Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by tacmotusn, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. scrapman21009

    scrapman21009 Chupacabra Hunter

    Not so lucky, stuck in Maryland, but at least I am in Harford County, the last bit of blue in this state

    Gotta go, I hear obummers goons pinging my IP (y)
  2. gprod55

    gprod55 Monkey+++

    Time will tell. Better to be prepared and not need it then to not be prepared and need it.

    My idea of gun control. Use 2 hands
  3. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    OMG! The gov't would never lie to us? WOULD IT?! Roswell, the gov't ADMITTED it lied sixteen times (last time I looked, could be up to twenty times now) and NOW, out of the goodness of their little hearts, will NOW tell us the truth about Roswell....or not.

    Yes, this will probably get me thrown off the list, but the truth is out there! The US Gov't (official Army report) ADMITTED it lied about the "holocaust death camps" but you never hear one word about that in the press. Want the truth? The US bombed the railroads and no food/good could get through. WHY would the Germans gas jews? It costs $15.00 to GAS someone, it costs fifteen CENTS to shoot them! Actually LOOK at the camp movies of the "liberation" the camp Commandant is skin and bones! Look at the bodies going to the pits, GERMAN SOLDERERS TOO! Go look up the 1918 LOOK Mag about WWI "death camps". Look up the Jewish Encyclopedia form 1939 and the next one put out in 1946 and compare the numbers and WHERE the numbers are.

    WHY are the moderators so afraid of the truth about reloading presses?

    We are not afraid of any truths. Stick to the topic next time you are allowed to sign in. - ghrit
  4. Paul 2.0

    Paul 2.0 Monkey+

    Kinda like the Alex Jones, I like to listen to him because he is entertaining, part of me wants to think he is a loony toon, but lately......he's been rather spot on. Especially with the American detaining thing.
  5. rcsaxby

    rcsaxby Monkey

    "I don't believe in conspiracies". I actually have people tell me that when I talk about stuff like this in this article. I mean, how can you not believe in conspiracies. It's like people literally are making themselves not believe in things that actually happen. Conspiracies do happen and they are dis proven and proven all the time. Here they have been proven.
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Washington DC has re-interpreted the SCOTUS decision to mean your RKBA is only inside your house..
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