about 6 gallons of grape juice. About one bushel of grapes yields 45lbs of...
Harbor freight has these for $5 great little storage bins in a box. I use for small screws, command strips, seeds, crafting and sewing items. 25...
Some States remain restricted with respect to gathering size, the number of people allowed in stores and some businesses mandated to be closed...
I use dried buttermilk for dressings, dips, seasoning Dry Homemade Buttermilk Dressing & Spicy Cracker Recipes Heavy cream dried is great to add...
Basic Long Term Storage (LTS) Foods. This covers Chow - Rice, Beans, Wheat, Milk (Non-fat, Non-instant dry milk), salt and honey. This does not...
Before anyone says anything I've been trying to post pics and for some reason my laptop isn't getting them from my phone-I'll add them as soon as...
[img] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Two different methods to store onions - the first video uses a sting loop, the second uses a more classic plaiting with...
The download is the list of ingredients to store Recipes are at the following links Recipe - CONDIMENTS from scratch with shopping list |...
I bought quite a few cans of cheese years ago. I have no idea of the shelve life and the printing on the bottom makes no sense. Most would say eat...
[IMG] So today I was working on updating food storage containers and doing some vacuum pack on new stores. I cracked a case that was older and...
*** Sorry for the tardiness of the post. I was up until the wee hours of the morning Thursday/Friday and actually slept in today. Yes, it's...
We currently have a new Samsung 216 liters (7.63 cu. ft.) inverter refrigerator. Since we are moving out to the farm 30 kilometers (~18 miles)...
This is an interesting post with a month of meals, including using leftovers I look at these as adding to the creative ways to use stores. As...
Recently, I put up 40 pounds of potato flakes in 1 gallon Mylar bags. Each bag contains ~2 pounds (actually 1 Kilogram). I normally don't use...
As a child my family canned and stored food. When I left home I did not do any of that until I hit my 30's. At which point I just made sure I...
Did you know you can make great greek yogurt from Powdered milk? DO NOT USE 'NONFAT MILK' You can buy the right kind of dried milk here...
I thought this was a good idea for an inexpensive rack for canned goods using a group of pallets [ATTACH]
I promised one of the wonderful Monkey Mods that I would try to post a real prep oriented thread as penance for shamelessly hijacking one on...
I found this the other day and think it's great storage for tin canned goods. I wish I had something similar for canned (in glass) a system that...
Store what you eat and eat what you store. According to what I have read oats are one grain that has an exceptionally long shelf/storage life....
I've waited a couple months for these to go on sale (once I decided I needed more shelves), and thought I'd let everyone know about it as well, in...
I just had to post this... for the engineering types out there. :D [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I am sure this has been posted in one form or another, but here it is again to remind any new folks. . Here’s the list, and if you think of...
You can fit around 65 rounds of .22lr ammo in a pill bottle. Depending on the pharmacy, some of the bottles are water-resistant. You could also...
After reading conflicting ideas on seed storage temperatures I decided to try a quick experiment to see if there was anything to it. What I was...
Separate names with a comma.