How divided is the country. Division by ethics, belief, philosophy, values, politics, social issues, etc. and how can we once again become a...
OK, My money isn't going as far as it did prior to 2020 and I find that come week three of the month my allotted budget for food is already spent....
Not much talk about it, and even I thought it would only be temporary, with Covid and all, but local shelves have been empty of the most common...
I started thinking, several years ago; what it would take to survive a World wide economic collapse. There would be no food production, no water...
Locally, winter has arrived. Given our recent 7.2 shaker, one begins to think hard about staying warm if there is a utility failure.... I have...
Survival Transportation... I have run several scenarios with this one issue always being, well; an issue. First, cars, trucks, ATVs and all...
Moto tagged me in a thread about edible plants and many thought it would make a great TOTM, so here it is! Here in the PNW, there are wild...
In some areas it is still spring, winter in others... Just wondering how the gardens are doing? Did you prep the soil over winter or not have to?...
You go fishing in a semi-remote area that is infrequently visited. It is a small stream you are very familiar with and the fishing is generally...
May is spring and spring is considered the time of awakening, a reset. For many of us the cold weather is leaving, the days are getting warmer and...
Topic of the month will be a time of knowing your threats around you, what to do and how to respond. This is a today threat, not just during SHTF....
The Venerable, Ubiquitous Get Home Bag (GHB) Ah the Get Home Bag (GHB). A version of the Bug Out Bag (BOB), but not...quite, the same. So, much...
What if... You, and your family of four, choose to move to a 50 acre piece of unimproved land to better your chances of survival in an...
What if... You and your best friend decide to do a one week guided hunt in remote Alaska. You are both in good physical condition and have been...
What if... Your income stops and you do not have anything but your savings. No CD's, No investments, no IRA, just a bank savings account of...
Topic of the Month will be re-opening February 2018. I think one of our members summed things up nicely: @duane said: Long past time to worry...
With nods to @GOG, @Salted Weapon, @UncleMorgan, @Motomom34, @duane, @enloopious, and @Yard Dart dart for indirect and direct hints toward the...
Often I hear that manners are lacking or today's youth has no standards. People seem to crave the past values. I am raising kids, almost done but...
Memes are a thing of the times. My children were floored when I said the word meme and could define what it meant (a picture with words/saying)....
*** Sorry for the tardiness of the post. I was up until the wee hours of the morning Thursday/Friday and actually slept in today. Yes, it's...
So you just received notice that the river is going to breach the levy in an hour…. Or let’s say the large fire on the other ridge-line is moving...
As a prepper one is introduced to the concept of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) blast and the aftermath through books like One Second After and...
Topic of the Month January is Search and Rescue. Search and Rescue is a broad topic, it can range from searching for a lost person to aiding and...
As the year comes to a close, we have all learned some nuggets of knowledge and done a little more each day, to be better prepared for what may...
[IMG] It had been too long since I'd last had a fire. The next morning the smell of wood-smoke on my shirt stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t...
Topic of the month is more of an exercise. Turn this location into a homestead, a fortified home that you could ride out the apocalypse in. It is...
Putting a call out to all monkeys- Looking for suggestions for Topic of the Month: Usually the clubhouse is polled but I decided to open this...
There are many degrees of addiction, mild addictions maybe one or two cups of coffee or a few teaspoons of sugar. Or extreme addictions, where an...
There is a new movement, a hip new way of eating called Farm to Table. There are restaurants that specialize in this, serving locally grown food....
“Amateurs study strategy, professionals study logistics” This month think logistics, things you can set in place now for when you need them...
Separate names with a comma.