I was just wondering if anyone knoew if 1984 had ever been made into a movie and if so what the movie was clled? I havent been able to find it and figure I would like to have a copy if its out there so I could show it to some friends who might not read the book. Also whatare some other movies from similar books? Stuff like unintended consiquences and so on.
Amazon.com: 1984 [VHS]: John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton, Cyril Cusack, Gregor Fisher, James Walker, Andrew @@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51SZ0Z8ZGGL.@@AMEPARAM@@51SZ0Z8ZGGL scroll down to the "customers also bought" for more..."brazil" is along the same lines; thx1138 is a futuristic techno -tyranny...
perhaps the local library? dump it to a dvd..I forget I'm spoiled with a pretty decent cable modem...