
Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Seacowboys, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    BTW, I am sure it is Damascus barreled, the proof is from 1853 Belgium for Damascus
  2. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    BTW one of the coolest things I ever worked on was this old 2 ga deck mount shotgun for a Maritime Museum...

    it was a breach loader and used to repel borders during the Spanish American War... never did get to test fire it though... it took an enormous cartridge and we just didn't have one...
  3. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    If I can find the time... I might be able to drag up a Exploded view of the trigger assembly... get you some specs you can take to a machinist... but don't get your hopes up... there's not a lot of info on those old 4 bores and it's like their all one of a kind...
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I appreciate that Dave, I have a big lathe, a CNC milling machine, a unimat jewlers lathe, and a miniture milling machine but my tool and die maker died and I can't afford to hire another one. And winter is gettinghere so I'll have a bit more time for shop puttering.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Thanks Ghrit, I'll send them a link to this thread and maybe they can help.
  7. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    They might help....
    but I warn you now...

    the Rifle Shoppe has horrible customer service...
    cant tell you how many times I've called them only to be put on hold until I just gave up and hung up or they just dont answer the damn phone...

    try these guys instead
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    OK, thanks guys, you have now succeeded in pushing one of my roundtoits to the top of the pile inspite of my waning budget.
  9. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Make sure and get some video of it being fired. I've shot 50 BMG's and 458 WM's, but this brings it up to another level. Ouch!
  10. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Nah, muzzle points the wrong direction.
    Alpha Dog, Sapper John and ghrit like this.
  11. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    You guys know you let GunKid go to soon... why I bet if he were here he'd have this old 4-bore fixed up in no time... might even add a few interesting mods too???
  12. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I want that..
  13. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    That my friend is a M242 25 mm Chain gun

    Typically they shoot the M919 Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot With Tracer (APFSDS-T)

    hows that for a Kentucky squirrely rifle,,,, :D
    Sapper John likes this.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Ahhhh---. Depleted uranium penetrator. Takes barking squirrels to a new level. Why chip the bark when you can take out the tree?

    I don't want one, 'cause if I had one, I'd leave nothing for the kids to burn up and all my preps would go into ammo for it. That said ---
    Sapper John and GrandpaDave like this.
  15. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    Well if you were to prep for a Demon-nazi-ninja-zombie attack... this is the gun you want... Yeah I know, my wife wouldn't buy that line either...
    Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  16. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    You already own it with your taxes paid, they just won't give it to you!
  17. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    Hell I was a Marine Corps Armorer and they wouldn't even let me touch one... seems the fellows who arm and maintain assault aircraft go to different schools than the rest of us.... Oh sure I had to order the parts... but you think they'd let me squeeze off a few practice rounds... you know, just to make sure it works... wasn't going to happen...\
    sighs I get no [respect]
  18. Mikeyhimself

    Mikeyhimself Monkey+

    i would have paid much much more than $150 for a 4bore in worse condition.
  19. Mikeyhimself

    Mikeyhimself Monkey+

    Sorry Grandpa but you are mistaken. That is a 30mm hughes. The rounds you are refering to are to the common 25mm bushmaster on the Bradleys.
  20. Mikeyhimself

    Mikeyhimself Monkey+

    pretty close, but the 25mm cartridge is much larger than the one for the M230 Hughes. the 30mm Cartridge isnt necked at all. and much shorter. I was a Bradley Section Commander in 4ID. the cool thing about the25mm isnt even the chaingun itself although it has been known to cause erections uppon firing, but rather the fire control systems. while using the Commanders independent viewer and gunners station, leading vehicles in the retical is not necessary, the computer matches the speed at which it is being tracked and computes the adjustments based off that and the range fed by the laser range finder. the computer also has ballistic data on the HE and AP rounds. the HE round is fired at a High tragectory slow round whereas the AP is shot at a straight high velocity path. at a 3000 meter target you can shoot a burst of HE, cycle over to AP and shoot another burst and the rounds will hit almost simultaniously... if your gunner is **** hot. See ya later zombies...
    GrandpaDave likes this.
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