Flu 2 More Die as Bird Flu Continues Spreading to Humans in Egyp

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by E.L., Jan 1, 2007.

  1. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member


    2 More Die as Bird Flu Continues Spreading to Humans in Egypt </NYT_HEADLINE><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript>function getSharePasskey() { return 'ex=157680000&en=daa535826f948bca&ei=5124';}</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript>function getShareURL() { return encodeURIComponent('http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/27/world/africa/27flu.html');}function getShareHeadline() { return encodeURIComponent('2 More Die as Bird Flu Continues Spreading to Humans in Egypt');}function getShareDescription() { return encodeURIComponent('A 15-year-old girl died, a day after the death of a woman in her 30s whose family members showed symptoms of infection.');}function getShareKeywords() { return encodeURIComponent('Avian Influenza,Medicine and Health,Poultry,Egypt');}function getShareSection() { return encodeURIComponent('world');}function getShareSectionDisplay() { return encodeURIComponent('');}function getShareByline() { return encodeURIComponent('By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.');}function getSharePubdate() { return encodeURIComponent('December 27, 2006');}</SCRIPT>
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    <NYT_BYLINE version="1.0" type=" ">By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
    </NYT_BYLINE>Published: December 27, 2006
    <NYT_TEXT>Several cases of avian flu have spread from poultry to humans in the Nile Delta, Egyptian health authorities said this week as they worked to end the outbreak among chickens and ducks.
    A 15-year-old girl died Monday, a day after the death of a woman in her 30s whose family members showed symptoms of infection.
    Egypt has reported nine confirmed human deaths from H5N1 avian flu since it was first found in birds in February and in a person in March.
    At that time, health and veterinary authorities canceled a duck-hunting season, banned imports of live birds and forbade city dwellers to raise birds at home.
    Officials also began culling diseased flocks and vaccinating healthy ones. They ran into early problems like vaccine shortages and widespread disregard for the new regulations by poor rural people who could ill afford to lose birds raised for food and sale.
    An Egyptian newspaper, The Daily Star, reported that 30 million birds had been slaughtered since then, mostly from the poultry industry, which suffered major losses.
    Reports of the disease tapered off over the summer, but reappeared in September in the delta, an important stopover for migrating birds. Many move through in December, and even in hot countries the disease peaks in cooler months.
    The Egyptian Health Ministry offered sketchy details on the deaths.
    It sometimes takes the World Health Organization several days to confirm cases.
    Local news media reports suggest that there have been about 20 suspected human cases in northern Egypt.
    At least three were among 33 members of an extended family that lived in a compound in Hanut in Gharbiya Province. The woman, who died last weekend; her brother; and a niece were said to have fallen ill after slaughtering ducks for a cousin’s wedding.
    Local reports said the authorities had declared an emergency and were trying to kill all the birds for a quarter-mile around the compound, but were frustrated by residents who hid birds under beds. Slaughtered birds were buried at a cemetery, streets were cleaned, and all 33 family members were tested.
    As of the latest W.H.O. update on Nov. 29, avian flu had infected 258 people worldwide, killing 154 of them. Indonesia had the most deaths, followed by Vietnam and Thailand. But Indonesia, Egypt and possibly China appear to have the most active outbreaks at the moment.
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