I picked up 2 "new" firearms last week. One was a "commemorative" Win 94 in .44-40. The stock is cracked and there is no box, so, to me, there is no "collector" value it it', I'll be shootin' it soon. The other is a Win '06 .22 s,l,& lr pump action. both of these guns were on consignment at the range where I work part time, they have been there since '04 so I made a low ball offer and it was accepted. (Also included with these rifles were 5 black powder/replica pistols). Anyhow, I cleaned up the '06. The action was real sticky after having sat for 6 years. Now it's nice & smooth. And man, is this little rifle accurate!! At 15 yards I'm holding a < 1" group from a standing position. I'm lovin' it!! Pics will be done soon (gotta do them for insurance anyway).
They both sound like nice guns to have and forget that o collector value as far as I am concerned the true value of a gun is in the fun it brings you shooting it and perhaps customizing it to your likes . I don't think I could ever be so wealthy that I could resist the urge to shoot a weapon in my possion it would be like having a lovely lady in your Bed and not being allowed to make love to her , just aint right !!
I'm feeling a little down for that reason right now- Not only have I been unable to bring myself to shoot my 303, my 35 Rem, or my 444 due to limited ammo stashes, BUT! I also have a new 40 cal and a new (purchased used) 45 that I haven't shot- and there's so much snow here I don't believe my 2WD pickup should be trying to get up the hill leaving the range... I have more than a thousand rounds of primed pistol ammo- no bullets to load 'em... So I just sit here and watch the new puppies eat. HEY! What kinda BP pistols did ya (the OP) get?? HMMMMM????
Both BP pistols are "cheap" italian replicas. One is made by "A.S.M." in Italy. About a 10" barrel and brass frame, in 44 cal The other is made by "f llipietta". It has about a 6" barrel and is also 44 cal. It has a brass frame with the barrel and cylinder having some engraving on it. I got this one apart, but for the life of me I cannot get the insert that you take out to separate the barrel from the frame back in. Oh well. I'll take some pics when I get my camera back from my MIL.