10 ga. single shot shotgun.

Discussion in 'Firearms and Related' started by Huntinbull, Jul 25, 2011.

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  1. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    I have a Harrington & Richardson single shot 10ga. for sale. It has a 30" barrel with a fixed full choke. It patterns well and is not too harsh to fire. I am asking $180 OBO for this firearm. Please PM or email me if interested. I can email pictures and may be able to get pictures on the post in the morning.
  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Sounds awesome....!
    I may be interested, how soon do you need to part with it?
    I'm on a "fixed" income and have to play the odds as it were!
  3. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    Whenever it goes it goes. I just lost my job so getting rid of some of the toys to keep the cash flow going. If you need to wait til after the third to make sure the checks go out, Scary stuff going on in the DC. Just PM when you want to get it. If I still have it, it is yours.
  4. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    Accepting offers. Checked and the barrel is 36" long not 30".
  5. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    Removing ad due to lack of response. Pm if interested.
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