2 More Days (thru 11/20)-Butter/cheese & more new foods SALE

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by JC Refuge, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    [FONT=Verdana,Arial]Only two more days
    for our current sale prices on the canned Red Feather butter and cheese package, as well as the many other new food products listed in our sale category.

    At the Survival Podcast site,

    we now have our own Safecastle marketplace forum. Feel free to start up a thread if you have any comments or questions, etc. Ben, my son, is going to be moderating our forum, so let's keep him busy!

    BTW, if you are not familiar with Jack Spirko's excellent podcasts and the broad range of survival resources at his site--check it out.


    Roli Delgado, the mixed martial arts fighter

    (and Safecastle Royal member) who we sponsored in UFC 105, was seen around the world this past Saturday night in a very tough matchup. He was KOed but is now just fine and back with his family in the USA. He told me this morning that he's a fighter, that he feels great, and he's ready to get right back to business.

    It struck me afterwards that his great attitude has a lot to do with who we are at Safecastle, and I know with you as well. Preparedness is about nothing at all if it is not about getting back up again and getting back to work after being knocked down.

    I'm grateful to Roli for the opportunity to have some of his fighting spirit rub off on us. We look forward to his next fight--and ours too.

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